HELP I ate too many calories :|



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    So why don't you make this easy on yourself and eat 20% below your TDEE?

    That's 2400 calories, and you don't have to worry about eating this back or that back.

    I'm presuming your TDEE is calculated correctly in making this post.

    Edited because I missed the 2700 TDEE for maintenance. That is 2160 calories to lose if you subtract 20%. Since you don't have much to lose, I wouldn't cut any more drastically than that. Heck, if you wanted to take the loss slower, you could eat 2400 calories and still lose, just at a slower pace.

    It is correct, according to three different calculators. I will try eating 2100 daily for a week, see how that goes. If it's not working I'll pick it up a bit, I'm in no rush. Thanks!

    Just remember that when you use this method, you don't eat back exercise calories. It's a straight number. Recalculate it and adjust accordingly ever 5-10 pounds lost. Since you only have 4 kg to lose, you probably won't need to adjust.
  • Virtue3
    I hope you're getting enough protein man. Losing weight that fast is probably approaching some very serious lean body mass loss as well as fat. AKA you're looking at more than half the weightloss being muscle loss.

    I generally don't trust the calorie counts (especially from this site as they are WAY way too generous. Your body gets adapted to exercise incredibly easy and will be much more efficient at things you do all the time).
  • mauridaher
    mauridaher Posts: 55 Member
    I hope you're getting enough protein man. Losing weight that fast is probably approaching some very serious lean body mass loss as well as fat. AKA you're looking at more than half the weightloss being muscle loss.

    I generally don't trust the calorie counts (especially from this site as they are WAY way too generous. Your body gets adapted to exercise incredibly easy and will be much more efficient at things you do all the time).

    I take whey to meet my protein requirements, two scoops a day, which I hope is enough (plus the protein I get from food).
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    When do you weigh in??? Last Wed I had a horrible calorie day (all of it was at night too right before bed...pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, cookies LOL) So Thursday I just ate lean and took my body attack class...Friday I ate lean and ran 6 miles, and I was still down 2 lbs on Saturday morning. Mind you I DID NOT under eat the next two days but it was definately cleaner just because of Weds super heavy carb load. By the way, you are HUMAN, these things happen, just don't beat yourself, tomorrow is another day! To be honest I work on a 80/20 plan...I eat clean during the week (except for last Wed obviously) but then just eat whatever on the weekends. I don't feel deprived and having a relaxed weekend is nice because I don't over do but if I want a latte and a doughnut for breakfast and then a cheeseburger for dinner, i am going to have it and not feel bad about it!!! Good luck and don't beat yourself up!
  • NancieFeatherston
    NancieFeatherston Posts: 53 Member
    here is my nat calorie chart for the last 90 days, a lot of the days in the past look low because i recently upped my calories


    you will be fine OP

    COOL! I didn't know you could do that!
  • mauridaher
    mauridaher Posts: 55 Member
    here is my nat calorie chart for the last 90 days, a lot of the days in the past look low because i recently upped my calories


    you will be fine OP

    I see most days you Netted 500 calories below your goal... how much did you lose?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    OP, you shouldn't be shooting for 2 pounds per week loss, that is too aggressive for the amount you need to lose.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Honestly, it was just one day. Do better tomorrow and don't worry about it.

    ^Agreed. You may see a blip on the scale this week because of it, but it's far more likely to be from water retention than actual weight gain.

    +1 Also, you REALLY need to be eating more than 1000 net calories per day.
  • tweetetina
    It happens. Just get back on track and don't beat yourself up over it. One bad meal occasionally will not keep you from meeting long term goals. I actually allow myself one "cheat meal" a week and still a have been losing each week.