If i don't exercise, then I don't get to eat. :(



  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I find that if I plan out my meals and snacks in advance I can almost always stay within my calorie range for the day. Keep in mind that I really restrict my calories and work out at least twice a day. I also tend to underestimate my calories burned so if i go over by 100 at the end of the day it's a wash. That's not truly good advise and I don't recommend restricting too much. It works for me, not everyone. It's very hard to lose such a small amount of weight, I've been trying to lose 10 for a couple of weeks. The others are right... Eat plenty of protein and fiber, veggies and even limited healthy carbs will help to keep you from feeling too hungry. My problem time seems to be around dinner time, I always feel like snacking... Old habits. Through will power, discipline and keeping myself busy I've managed to avoid snacking most nights. Limit sugars too like someone else mentioned. Fruit is yummy but sugar is sugar and it adds up. Good luck and hang in there.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    That's why I exercise! haha!

    In truth, that's why I *started* exercising... I dieted for a long time and lost a quite a bit without any exercise, but wanted to eat a bit more so started running and biking. I do exercise still for other reasons but that's still a big reason for sure.

    It's not a crime. I'm sure Michael Phelps gets all the five dollar foot-long Subway sammiches he can handle.
  • piRsquare
    Thanks everyone, some great suggestions here! This place is super.:)
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Like the title says - if I don't kill a couple of hundred or more calories, somewhere, anywhere, then basically I am insanely hungry and usually run out of calory allowance near the end of the day

    This is why we run.

    Runners. The good cult.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member

    Need to lose about 15-20 pounds,
    On the 1 pound a week loss program

    Change to 1/2 lb per week loss. Problem solved.

    ^this slow and steady wins the race and you don' thave a ton to lose.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I am very lazy and would rather eat less than do 30 mins of cardio. I don't find the extra 200 calories worth it. But any who I also hate being hungry. So aim to eat a lot of low calorie high protein for every meal. Eggs, chicken breasts, pork loin.. they are all your friend.