Any way to stop feeling really tired at around 2:30 pm?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    When I get tired I go hit the stairs. After 4-5 times up six flights of stairs you won't be will be energized!!!!
    I think you are right!
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    Not to be argumentative, but just to say:
    You should not have a slow metabolism, you should have good muscle mass and energy. The way to get energy is to create a demand in your body FOR energy, and you do that by exercising. Your body will promptly respond by producing more energy for the next time you exercise. Some cardio to increase strength of your heart and lungs, and lifting to increase/maintain muscle mass. This is how you get energy and metabolism. But you must fuel your machine for the things you do. So if you don't have the energy to exercise, you need to fuel the exercise by eating something. Hope this helps!:)

    this is excellent advice!!!!!!!