Week 4, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Aww Bru he was the a High colored one he was SOOO Cute!!!
    Thanks :) Yea, he had some beautiful colors :) He was a peach-hypo and such a great and curious personality. Gonna miss him for sure. No more reptiles for us for awhile. Here's a baby pic of him:

    and about 2 years ago:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    Heres my hair after my mini makeover.. I love it.. :)

    I finally weighted myself.. I gained 2 pounds last week. Not too bad for being bad most of the week. Im getting back on track. This will work.. Right?! Lets hope..

    Welcome newbies.. Glad to have you aboard.. We dont follow any certain diet.. We share with one another what does and doesnt work. And we use the tools on MFP to help us achieve our goal. Feel free to join in at anytime.. :)

    Happy Monday all!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    weigh in today for me........I lost 2 lbs!

    Great job!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    Aww man I want that so badly! But there's no way I could afford it :( the joys of being a working student...
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Way to go on the losses and maintains, you guys! Maintains are victories, too. Remember that. :)

    April, your new hair is so cute! I'm digging the red highlights.

    Bru, sorry to hear about your lizard. :( Losing a lovie is so hard. They're not pets, they're family.

    Kitsune, that fox costume is SO cute! I found this one - it isn't as cute as the Yandy one - but it could be a good option! http://www.amazon.com/Costume-SuperCenter-Foxy-Lady-Adult/dp/B000GWHBAE
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Everyone has had some good losses, amazing ladies :D

    April Fab hair it really suits you, I would love that colour but dont think I could pull it off :(

    And Bru so sorry to here about your bad time, he was so cute :(

    I have again not eaten much today and just remembered :( bloody b/f dumped me you see and mind is elsewhere, not sure if it has done my weight good or bad, will see tomo, fingers crossed.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks ladies.. I wanted a change.. and the change worked.. :) I absolutely love it.. I think I found a new hair stylist.. :) hehe!! When I do my make over in July before my reunion Im going there again.. :) If not regularly..

    Hope everyones had a good day.. I have.. Didnt get the cleaning done.. but its been a good day.. :)
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    awwww how sad. I have 4 dogs and change my pictures rotating so they dont feel left out lol. I have a very old pit bull who has become so wrickedy and she is a rescue. I have had her for 10yrs. Im dredding that day. So my sadness is felt with you.
    So I just stumbled upon this 20lb thing. when did you guys start? I have been doing this now for 20ish days. Im not excercise much because I am doiing core stregnthing 2 times a week for a injury. The eliptical only 10mins on that same day. I can do more just need to do it. I was thinking of joining with you guys on this.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    awwww how sad. I have 4 dogs and change my pictures rotating so they dont feel left out lol. I have a very old pit bull who has become so wrickedy and she is a rescue. I have had her for 10yrs. Im dredding that day. So my sadness is felt with you.
    So I just stumbled upon this 20lb thing. when did you guys start? I have been doing this now for 20ish days. Im not excercise much because I am doiing core stregnthing 2 times a week for a injury. The eliptical only 10mins on that same day. I can do more just need to do it. I was thinking of joining with you guys on this.

    This is our 4th week. It doesnt matter if you make it to 20 pounds lost or not.. Its the fact you are trying. And were all getting to know each other really well.. Pinky & Bru, help out when I dont have time.. Welcome aboard.. Looking forward to continuing the journey with you.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome Certified_Femail!

    I need to get myself psyched up about my efforts again. I get all excited and make good choices, but then I get lazy and complacent and make not so good choices. While I've gone over my calories only about two or three times in my time here (25 days), I am being lazy on the exercise. I'm a housewife. I have practically NOTHING else to do during the day aside from housework. Why is it that even though I'm flooded with "me" time, that I have a hard time ramping myself up to use it wisely? Hubby and I are getting out there and being more active, which is definitely a good thing. But, the good solid workouts are lacking.
  • ang696
    ang696 Posts: 38 Member
    Alright, lost 2.6 lbs since last week; here are my numbers!

    H20 Start weight : 253 lb
    Week 4 weight : 245.4 lb

    Total so far.... 7.6 lbs!! 12.4 pounds to go!
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    wow impressive.....ok im coming in on this 4 weeks into it so i have 4 or 5 weeks to lose 10 ok.......well at least 8lb i would be happy with. actually i can just start from the date i started as a newby which was about 3 weeks ago....i just havent weighed....just cant get myself to get on a scale. I should. maybe at the end of this week. man im sitting here talking to myself. lol...patheticness.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Bru~I'm so sorry for you loss, I loss my first baby (Alley the cat!) in 2008 and I was heartbroken. My heart goes out to you.

    Grats everyone who lost or maintained. Weigh in is Thrusday so we shall see. I feel like this week went ok, lots of bike riding. Since it nice and saves me money I've tried to ride my bike wherever I go rather than driving. Hopefully I can keep it up this week too. TOM is here though so I've been feeling yucky today.

    Hope everyone's week goes great!! We're totally doing this!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words. That was not how I wanted to start off my morning yesterday. It did get much worse as 2 hrs later, my Grandpa in law across the street fell and head his head on his concrete driveway. He did that Sunday night and refused to get checked out then between that one and yesterday mornings fall, he fell inside his house 3 other times....he refuses actual help. He just wants us to go and help him up and leave. It's hard to watch my hubby and family always go through this. So hopefully, Grandpa got everyone's message yesterday...

    OK, so enough about my 'poor me' stories..... I know I need to step up my game, I've been slacking, only doing one exercise a day and not hitting my goal of calories burned, since April until about August, I was always at my goal or burning more than my goal. SO I know I need to move it. I'm planning on hitting the park today (whether my 5k buddy comes with or not) and I'm going to run as much as I can. The park has a 1.5miles walking trail, I know I won't be able to do it non-stop, but if I can get in at least one mile then walk for about 3-5min and then start running again then it's something. I did do 30 day shred yesterday, Level 1 Day 3, so I'll do that again tomorrow. I think I'll go for less ompact today and do a Leslie Sansone video.

    Keep on losing all, you are doing very well! ANd welcome to all the newcomers, we have a great group here and share just about anything. Have a great Tuesday all and I'll see ya Friday for my weigh in if not sooner :)

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    welcome all newbies!!
    fantastic day today!I am going to weigh in friday -seems my easiest day so far.
    Been looking into new recipes for fall fare.
    my new goal =one new recipe a week.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Pinky - I know what you mean! Before I got my current job and started up school again I found it difficult to really keep to a schedule. Though I was also depressed because I had no income >.> You can use your lovely doggy as exercise! If there's a park you can take him to run with you, you'd both be getting the exercise you need!

    Bru - Oh my gosh, I don't even really know what to say. I'm so sorry :(

    Congrats on the losses everyone! And best of luck to those that will be weighing in soon!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have again not eaten much today and just remembered :( bloody b/f dumped me you see and mind is elsewhere, not sure if it has done my weight good or bad, will see tomo, fingers crossed.

    I know it's hard sweetie, lemme know if there's anything I can do to help :(
  • aprildauer
    Hi all. I would like to join your challenge. I just found your first thread which I read through and it has brought me to here. I dont know if I will be able to lose 20 by Halloween but any weight loss is ok with me. I just love how you all motivate each other. I wasnt around for the start but I do weigh every week. So my starting weight for this would of been 194, week 2 192.2, week 3 191, and week 4 of 189, 5 lbs total. Im starting a new workout come sunday from beach body so hoping to lose another 10 lbs before Halloween.

    Good luck everyone on your weight loss goals.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have again not eaten much today and just remembered :( bloody b/f dumped me you see and mind is elsewhere, not sure if it has done my weight good or bad, will see tomo, fingers crossed.

    I know it's hard sweetie, lemme know if there's anything I can do to help :(

    Thank you, I am feeling ok now, I got weighed and lost 1lb yay.

    Sw 169
    171 for ages
    CW 168

    19lb to go lol
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Quick update :Grandpa has decided to finally go to the doctor today and they are getting him admitted to the hospital tomorrow to run a variety of tests. I'll keep you all updated as I hear more.

    Now, time to go to my Mother in laws birthday party at the local bar, downfall is that we'll be eating there, so look out sodium :/ Crazy how my brother in laws bday was 9/10, then my hubby 9/13 and their mom on 9/14 I have 4 bdays in December that are the 20th, 24th, and 26th all on my side...craziness I tell ya!