Not enough calories.

Hi. I come from a background of eating whatever I want, however much I want. All I did was avoid REALLY bad things like deep frying, adding 1 cup of cheese to a meal etc most of the time. I could and did eat a large pizza uncomfortably, and frequently gorged myself on huge bowls of pasta with just tomato meant to feed a family of 4+.
I remained "healthy" by eating mostly carbatariain. I don't eat a ton of meat.

Lately I have been spotting for an entire month and my sweat smells sour. I am certainly obese. I am about 5'7" 205lbs.

My problem is my stomach is stretched. I am trying my best but web sites say I should be eating 1200-1300 calories a day. That is ludicrous. I will give you an example of what I eat in hopes you can tell me if I am eating like a 'thin person'. I never have in my whole life, due to bad upbringing I have had 33 years of starve/binge/repeat. I will copy my actual log because 1200 calories makes me want to cry, I am not cutting it. I just hope this place isn't a fruit limiter place because my not having fruit causes binges!

My fail day this week:
2098 calories.

Half a mini watermelon (137cals)

3 cups of puffed wheat (150cals)
1 cup powdered skim milk (86cals)
2 teaspoons sugar (33cals)

1 severing baby carrots (30cals)
1 cup of grapes (100cals)

1 can kippered herring (170cals)
1 can baked beans (440cals)

Felt like I was going to binge so I ate a small handful of sunflower seeds (168cals)

3 cups of puffed wheat (150cals)
1 cup powdered skim milk (86cals)
2 teaspoons sugar (33cals)

Experimental broccoli drink that was gross lol (tasted like grass), 1/4 cup raw broccoli, .5 cup grapes, a Greek yogurt, a small amount of honey, ice and water (195cals)

Evening (about 3 hours before bed I felt hungry again)
1 can of salmon (246cals)

Now I feel I did GREAT but I failed by quite a few calories. I am a binge/stave/repeat kinda person so some days are better than others. One day this week was only 900 calories and included an entire box of wheat thins.

Ok so here is a "good day":
1342cals STILL not 1200.

1 small grapefruit (64cals)

1 cup boiled broccoli (87cals)
2 cup boiled cabbage (135cals)
1 small package of shaved corned beef (90cals)
3 tbs of parm cheese (62cals)
1 tbs omega 3 margarine (for flavor with cheese 103cals)
Picture a big bowl of green slop lol

1 fruit Greek yogurt

1 fruit Greek yogurt (100cals)
1 serving baby carrots (25cals)
.5 cup grapes (66cals)

1 Greek yogurt (100cals)

1 can kippered herring (174cals)
2 oranges (123cals)

My question is, am I eating to be thin? I can't do much better than this but I feel like a failure because 1200cals is not enough!! Do you think if I kept up with this; bad day 2000 cals, good day around 1400, that I will gradually be relatively thin? I have failed before, low carb, buying diet foods that were bad, restricting until I binge and not eating enough fruit causing major depression.

My problem is 50% of me feels like I really got it this time, something sustainable for life. But the other 50% feels like I am still binging. What do you all think? ( Note for mental health I can not give up fruit and the fruit and veg will differ but be generally the same in calories. Like I plan on getting some squash and apples next shop).


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I use this calculator:
    1200 calories seems way to low for you, especially if you are also active.
    I would suggest to look at the calculator, and try to stick between the 2 numbers it gives you. Adjust the settings once you lose weight.

    I'm 5'11", about 165 lbs, and I maintain around 2300-2500 calories.

    You can eat more, what you are doing now is not sustainable, you said it yourself, you don't feel good. Try to eat a bit more.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    As long as you eat fewer calories on average than you need to maintain your current weight, you will lose weight. Even if you only cut by a little, you will slowly lose weight. If you want to lose fast, you have to cut a lot. Your meals look pretty healthy to me. Most people don't have much long turn success losing weight fast.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    1. what is your stats... bodyfat percentage, age, weight, exercise program, etc.
    2. just looking at your daily's it seems you are not eating enough protein and vegetables, you can certainly lay off a little of your simple sugar sources... and replace with complex low GI carb sources like sweet potato, brown rice and maybe a slice of pizza instead of a whole box, all in moderation.

    if you can put all your stats and goal it will be easier for people to give you a more sound advice based on their experience and knowledge, it doesnt hurt to talk to a trainer in your gym as well to point you to the right direction.

    if you have time watch this video, its a 6 part series, jot down notes if you can
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 204.4 right now. I'm eating 1600 calories a day plus at least half of my exercise calories. I'm not hungry, not depraved and I feel successful at this level (about 11lbs so far). Trust these guys when they say eat for your health and to help your body lose.

    Good luck!!!
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    Lately I have been spotting for an entire month and my sweat smells sour. I am certainly obese. I am about 5'7" 205lbs.

    My problem is my stomach is stretched. I am trying my best but web sites say I should be eating 1200-1300 calories a day. That is ludicrous. I will give you an example of what I eat in hopes you can tell me if I am eating like a 'thin person'. I never have in my whole life, due to bad upbringing I have had 33 years of

    find your bodyfat percentage.... when you found out how much is your LEAN BODY MASS here is your daily intake

    LBM X 13 calories = daily intake

    DAILY INTAKE breakdown

    protein 45 percent of daily calories
    carbs 35 percent of daily calories
    fats 20 percent of daily calories

    protein sources lean as possible if you can, if you are a vegetarian that get from plant sources or whey protein, beans etc.
    carbs complex carbs sources and low GI by all means eat simple carbs IN MODERATION so long you are not going overboard your daily calorie, i combined simple, complex and fibrous carbs all day...

    fats... all fats are good in moderation except TRANS FATS.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    At your height and current weight 1200/1300 calories is far too low. You need to calculate
    your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and your TDEE(Total Daily Calorie Expenditure) - there are loads of websites to do this, just Google it - and aim to eat ABOVE your BMR and NO MORE than your TDEE.
  • I used that tool it said my base is 1600 and my expenditure is 2300. So 1200 is not enough! My instinct was right.

    Sweet potato is nice, as I said the vegetables will change, I can only shop a couple times a month hence the repeated foods. The sugars make my brain happy. I do understand about the teaspoons of refined sugar and honey but I read replacements are neurotoxins though I have some in the house, should I switch? Not having sweetness my diet is not negotiable, my body has spoken lol. I have tried lots of things and not having sugar makes me depressed, tired and bingey. Also I don't expect you to understand but I can't just have 1 piece of pizza. I will eat the whole thing feeling more and more fat, guilty and out of control. It is not a willpower thing, I probably need therapy. I will bargain with myself that I will just starve the next day or two.
    Sweet potato is a good alternative to cereal with sugar on it, so you know anything else? Can I have regular potatoes in my usual 1-3 cup amount?

    My goal is reasonable. Maybe 160, in a perfect world 140 but I haven't been that since I was 18. I am 33, 5'7", about 205, 32 bmi, like 40% fat or something. As far as exercise I sit at the computer all day. I try to lift something heavy once a day but I am pretty much a lump. I am looking to change that soon to some brief aerobic activity every day.

    Sunbrooke that makes me feel a bit better, thank you. It is not a race for me, I am too old to go on some high school fad diet lol, plus I tried em all :P... The worse was the apple cider vinegar one, anyone remember that crap? I took a shot of it my 4 day and nearly doubled over in pain haha.

    Sislilbunn. What are you eating? You seem a lot like me needs wise.
  • You know that experimental Broccoli drink? Try adding a banana and almond milk. I do a drink like that, but I use Kale and spinach. It might work.

    Almost forgot to add. I'm trying to figure out the same thing. To meet my goals, I have to eat a horse and a half. I never meet it. I almost don't think that I'm supposed to sometimes.
    Oh good, so that's normal. It is a weird feeling. I obviously know how to eat the wrong foods in massive amounts to get to this size but give me a small plate of healthy food 5 times a day and I feel like it will NEVER work because I am still binging. But then I got a couple hundred calories over 1200 and I feel like a failure then too lol. What you describe sounds similar to how I feel to some extent. Like the numbers can't be right. It's comforting to know I am not the only one.

    You lost 75lbs, you must be doing something right.
  • You are 5'7" 205 pounds and you think you are eating too much???
    You have to be kidding. You dont gain weight from "eating too little".
    You need to have a calorie deficit. 2000 calories a day is way too much.
    And I am sure that you are way over that figure anyway. Less calories and more excercise is the

    Get an RMR test and then start factoring in an excercise program. Eat and prepare consistent meals that are correctly weighed , measured, and calorically calculated. Create a 500/day calorie deficit to lose fat and see where you are in a month. Or not..........
  • scottYBRIDGEW
    I don't understand why you are being mean to me. I felt starving trying to eat 1200 probably because my stomach is stretched. I didn't get fat eating 1200. I said 2000 was a bad day not a good one, except nutritionally. I got fat eating 3000 calorie binges on junk.
    Something seems wrong with you :( for that I am sorry but I have said all this information already.

    And I am NOT way over that, I measured everything and used Fitday.

    I wasn't raised properly so I need help figuring out what to eat? Is that OK with you??
    Furthermore I did not come here to be bullied so take your poor attitude to someone elses' thread, thanks.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    You've already gotten some good advise, folks here won't lead you wrong normally. I started this journey in December, and for the first 2 weeks, I was ravenously hungry every day. I didn't know what I was doing "wrong" at that point.

    Protein and fiber are key for feeling full. Simple carbs give you a burst of energy but don't stay in your system for long, which is why you are feeling hungry again in a couple of hours after cereal or a bowl of pasta. You do not need to give these things up, repeat.. you do not need to give these things up, but try reducing the portion size and adding a protein in its place.

    For example, 1-2 cups of cereal instead of 3 but add 1-2 eggs on the side. Reduce your pasta serving size and add some chicken, turkey, beans, tofu, whatever protein you want. The greek yogurt you've selected is great because it has a lot of protein. :) You're making good selections in adding fruit, salad greens, veggies etc. I think you just need to do some tweaking to find the right combination of foods to create a balanced meal that will keep you full.
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    I aggree with what somebody else said already, eat more lean proteins and vegetables.

    If you ate only broccoli, you would have to eat 7.5 pounds of it in a day to get to 1200 calories. That would definitely stretch a belly out.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    assuming you have a goal weight of 150 and sedentary (no workout / desk job)

    your BMR = 1419 - should not eat less than this
    your TDEE = 1703 - you can eat as much as this.

    it is safe to say that you can eat at roughly 1500 and lose weight. takes longer but you will eventually get there.
    In my opinion you should set your MFP to
    carbs 100
    protein 125
    fats 60
    fiber 30-38
  • ElisabethLynton
    ElisabethLynton Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like your trying really hard, keep up the good work, but don't be to upset with yourself when you get it wrong as this may make you feel it is not worth it. But remember your health is always worth it, so keep pluggin' along.

    I agree with the other posts about adding more protein and vegetables to your diet will make you feel fuller for longer, it's about finding the best bang for the least calories as possible.

    It's also good to note that cravings come in waves. When you have a craving, try to do something to distract yourself until the craving passes. You could try a glass of water or a quick walk around the office then back to your seat or find your favourite song to listen to.

    To introduce some exercise into your day, you could try doing a walk at lunch time. Where I used to work they went together and did a walk around the block every lunch time. It is easy to fit in to your existing day and you will be surprised by how refreshed you mind will be when you get back to the desk.

    Good luck with your goals.
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Ughh.....thanks for the reminder about the apple cider vinegar diet! 30 years later I can't even use it for cooking because the smell brings back horrible deja vu. I wonder if anyone ever lost weight on it because all it did was make me sick.
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    1. You are an adult, while being obese, right. you have to take action, control and responsibility for you, dont blame your past or how you were raised.
    2. take baby steps and dont rush into anything like a fad diet or way of life, this is a life changing experience.
    3. you have to no to yourself, 1 piece of pizza is enough calories add some veggies or healthy substitute for chips or crackers
    4. make smaller meals though out the day instead of 3 big meals
    message me if you need more help.
  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    A friend here on MFP sent me to scooby's workshop. That is how I found out for sure how many calories I needed to be eating to lose weight. I had to play around with macros for awhile and still don't have it perfect, but I'm trying. One of the biggest things that I am doing right now is focusing on fruits and veggies and fiber. I try to get in 35 grams of fiber per day and 8 freggies per day. I don't always make it but doing that this week I finally lost some weight.
  • Babes stay away from those canned beans!!!! Sugars and preservatives. Look you have taken the first step and the hardest... Acknowledgement. Check out my meals because I'm at 1200 a day. I'm not always perfect but I've lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. You can do it!!! Oh and get that broccoli outta that drink :P use spinach or kale :)