Not enough calories.



  • freedomlady
    freedomlady Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Erinelda,

    If binging and overeating is the problem it would be good to get some help. The Anderson Method by William Anderson is a great program to help you get your mind convinced that you CAN eat less. Then you will be successful! William Anderson lost 140 pounds and kept it off for the past 28 years. He has a program that you can go through and it works great!!!!! Check him out on the internet.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    They are probably right about the protein. I'm staring to think I need more too. I'm so used to not eating much meat that its hard for me to fit in. Today I added 1/2 a cup of non fat Greek yogurt to my green smoothie. Easy enough :) also, I use kale in our green smoothies. It's worth a shot if you don't like broccoli. It is cheap and it will last longer than some of the other fresh green in the fridge. I wonder how frozen spinach is. It's inexpensive and ready to go...I'm a bit cheap lol.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    what is a carbatarian? only eat carbon based life forms?
  • The way I was raised and poverty there after is why I am struggling though and I am trying rise above for good. It is what it is and I am trying to work through it. It's OK to deal in the truth. I am not dwelling in hatred, this is just my truth.

    Saying no to yourself is fine but I am fairly sure I have an eating disorder. I never WANT to eat a whole pizza and feel like death. I say no to ordering it, no to eating every piece after 2 or 3, I call myself fat and disgusting, I remind myself that men stopped looking at me on the street and that I stopped dating because I look pregnant, then I give up and tell myself I am already fat, bargain that I will just fast after.. So on and so on. It is a nasty starve/binge/repeat cycle I am trying to break because I have had my period for a whole month, huge belly, sleep apnea, poor self image, isolation ..and now my sweat smells.
    That was one too many.

    Due to these facts I threw out all binge triggers a few weeks ago and have been winging it ever since. Throwing out my food is the only way I can say no to myself at the moment. Though the sunflower seeds are in danger of me eating them all like 5 times a day. That's the only binge trigger left in the house though. I messed up so badly 4 times in the past few weeks that I am sure I have lost nothing at all. One day I ordered a pizza and ate it all, also I had a 3 day binge of 3000-5000cals after a shop before I threw out my food.

    Protein and fiber?
    Do you have ideas on proteins that are cheap? Peanut butter and nuts cause a binge. Are there cheap ways to do it? Like buying powder or something?
    I eat like 6 chicken breasts a month. About 5 cans of random fish a month. Some cheese and dairy and that's about it.
    When I subbed vegetables and beans for pasta, and fruit for candy I didn't add more meat :/

    Any tasty, cheap fiber foods? I noticed my puffed wheat is only somehow 1/15th fiber.

    Carbatarian: A slang way of saying I stuffed my face mainly with carbs from pasta and candy lol. Not a lot of meat but not a lot of plants either.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Right off the top of my head, I say get rid of the puffed wheat. It's mostly air and won't keep you satisfied for long. For about the same calories, you can make a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal. I like about half a tablespoon of peanut butter stirred into mine, also some dark cherries (frozen this time of year) or raisins.
  • I found that 1200 calories for me is not nearly enough. You can go to settings and customize the amount of calories. I am only 5'3, but weigh over 200 lbs, so I needed more calories to feel satisfied. I am initially trying 1500 and will adjust down if needed. Hope this is helpful.:smile:
  • 1200 is the absolute minimum anyone should be eating unless they have medical reasons otherwise. You will definitely lose weight eating that amount, but it will be pretty restrictive and you may lose motivation to stay on such a strict plan.

    Try the Harris Benedict Equation to determine your caloric needs:

    I don't know your age, but based on your height/weight and using age 30 as a stand-in your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 1697. That's the amount your body burns functioning, basically. If you're completely sedentary, multiply that by 1.2 and you will get 2036cal per day. That is the amount you need to eat to maintain your weight. If you want to lose weight, a calorie deficit of 500cal is a good place to start. So if you're completely inactive, you should be eating around 1500cal per day.

    If you add light exercise a couple times a week you could consume 1800cal per day and still be losing weight. Add regular, hard exercise and you can eat much much more.

    For perspective, I'm 5'7" 126lbs and exercise hard 6x per week and am eating 1700cal/day and losing weight.

    So in short, yes - 1200 is too few calories. You can certainly eat more and lose weight especially with exercise.

    In terms of your eating, your diet may not be extremely caloric, but is isn't really healthy either. You're probably finding it difficult to feel full because your diet is fairly heavy in carbs (wheat puffs, fruti) and light on protein. Protein and healthy fats are what will help you feel fuller longer.

    Try to stick to simple whole foods and you will be able to eat SO much more leaving you fuller and more satisfied. For the first few weeks I'd suggest you avoid wheat, rice, red meat and dairy and you'll start to see how much food you can really eat when you're eating the right things. Focus on getting protein and you will feel SO much fuller for longer.

    This is an example of a 1288cal meal plan that I've been using. I add more calories here and there to meet my personal goal of 1700, but this is the skeleton:

    MEAL ONE (240)
    1/3 Cup Dry Mixed Grain Oats (120)
    1 TBSP Walnuts (95)
    2 TBSP Apple
    Sauce (25)

    MEAL TWO (170)
    2 Tbsp Hummus (70)
    Carrots & Celery (40)
    Hard Boiled Egg (80)

    MEAL THREE (240)
    2 Cups Mixed Green Salad (40)
    4oz Grilled Chicken (130)
    1 Tbsp Flax seed (50)

    MEAL FOUR (220)
    ½ Cup Edamame (120)
    Veggie Soup with Shiritake noodles (100)

    MEAL(snack) FIVE (106)
    1 Grapefruit (106)

    MEAL SIX (312)
    3/4 cup Lentils (172)
    1 Cup Kale (30)
    ½ Cup Quinoa (110)

    I actually find it difficult to get to 1700 if I avoid wheat, dairy, sweets & red meat. But as soon as I have one "off" meal like a pizza lunch I find the calories just creep up on me and I've gone over without even being full.
  • Also, try almond milk instead of skim milk.

    And do your best to avoid anything canned since it will likely be packed with sodium and preservatives.
  • RachelBec
    RachelBec Posts: 52 Member
    Beans & rice are a great source of fiber & protein. Add some spices & fresh herbs & you've really got something!

    Refined sugar causes spikes in blood sugar followed by crashes. The physiological result is craving MORE - food, sugar, & fat.

    Because of this, it will be a challenge to succeed on your fitness journey while consuming the same type and amount of sugar you do so recently.

    The symptoms you mention (depressed, tired and bingey) are typical for sugar withdrawal, so find solace in the knowledge that you are not alone. Millions of people who have successfully weened themselves off of high levels of refined sugar have experience similar discomforts. Within a week or two sugar cravings and the associated mood swings and binges will be a thing of the past!

    Commit to 14 days without refined sugar, you'll be amazed at how resilient your mind & body truly are!

    Your achievement of a healthier nutritional regime will be the foundation for a life of health, fitness & bliss. :flowerforyou:
  • cindyellis9404
    cindyellis9404 Posts: 24 Member
    Quit being so hard on yourself! 1200 is not a magic number. Try eating cleaner, substitute processed cereals for oat meal, substitute honey for sugar, try and eat whole grain pastas and breads. Eat more fruits and veggies and lean meats. Your family can benefit from these changes as well. And if you have a day where you eat something bad don't feel guilty just try and eat better for the rest of the day. Love yourself a little!
  • BluMae
    BluMae Posts: 6 Member
    1200 calories is not enough for you. I gained 65 lbs with my baby and when I began dieting to take it off, I went back to my normal 11-1200 calories/day. I was starving! And did not have enough energy to go for walks, or care for my baby let alone exercise. I upped my calories to 1400 per day and was still losing 2 lbs a week (with an hour walk a day - mainly uphill-) The thing that struck me most about your way of eating is the food you eat is crazy! Half of it is not nutrient dense (puffed wheat) how the hell can that keep you full, and the other sounds awful (boiled broccoli, cabbage etc) My suggestion to you is that you do a little research into clean eating ( 1 cup of brown rice is 150 calories and keeps you full) and find some tasty recipes! There`s a great link on FB called Vegkitchen that is Vegan and has some great recipes. Also there is a magazine called Clean Eating that always has good eats as well. Eating well doesn`t have to taste terrible. And give yourself a break. Talk to your GP and see if she can refer you to a dietician who will help you get a meal plan in place that works for you.

    If you keep eating too few calories you are going to end up binge eating and never be able to stick to your diet. Unfortunately, slow and steady wins the race. This shouldn`t take over your life and leave you miserable, it should make you feel better about yourself and healthier physically.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Even though you had a day at 2098 calories, you will still lose weight. It may have not been your best day, but the food you ate doesn't seem too bad. 2098 calories for an entire day is hardly a binge. You might be too hard on yourself.

    Also 1200-1300 calories seems too low for you. Maybe you should aim for 1600-1700 per day. And get at least a 30 minute work out in.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I am about 5'7" 205lbs...I am trying my best but web sites say I should be eating 1200-1300 calories a day. That is ludicrous.

    Not really. At that weight you're about 50% body fat, so your BMR is only about 1400. With the amount of excess fat you're carrying, anything you eat above 1000 calories or so is food your head is demanding, not food your body is demanding.

    You don't have to go that low, but you are going to have to get used to eating pretty low, by the standards you have grown accustomed to.

    Good luck!
  • I still need help finding staple meat and vegetables but I got a ton of help sorting out my calories and feelings.
    Thank you to everyone who wasn't rude lol. Which was almost everyone. You have given me a better idea of what I should be eating. I have ordered online:

    Liquid Stevia.. I know, I know but if I am changing for life I am not going to eat a bland diet like a nutter lol. I am not "on" a diet.
    Cream of wheat with a super long name xD "Organic Creamy White Wheat Farina Cereal"
    White quinoa
    Steel cut oats
    5L Coconut water
    Brown rice

    All organic with 1 ingredient. I will be throwing out my white flour, cake mix, muffin mix, pasta, sugar, aspartame, and anything else I find with a long ingredient list so I can't binge on it. I will be mindful of the fruit I am eating but I am under the belief that it will just ween my sugar addiction comfortably and I will stop wanting as much.

    I will post an updated meal log with progress in a week or two. I still need help finding cheap staples that are healthy. So if you would like to post what you eat it will still help me. I go shopping and that stuff I ordered online will all be here in a week.
    If not, thanks again and I will create a new post soon.