Anyone trying to lose 100+ lbs?



  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I need to lose 100+ its daunting but if i don't do it now i never will! i need to do this so i am. :)

    I'm now in "coopetition" with a few friends on this journey, which helps considerably ... we're supporting each other, yet competing for the finish line at the same time. It makes it a lot more fun, and much harder to cheat. At first I was hiding my efforts, now I let anyone who cares to listen hear all about my progress ... and their interest and encouragement reinforce my motivation ... as do their double-takes when they see my progress. You can do it too!

    PS - If you've never heard the term "coopetition", see
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    It's very possible! I set out to loose over 180 pounds less than two years ago. (without having someone to share it with since I'm new to this site) I've done it! If I can you can too! Never give up :)
    Stay dedicated and feel free to tell us all about your journey, I'm sure it will be successful! If I can do it, you can :)
  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    Every year I make a New Years resolution to lose weight. This January is no different EXCEPT I also turned 60. I have always been obese but pretty healthy and strong despite the weight, but now I need to focus not on how I look but my health, stamina, and being able to enjoy my retirement. My first goal is to be under 200 by May 1. I began at 237 and am now 221.

    Is anyone interested in setting a goal? Mine is to lose 10 lbs. by march 15

    Any takers?
  • barbkane412
    Wow, I can't even tell you how inspiring all your posts are. Truly amazing and what great support. I weigh 282 pounds, OUCH. I lost 2.2 pounds which I know isn't much but I haven't lost it before ... only gained so it's a huge accomplishment for me.

    My goal is to weigh 150 pounds but losing 5 pounds will feel great, then I'll concentrate on the next 5 pounds

    If anyone would like to be my friend on this, please add me. Reading all your positive posts just inspired me even more to keep it up.

    By the way .. One of my goals is that I'm meeting a friend of mine at the end of April who I haven't seen since last October and I plan to be a few pounds lighter.

    OK - good luck everyone. We can do it.
  • benjaminlight
    benjaminlight Posts: 78 Member
    Working on losing 122 over here to start with - then re-evaluate where I'm at and how I feel. I started middle of October at 327 pounds, and shooting for 205. I gave myself until age 35 to make that happen - 1 year and 7 months from now. I'm down a little over 60lbs so far, and working on blasting through this current plateau to get even further...

    My focus is a lot of whole foods, fruits and vegetables, lean meats - trying to avoid as much processed foods as possible. If I can't pronounce the ingredients, I try not to put it in my face.

    I'm training for an 8K race, doing pilates and weight training. My diary is always open. Hit me up.

  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    I WILL loose that 100 pound ~ one meal ~ one opportunity to exercise at a time. I can't think beyond what the scale says TODAY. Think of it...could you pick up and carry 100 pounds right now? No ~ but you can carry 1 pound right now. I had to get my head straight before I could begin this "lifestyle change". My time is now. Do I sound like a commercial?? LOL probably!
  • DeeAnn2004
    Hi Everyone. I too want to lose 150+ pounds. I stated a little over 2.5 weeks ago and I am down 17 pounds! Yay me!! Congrats on your 10 pounds gone.

    Friend request are welcome! I need all the support I can get!
  • jjoh553028
    jjoh553028 Posts: 41 Member
    hello . you can add me. I am trying to loose a great amount. I started at 262 and currently at 250. 12 lbs in 4 weeks. I am on the journey alone so it would be nice to have someone to chat about it
  • ldashelle
    ldashelle Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats on the first 10 lbs. I am in your same shoe. Trying to look for some support as I take this journey of trying to lose weight. I have a hard time of pushing myself to keep going and making the right decisions on what to eat. I am a stress eater and I have a stressful job. So it is a daily struggle. So you can definitely add me as friend and maybe if I have someone holding me accountable I can stay in for the long run. I love reading all the post people have left. It is really inspiring me to keep working at it and not giving up. It's only been a week, so I have a long way to go.
  • ldashelle
    ldashelle Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats, that is so awesome!
  • madisonsmith1297
    Hello everyone!!

    I'm Madison, and I am 4 pounds away from losing my first 50 pounds from my highest weight. What can get me down is although I have made progress I am only 1/3 of the way there. I still need to lose 100 pounds even after I reach this goal. Some days it gets hard, but I do feel so much better about myself. Good luck everyone! And if anyone needs support feel free to chat me up :)).
  • godspurplerose38
    I deleted my old profile and created a new one to reflect my most recent efforts instead of over 2 years ago. I've lost about 16 pounds since December 9th and still have 185 pounds to go to my goal weight. I'd love to be an encouragement for you.

  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I also need to loose 100 pounds and have already lost 10 pounds. This has been a great resource for me, and I enjoy the extra encouragement and motivation on here. :happy:
  • cwtchme
    cwtchme Posts: 104 Member
    I have been referred to my local sport's centre by my family doctor. There I can take part in a 16 week course at a reduced cost. So far I have taken part in 4 Hydro Gym classes & I love going. The class lasts for an hour and consists of circuit training in about 4 feet of water. The water helps to support my joints (I have generalized osteoarthritis) as well as giving resistance, making you work harder. This is a good way to start exercising, especially if it's been a long time since you last went to the gym.

    It may be worth finding out from your doctor whether there is a similar scheme in your area.

    Good luck everyone!
  • LoriannGagnon1
    I just stated using MFV and I want to lose about 140 pounds. I am having a hard time or should I say obsessive time with the scale husband finally hide it on me. Problem is if I dont see a weight loss I get upset and say forget it. Now its been a week and I am dying to weigh myself but if I dont see a loss I will be upset. AGG I wonder if I am doing it right. LOL I am following the recommend calorie intake and I have my Dr approval. I do have to admit my sugars level have been really good!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Don't "try" to lose 140 pounds or 100 pounds or 200 pounds.

    Lose one. Just one.

    People who "try" can "fail". People who "do" have already accomplished part of their goal, however small. DO IT!!!!!!
  • LoriannGagnon1
    I am setting small goals but the over all weight loss I want to be 140. Right now I am working on 5 pounds at a time. :)
  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    Good luck to all in this weight loss journey!! Friends are excellent motivators! My Husband has been recently deployed to afghanistan and i want to lose 75-100 pounds in the next 14 months!! :) cant wait till he comes home and show him a surprise :) feel free to add me any and all!!
  • chelsysutton0522
    I am. I have no idea where to start. This site says i should be on a 1360 calorie diet but evetryone says thats wayyy to low. so im really confused
  • bernard113
    Keep trying to fill yourself on whole foods to hold you over and protein with every meal. Good luck!