Would oatmeal porridge be bad for me?



  • Miasen
    Miasen Posts: 31
    If you think one bowl of porridge is a risk, I'd say you are treading on dangerous ground of disordered thinking. You mentioned you had a past of extremes. "I'll get fat on an isocaloric but 'carby' food" is not good thinking. Warning! A banana will not make you fat,a bowl of porridge will not make you fat. Eating too many calories will.

    Thank you for your concern, I'll keep it in mind!

    I don't think the calories in a bowl of porridge will make me fat, but i have/had concerns about the overall effect. I will try it tough, see how it works out for me :)
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I have porridge for breakfast most days and am losing about 2lbs a week. It's one of my favourite meals because there are lots of different healthy toppings you can add so it doesn't get boring. As long as you are accurately calculating the calories and nutrition in it, I don't think it would slow your weightless down.
    Totally agree. Porridge has been one of my main "finds" since I started on MFP. Especially at this time of the year the appeal of something hot for breakfast (or lunch in fact) is a nice option. Adding different fruits makes it both more interesting and filling. My current favourite is organic porridge with blackberries and apple. I sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on it and only make it with water and just a splash of milk. Tastes great and the calories are pretty low. Sometimes I mix the oats with freshly brewed black coffee instead of water (I am a caffeine addict after all!).
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Nothing wrong with oatmeal as far as I know, I grew up eating it as did my parents. But if you're looking for another similar option, you can make porridge out of quinoa.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I premake a batch of oatmeal (steel rolled oats not the quick oats), I can put everything from fresh/frozen fruit, nuts, coconut, almond butter, spices, etc.

    I will then heat it up at work in the microwave sometimes I will add greek yogurt to it.

    Delicious and filling (with the added protein)
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    Oatmeal porridge is an excellent food. They are a good source of carbs for when you wake up and fibre, nothing wrong with them at all. Anyway, to me, its all about cals in cals out anyway but there is nothing wrong at all with oatmeal.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    one serving of quaker instant oatmeal is like 250 calories….

    LOLZ I can't even believe this is a real thread …

    OP - just eat in a deficit and you will lose ..if you want oatmeal eat it, if not have something else….

    If you had read the thread maybe you would have had a little more insight into why im asking.

    Seriously, questioning if it's a real concern for the OP must be one of the low-points of health related forums.

    I questioned the seriousness of your post, because you asked if eating Oatmeal will make you stop losing weight, which is a ridiculous thing to ask. No, eating oatmeal will not hamper weight loss if you are in a deficit. If you are eating in a surplus AND eating oatmeal, then you will gain, but guess what? The gain will be from the caloric surplus and not the oatmeal.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    one serving of quaker instant oatmeal is like 250 calories….

    LOLZ I can't even believe this is a real thread …

    OP - just eat in a deficit and you will lose ..if you want oatmeal eat it, if not have something else….

    If you had read the thread maybe you would have had a little more insight into why im asking.

    Seriously, questioning if it's a real concern for the OP must be one of the low-points of health related forums.

    I questioned the seriousness of your post, because you asked if eating Oatmeal will make you stop losing weight, which is a ridiculous thing to ask. No, eating oatmeal will not hamper weight loss if you are in a deficit. If you are eating in a surplus AND eating oatmeal, then you will gain, but guess what? The gain will be from the caloric surplus and not the oatmeal.

    I've interpreted most of the thread as demonstrating the fairly common confusion over carbs. Many of the marketed diets demonise carbs for various reasons and the anti carb faction on here are a reasonably vocal minority with a persecution complex.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with any food group in isolation, indeed all are required for an effective diet. Many of the threads here are variants on "is x bad", which probably reflects lack of understanding rather than anything else.

    Notwithstanding that the behaviours discussed don't suggest a particularly sustainable relationship with food.