Great.. The damn PLATEAU !!

Ok, so I have officially hit the dreaded PLATEAU..
Anyone else having or had a problem at this stage of their fitness plan? I'm usually pretty good with my food intake, could be better on certain days but for the most part it's pretty good. My workouts are very good in my opinion but I am starting to think that my Cardio needs to be stepped up a bit.

I hit the gym Mon-Thurs, for about 1.5 hrs mainly doing weight training, but I do about 25-35 minutes of cardio to warm up. I'm thinking I need to dedicate an actual cardio routine. I have the Insanity workout- just need to figure out when I can actually fit it in. I barely get enough time to head to the gym let a lone do the insanity as well. Working full time , picking up my twins babies after work and coming home to cook and watch the girls till my wife gets home doesnt leave much time in between,.

I'm up at 5am, prepping food for the day for the wife and I (If we didnt do it the night before)
Girls get up shortly after and the morning process begins
We're out the house by about 6:45am I start work at 7am
Get out of work @ 3:30pm and pick up my little ones, home by 4pm
Prep and cook dinner while keeping the girls busy/fed etc.
Dinner at 5pm-ish and hopefully getting the girls fed/bathed and into bed by 6:30-7p
I leave to the gym @ 7:45-8pm. (Which sucks because I tend to still feel as if I just ate)
I get back home at 9:30 to shower up and relax before heading to bed at about 10:30-11pm.
To then start it all over again..

What have you guys done to fight that PLATEAU curse LOL.. Am I missing something or do I just need to bite the bullet and find time for more cardio ??


  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Cardio will create a bigger deficit... but you probably need to look more at your nutrition. TDEE, BMR, and what you're actually taking in. Are you weighing your food? If you nail down exactly what your intake is, it will be easier to adjust.... Whenever I hit a plateau, a tweak to my calories usually helps.
  • Ozzzy66
    Ozzzy66 Posts: 36 Member
    I feel your pain with the time crunch, I have 5 year old twins also. My day starts about 3-3:30 AM. I eat breakfast, pack my food for the day then get ready for work. I'm out the door around 4:30 AM and at the gym 5-5:15 AM. I leave the gym at around 6-6:15 AM and at work by 6:30 AM. Off work about 3:30 PM. Get home around 4 PM then it is help the kids with homework if the wife hasn't already and playing with the kids. Diner is around 7 PM I'm in the bed by 8:30-9 PM.

    To get over my Plateau, which lasted about 4 weeks, I had to start eating more.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    what's your goal?

    weight loss or strength?

    what's plateauing?

    Cannot give advice on how to un-stall- if we don't know what the end game is.

    usually it's EAT MORE and SQUAT more. but if you are trying to lose weight- more cardio will help with the deficit. But- obviously that's subjective to the end goal. I'm bulking- so with my weight plateau- my game is EAT MORE eat all the things- more protein- followed with more birthday cake!

    I might actually sub out a session of weights for cardio (gasp) if you are finding yourself short on time- or add one in on the weekends.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    Cardio will create a bigger deficit... but you probably need to look more at your nutrition. TDEE, BMR, and what you're actually taking in. Are you weighing your food? If you nail down exactly what your intake is, it will be easier to adjust.... Whenever I hit a plateau, a tweak to my calories usually helps.

    I just purchased a food scale late last week and have been getting into weighing because as you mentioned I think that will have a good impact on getting dialed in more correctly.
    Thank you.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    I feel your pain with the time crunch, I have 5 year old twins also. My day starts about 3-3:30 AM. I eat breakfast, pack my food for the day then get ready for work. I'm out the door around 4:30 AM and at the gym 5-5:15 AM. I leave the gym at around 6-6:15 AM and at work by 6:30 AM. Off work about 3:30 PM. Get home around 4 PM then it is help the kids with homework if the wife hasn't already and playing with the kids. Diner is around 7 PM I'm in the bed by 8:30-9 PM.

    To get over my Plateau, which lasted about 4 weeks, I had to start eating more.

    Oh boy.. eating more LOL that'll be fun.
    But makes sense as opposed to the way i was thinking I needed to do more cardio.
    Thank you
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    what's your goal?

    weight loss or strength?

    what's plateauing?

    Cannot give advice on how to un-stall- if we don't know what the end game is.

    usually it's EAT MORE and SQUAT more. but if you are trying to lose weight- more cardio will help with the deficit. But- obviously that's subjective to the end goal. I'm bulking- so with my weight plateau- my game is EAT MORE eat all the things- more protein- followed with more birthday cake!

    I might actually sub out a session of weights for cardio (gasp) if you are finding yourself short on time- or add one in on the weekends.

    That's a tough one because so far I have been working out to gain muscle and lose weight.. (Yes I know that doesnt sound right) but its worked so far.. My goals are to lose another 10 lbs get some ab definition and "gain muscle" at my current or goal weight. But I think I'm at a point where I'm asking for my cake and wanting to eat it too LOL
    I Might have to start breaking away and tackling 1 goal at a time??

    Edit: My weight loss is at a stand still, cant break 164, I go up and back down about 2-3 pounds, I'd like to get to 155 and continue to build muscle and achieve ab definition. (Which yes I need to do a hell of a lot better in my nutrition intake.)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Your cut has become your maintenance. You aren't losing- you aren't going up and down in weight so much I suspect as more you've just literally come to a meeting in the middle.

    And no- you didn't gain muscle- you gained strength. Muscle gain- only happens at a surplus.

    If I was in your shoes- I would either drop my calories for 2-300 OR up my cardio to create that amount of deficit.

    Or accept maintenance for now and stay there for a month and then decide if you want to actually build muscle and then cut back down- or keep pushing the cut.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    How about just trying a re-feed weekend?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your ticker shows that you have reached your goal.

    How long have you been on this plateau?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Your cut has become your maintenance. You aren't losing- you aren't going up and down in weight so much I suspect as more you've just literally come to a meeting in the middle.

    And no- you didn't gain muscle- you gained strength. Muscle gain- only happens at a surplus.

    If I was in your shoes- I would either drop my calories for 2-300 OR up my cardio to create that amount of deficit.

    Or accept maintenance for now and stay there for a month and then decide if you want to actually build muscle and then cut back down- or keep pushing the cut. I prefer to cut calories rather then add cardio but that's me.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    How about just trying a re-feed weekend?

    Re-feed weekend?? New to that, can you explain
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    Your ticker shows that you have reached your goal.

    How long have you been on this plateau?

    Thank you, I forgot to add my new weight. I would say about 2-3 weeks of up and down but nothing lower than 164lbs. up as high as 168 at times.
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    Your cut has become your maintenance. You aren't losing- you aren't going up and down in weight so much I suspect as more you've just literally come to a meeting in the middle.

    And no- you didn't gain muscle- you gained strength. Muscle gain- only happens at a surplus.

    If I was in your shoes- I would either drop my calories for 2-300 OR up my cardio to create that amount of deficit.

    Or accept maintenance for now and stay there for a month and then decide if you want to actually build muscle and then cut back down- or keep pushing the cut.

    So I'm confused, if I didnt gain muscle then how did I increase my body measurements while losing weight? Or am I looking/going about it wrong? Also I went from 191lbs to my current 164.. with the last 2-3 weeks not losing anymore weight which I was consistently doing prior to now??

    So confused LOL
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    If that's an updated photo for your avatar then I'm not sure why you aren't at maintenance already. You look great!! Instead of cardio, just keep pumping that iron. The fat will fad away in time as long as you don't start overeating.

    For cardio, I think you'll burn plenty caring for those twins. ;)
  • jko90s
    jko90s Posts: 25
    And no- you didn't gain muscle- you gained strength. Muscle gain- only happens at a surplus.

  • jko90s
    jko90s Posts: 25
    My only advice is to sleep more. You have enough cardio as it is from weight training 4 X a week. What are your macros like?
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    I don't believe in plateaus. I think they are total BS perpetuated by the media. Lower your intake, or move more, or some combo of both. Congrats though, you've found your maintenance level for where you are now, and what you do now.

    PLATEAU or Maintenance whatever it is, are there more benefits of choosing lets say intake without having draw backs of muscle gain/breakdown? (If that makes sense, hard to explain what I mean)

    I'm leaning towards intake, specially when I can be doing better in that area anyway.
    Thank you.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    And no- you didn't gain muscle- you gained strength. Muscle gain- only happens at a surplus.


    oh??? please explain...

    because I am sure he is not experiencing noob gains nor was he obese.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    bump for later...

    and curious as to how I, too, can gain muscle without a surplus...