Logging is the way to go

Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
Morning! New to this site, and looking forward to mutual support to lose those nasty pounds!

My name is Ileana, I am 5'6 and weigh 185. I used to weigh much more, but after alot of effort was able to make this mark over a year ago. I have 30 lbs to go, and have been unable to shake it. Granted, my gym attendance is not what it was (I used to be at the gym for 2 hours, 6 days a week) because I was really burnt out. I now try to get to the gym 3 mornings a week before work for an 1.25 hours, ride my bike once a week (30 miles or more) and I belong to a club that walk/runs trails (3-6 miles at a time) once a week..... Although I opted to move outdoors, it isn't giving me the kind of workout I used to get at the gym. Plus I have not cronicalled my food intake well, and everything I read sais I should be doing that.

SOOoooo, I am engaged, and before I get a date set (mid to late '08 or ealy 09).. I want to be moving towards my goal of 155.



  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Morning! New to this site, and looking forward to mutual support to lose those nasty pounds!

    My name is Ileana, I am 5'6 and weigh 185. I used to weigh much more, but after alot of effort was able to make this mark over a year ago. I have 30 lbs to go, and have been unable to shake it. Granted, my gym attendance is not what it was (I used to be at the gym for 2 hours, 6 days a week) because I was really burnt out. I now try to get to the gym 3 mornings a week before work for an 1.25 hours, ride my bike once a week (30 miles or more) and I belong to a club that walk/runs trails (3-6 miles at a time) once a week..... Although I opted to move outdoors, it isn't giving me the kind of workout I used to get at the gym. Plus I have not cronicalled my food intake well, and everything I read sais I should be doing that.

    SOOoooo, I am engaged, and before I get a date set (mid to late '08 or ealy 09).. I want to be moving towards my goal of 155.

  • gk10465
    gk10465 Posts: 10
    logging does help keep what you are eating and the amounts in your mind all the time. I take one less helping of that pasta because you have to log it.
    Also, going to the gym is 1% motivation and 99% habit. I find myself in the car and in the gym parking lot before I can talk myself out of it. Just routine now. Everyday at lunch. also keeps me from eating out with the guys and saves money.
    Hope this helps. Sounds like you are on the right track.
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Ileana, I just recently joined this site to help loose the rest of my poundage as well. I've lost over 50 pounds and now I'm stuck just like you. I'm hoping that this will help me with the last of it. Good luck to you and let's keep each other motivated.
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member

    we seem to be at similiar weights and i have 30 lbs left to go. when you go to the gym are you challenging yourself? i found it helpful to print out programs for intermediate and after 4 weeks i'll print out programs for advanced. on the intermediate level you should be doing 75 min treadmill running programs one day, then 40-60 min the next and back to 75 for the third day and then to 60 for the next. i believe they recommend working out 5 days a week. that really helped me.
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I know I no longer push myself at the gym. I used to do an hour of cardio (although I don't run, as it hurts my bad knees but I was doing trecking classes when my gym offered them).. now it is 45 minutes. Great idea about the cardio switch around, Pamela, thanks. I have told myself that I would get to the gym before work Tues, Wed & Thu, and then get back with my Fiance in the afternoons (when I can do weights) on Mon, Wed & Sat. As long as I keep my cycling and trail group once a week, it should kick start things.

    Thanks again!