30 Day Shred



  • RobinAlexader
    RobinAlexader Posts: 196 Member
    I'm not just starting, I started using it last year..but i'm walking proof that with the correct diet and determination, that program works. When I first started loosing I was doing nothing but the thirty day shred..I've not started to incorporate lots of other things, however most of my loss can be contributed to following that dvd.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Well, level 1 just kicked my butt .... however, I think I like the workout and I don't think it will feel so brutal once I build just a little more endurance.

    I'm shakey and feel like gumby right now... hoping I'm not too sore in the morning.

    I was sore the first time I did it and took two days off, went back to it - no problem. Take rest whenever you need to, your body will thank you!