Confessions of a chubby girl :)



  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I yell at Tony Horton (creator of P90X). He'll be on the DVD like, "OOOh, I'm feeling the burn!" and I'll just scream out "THEN HOW DO YOU THINK I FRIGGIN FEEL?!" as I'm sweating and trembling. "I HATE YOU!"

    My husband runs into the garage because he thinks something's wrong. :)

  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    I make my 9-year-old run with me on my C25K days so the neighbors will think I'm "running" at HER pace!

    LOL! Does she ask you to run faster? When my son was 9, I was "running" next to him and he asked, "When are we going to start running?"

    This cracked me up because my son runs with me and will "cheer" me on when I'm not keeping up with him (I walk/jog more than I run). On our first 5K race, he actually ran backwards in front of me "running", clapping and saying "come on mom, let's go!" I was a bit mortified by it but then I just laughed and thanked him for pushing me!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I wear yoga pants daily and never do yoga.

    Me too! I found some FAB fleece-lined yoga pants that have been my "house-pants" all winter!!!! I've even worn them skiing, under my ski pants, of course. Love them. I do have to say that I do PLAN on doing yoga...someday. I have several yoga DVD's ready to's just that everytime I attempt one of them, I end up a 'twisted mess' on my living room floor. I don't think I'm coordinated enough for yoga, but I do LOVE me some yoga pants!!!!
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I just got rid of all of my Spanx, not because I don't still need them but because they are too big now, I'm hoping to not need them by the Summer but I ALWAYS wear a compression tank. I learned how to do the elastic in the jeans to make them bigger thanks to hating maternity clothes, I use to joke if it let go someone would lose an eye lol! I just got rid of the last of my maternity clothes because it's too big now but only recently, my youngest is in school..... :drinker:
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    Ok here it goes....

    A few confessions in random order:

    1) I sometimes lie about my weight because nobody guesses that I weigh over 200lbs.
    2) I steal fries from my boyfriend when we get lunch together but refuse to buy my own.
    3) I wear my pants up to my bellybutton to make my stomach appear smaller.

    There ya go.

    Ditto all of this!!!!! Well in the last 2 weeks I can say I'm not 200 anymore so that's something I guess...
  • shoegirl10
    shoegirl10 Posts: 3 Member
    You are so right!! Be proud of you and carry yourself in that manner.
  • Damnityell
    Damnityell Posts: 14 Member
    Me too!
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    My confession is this.....after getting off the treadmill that I'd been using for 30 minutes at the gym, the very handsome guy on the machine behind mine, who must have watched me the entire 30 minutes, met my eyes, smiled and raised his eyebrows in appreciation......and that's me 40 lbs. over weight. Baby's got back and some men love it.....

    It was a great reminder that things are not black and white.....we are not just thin and beautiful or overweight and ugly. You can be attractive at any appreciate what you have now even though your journey is leading you to a smaller waistline.

    AMEN SISTA!! :love:
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    I wear yoga pants daily and never do yoga.

    This :laugh:
  • frodopuppy
    yup I agree my boyfriend would love me to have more junk in my trunk and to tell the truth so would I Hopefully working out and lifting will make things shift to where I would like them. One can dream
  • MissSarahAllison315
    Ok here it goes....

    A few confessions in random order:

    1) I sometimes lie about my weight because nobody guesses that I weigh over 200lbs.
    2) I steal fries from my boyfriend when we get lunch together but refuse to buy my own.
    3) I wear my pants up to my bellybutton to make my stomach appear smaller.

    There ya go.

    We are the same person.

    I lie about my weight because everyone gets it wrong!
    I steal fries from ANYONE I'm with and don't log it *gasp*!!!
    My tummy looks so much better without the muffin top caused by too low jeans lol!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I wear men's jeans because they are cheaper and don't have hips built into the wrong places for my body.

  • jodiannd
    I swear two bras everyday to make my boobs look smaller and dont give me that double breast effect......SIGHHH kills my shoulders
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    Im in the military and i have to do a PT test every year. We have to do a waist measurment and i was so paraniod that i would fail that last year i rubbed hemmheroid cream all over my stomach and covered in saran wrap and then covered that with a compression waist belt, and slept with it on the night before my test! Dropped 2 inches off my waist and i passed, but so so SO embarrassing. my boyfriend was super supportive tho. :tongue:
  • fatbitt
    My weight on my license has NEVER been the truth.

    Because I'm cheap I take old leggings and cut them into shorts to wear under dresses that way my legs don't chaffe when they rub together.

    And lastly, as lots have said, my "business casual" work pants...are yogas or in my case should be called bell bottomed stretchy pants.

    hooray for chubbiness! I do embrace and love being chubby, just gotta get that healthy chub goin' on :love:
  • I do my CathE QuickE's and Jillian at home sporting only leg Warmers, a sports bra, headband and side ponytail because I love the 80's. bring the 80's back, I want the 80's back, Na Na Na...:bigsmile:
    NIKIATWORK Posts: 16 Member
    "February 12, 2014 9:09 am

    losing weight terrifies me in the sense i'm not sure i can afford new clothes =(
    i hardly wear a dress without spanx and i sometimes wear more than one pair to suck it in 0.o "

    I completely understand this one, my husband is the only one working right now and I feel the same way!!! :(
    NIKIATWORK Posts: 16 Member
    I won't stand up around my husband without sucking in my gut... Being pregnant with my daughter was the only time I didn't suck it all in while in front of him....
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    Have any of you tried Old Navy 'The Dreamer' jeans? OMG! life changing, I recently got them in a 12 and cried! I have an issue with jeans being too low rise so I get the muffin top issue and the butt crack issue because I'm 'butt challenged' but these are amazing and keep everything in! Every time I wear them people flip out telling me I lost more weight! it's not always true :tongue:
    NIKIATWORK Posts: 16 Member
    My weight on my license has NEVER been the truth.

    Because I'm cheap I take old leggings and cut them into shorts to wear under dresses that way my legs don't chaffe when they rub together.

    And lastly, as lots have said, my "business casual" work pants...are yogas or in my case should be called bell bottomed stretchy pants.

    hooray for chubbiness! I do embrace and love being chubby, just gotta get that healthy chub goin' on :love:

    I actually love this idea!!!! Gonna try it now, thanks!!!! :happy: