Some should use the money on bettering themselves.....



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Rather than their pets. Reading an article on show dogs a while back, some spent as much as $5000 a month to keep their dog fed, groomed, housed and trained. Mind you it's not doing tricks like "roll over" or "jump through the hoop", but just how to trot and stop and stand still.
    So I see this cost and look at the physical shape of the owner and facepalm. Many obviously don't take as good as care of themselves as their dog. I'll never understand it even though many have tried to explain the why, I still can't help but wonder why they care more about the dog than themselves.
    A child or relative, I can see since they can carry on genes and legacy. I do get that one can get very attached to an animal, but fail to see how one puts that animals health and well being over their own.

    Okay, I'm ready for the animal lovers to bash me now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Lol why should they? It's their money, it's their business. Just because it appears that you judge people on what they look like, perhaps they don't.....
    If you noticed, I said "physical shape". If you've ever watched a clip of a dog show, the owner RUNS with the dog. When the owner is panting and huffing from running 10yds, it's probably a good indication that the dogs health and fitness is better than theirs.
    And why should they? Probably because if they succumb to death or illness, who's gonna take care of their precious dog then?:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    I thought it was the handler that showed the dogs and ran with them etc. and not the owner. :huh:
    Many owners are the handlers. There are "mutts" allowed in shows and apparently are now allowed in the biggest one (Westminster) . Of course there are owners that just look at the dog as a commodity though and pay someone to ensure that the dog is it's best.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.
    You'd have to change your gender first for me to look at you.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    A child or relative, I can see since they can carry on genes and legacy. I do get that one can get very attached to an animal, but fail to see how one puts that animals health and well being over their own.

    Because someone can't have children and their pet is their "child"?

    I have two grown children who've moved out and on with their lives. My three dogs that live with me now are beloved like children.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I have come realize that my goals are NOT your goals. And my reasons for doing things are NOT yours.

    My "purpose" is unique to me, and I spend my money to achieve that purpose. Just as my family doesn't understand mine, but they accept me and it anyways... I do the same for them.

    If someone wants to spend the money on their dog, it's their money. Let them be.

    Take off the judgey pants and add another set of weights to your bar.
    Oh trust that I could really care less what people want to do with their money. There way more odd things that people spend a lot of money on that trumps this.
    Lol, and I'm on a deload phase right now.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    You cared so little that you started a thread.
    Lol, I made an opinion of what I thought. I'm not lying awake at night contemplating on how other people are spending their money.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    You disagree with my opinion. That's fine. No need to try to personally attack me because you do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    But my little princess needs a diamond-studded collar and professional pouting lessons!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.

    Wow. Way to take something intended to be educational and run off a bridge with it. Do you not realize that dogs domesticated themselves basically. But what do I know. I only have a career in animal welfare.

    Career. At 24.

    And you have no idea what my background is.
    Lol, so people now can't have careers at 24? How old to they have to be?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Some people want purebreds because they want the predictability, size, temperament, drive, etc. Temperament is primarily herediatry. Health can be dependant on genetics.
    There are different breeds for a reason, almost all had a function at one point. Many people still use their dogs for those reasons, again why some people desire purebreds.

    There is a whole world of difference between a well bred purebred and just breeding a purebred. I don't agree with breeding for the sake of breed or breeding for looks alone either, espcially at the expense of health.

    There is nothing wrong with going to your local shelter either, nothing wrong with mixes, but your premise that they are healtier or live 5-8 years longer is unfounded. I have yet to find any reliable sources to support that. Mixing breeds does not automatically make a dog healthier. You are still introducing genetic diseases from both breeds into the offspring. For example, if you check the OFA site for Hip Dysplasia, you'll notice that the "labradoodle" (which is not a purebred, but a mix of Labs and Poodles) has a higher rate of hip dysplasia than both the Lab and the Poodle.

    ETA - From what I understand, mutts are allowed to compete at Westminster in an agility competition, not the conformation portion.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    To each of their own, I have seen older couples being happy with their dogs. While their kids have grown up, gone and lost in their own world. Its not my money nor I expect others to spend the money like I would. This post is silly.
  • abickford82
    I agree. I love my cats, and they're spoiled but I notice the waistline of many of the pet owners (more so dogs, in my town). There is only one dedicated one who owns an adorable dalmation, that walks him literally everywhere. He spends a ton of time walking him on the trails here in town, and I respect that kind of owner. Having a pet is like having a kid, better stay in shape to take care of them. It's irresponsible not to.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    You sure seem to have the skills to motivate people into striving for a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps you should post this in your portfolio so the stupid people know exactly what they are signing up for when using your services.
    People motivate themselves to come in. I just show them how to work out and lose weight safely and correctly. My opinion on how people like to spend their money has no impact on how I train people to reach their goals. So this post wouldn't help them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    As a vet tech, you should know that it is possible to purchase a healthy dog from a responsible hobby breeder who is selective about whom he/she sells to and takes every care to make sure that the dog is going to the right home, is healthy, will be spayed/neutered, etc. There are many breeders who specify that the dog must be fixed in the purchase agreement.

    And 99% of the time, if a dog is being shown, he/she is not going to be given the opportunity to procreate. Those owners aren't just letting their dog run around and impregnate other dogs (or allowing them to be impregnated). There's a whole lot of work that goes into showing with the AKC and I imagine most of those owners wouldn't want to throw it all away on a litter of puppies.

    I have a purebred Golden from a hobby breeder, who made me sign a contract that he would be neutered. His dam and sire were certified to be free of hip dysplasia. The breeder only had 1-2 litters of puppies per year and made the potential owners complete a lot of paperwork and come for an interview. They were very, very thorough. He has had no health issues, is 12 years old and is only recently showing signs of slowing down.

    I also have a mutt that I adopted from a shelter. He's neutered and has health issues (insipidous diabetes, issues with his eye sight, dry skin, etc).

    TL:DR - you are speaking in absolutes about things which have many more options and explanations than what you are presenting.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.

    Wow. Way to take something intended to be educational and run off a bridge with it. Do you not realize that dogs domesticated themselves basically. But what do I know. I only have a career in animal welfare.

    Career. At 24.

    And you have no idea what my background is.
    Lol, so people now can't have careers at 24? How old to they have to be?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    I was responding more to her making it sound like she had many many years of expertise in the field. Like someone having been in the animal welfare field for 30 years having studied canine genetics and veterinary medicine.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.
    Most purebred dogs are very healthy and have no trouble delivering their puppies. I've been involved in the breeding of Collies, Shelties, Golden Retrievers, and Border Terriers and except for the owner getting all tense and worried, most breeding and deliveries were fine. I even had one Border Terrier have a puppy in my lap when I was visiting a friend. Yes, some of the very small and a couple of the extreme breeds can have problems, but there are hundreds of dog breeds that do not

    Also, the AKC doesn't allow dogs under 7 years old to be shown in conformation if they are altered. That's true. However altered dogs can be shown in conformation in the veterans class in many breeds and altered dogs can be shown in AKC:
    - obedience,
    - rally obedience,
    - agility,
    - tracking,
    - herding,
    - lure coursing,
    - earthdog,
    - gundog classes,
    - and other competitions.
    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.
    What is wrong with wanting a predictable puppy from known lines that have a excellent chance to be healthy and mentally up to doing the dog activities that I'd like to do with them? I have had mixes and rescues and purebreds. Sometimes I don't want an adult. Sometimes I want a puppy that I know will grow up to a predictable size and have a predictable disposition, sometimes I didn't care as much.

    Where in the world did you get the 5-8 years longer bit? I've had a terrier mix that lived to 14 yo, five Border Terriers, that lived to 13, 15, and 14 yo (two still alive at 10 and 3 yo), and a Golden Retriever that lived a very healthy 16 yo. Only the mixed breed had any health issues. Are you telling me that the purebreds would have lived 5-8 years longer if they were mixed breeds? That's crazy!

    Are you also going to start telling parents that it's wrong for them to have children when there are so many children in foster care? My parents had 4 children naturally and 3 children from foster care. I know how desperately children in foster care need homes. They are great kids who just need someone to take them in and love them. And they are children! future adult members of our society! yet people keep having kids of their own and very few think about the children that are in group homes and have no families of their own. I support people making their own choices and doing what is right for them. I don't stick my nose into other people's business unless they stick theirs into mine first. I wish others would do the same.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.
    You'd have to change your gender first for me to look at you.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    What, so fat people aren't allowed to have expensive hobbies until they've stopped being fat?

    You know what a competition grade trap shotgun costs? And how many thousands of shells those guys shoot in a month? And some of them are fat.

    Have you ever been to the drag races? Even the "run what you brung" days will have guys show up with tens of thousands of dollars in their cars. Some of those guys are fat.

    Should they put all other plans and hobbies and good times on hold until they conform with your idea of attractive and healthy?
    Jumping the gun here. I never mentioned fat. I stated "physical shape". Watching some of the owners run with their dogs and looking like they were going to keel over after it was done. There are lots of fat people who are in good physical shape. NFL line man for instance. Sumo wrestlers for another.
    Maybe I should have elaborated more in my OP.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Okay. Replace where I said "fat" with "not able to easily run more than a few yards". It's still the same.
    If you say so. I would think that if running with the dog is part of the presentation, the person doing it shouldn't have to struggle with it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    A child or relative, I can see since they can carry on genes and legacy. I do get that one can get very attached to an animal, but fail to see how one puts that animals health and well being over their own.

    Because someone can't have children and their pet is their "child"?
    Again, my opinion. You disagree. That's cool.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I have come realize that my goals are NOT your goals. And my reasons for doing things are NOT yours.

    My "purpose" is unique to me, and I spend my money to achieve that purpose. Just as my family doesn't understand mine, but they accept me and it anyways... I do the same for them.

    If someone wants to spend the money on their dog, it's their money. Let them be.

    Take off the judgey pants and add another set of weights to your bar.
    Oh trust that I could really care less what people want to do with their money. There way more odd things that people spend a lot of money on that trumps this.
    Lol, and I'm on a deload phase right now.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    You cared so little that you started a thread.

    He said he could care less, which means he could care less but chooses not too and rants on forums about it
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Rather than their pets. Reading an article on show dogs a while back, some spent as much as $5000 a month to keep their dog fed, groomed, housed and trained. Mind you it's not doing tricks like "roll over" or "jump through the hoop", but just how to trot and stop and stand still.
    So I see this cost and look at the physical shape of the owner and facepalm. Many obviously don't take as good as care of themselves as their dog. I'll never understand it even though many have tried to explain the why, I still can't help but wonder why they care more about the dog than themselves.
    A child or relative, I can see since they can carry on genes and legacy. I do get that one can get very attached to an animal, but fail to see how one puts that animals health and well being over their own.

    Okay, I'm ready for the animal lovers to bash me now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Lol why should they? It's their money, it's their business. Just because it appears that you judge people on what they look like, perhaps they don't.....
    If you noticed, I said "physical shape". If you've ever watched a clip of a dog show, the owner RUNS with the dog. When the owner is panting and huffing from running 10yds, it's probably a good indication that the dogs health and fitness is better than theirs.
    And why should they? Probably because if they succumb to death or illness, who's gonna take care of their precious dog then?:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    And after the dog owners die this is what happens to the poor doggie....


    It could have been all prevented to. Just if that dog owner would have cared enough about fido or fifi to not let poor health get the best of them and retire earlier than expected.

    That is not going to happen to a top show dog. If the owner died, the dog would be sold for lots and lots of money.

    Selling? That's sounds so barbaric!

    Dogs are people too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.

    Wow. Way to take something intended to be educational and run off a bridge with it. Do you not realize that dogs domesticated themselves basically. But what do I know. I only have a career in animal welfare.

    Career. At 24.

    And you have no idea what my background is.
    Lol, so people now can't have careers at 24? How old to they have to be?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I was responding more to her making it sound like she had many many years of expertise in the field. Like someone having been in the animal welfare field for 30 years having studied canine genetics and veterinary medicine.
    I wouldn't always rely on age or length of time in any field as the most reliable factor into whether someone was right or wrong in their assertions. Heck in my industry there are lots of 50 year old trainers who have been in it for years, who still tout detoxes, meal timing, clean eating, etc. as the only "real" way to lose weight and be healthy.
    I've also met people who have started at a very young age (say gymnastics or dance) who are in their mid twenties and are instructors and trainers who are very very good at it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • californiabella