Some should use the money on bettering themselves.....



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hell, why not turn all the dogs loose and let them live the way "nature intended"? As long as we're doing away with man playing all powerful creator we shouldn't be domesticating animals at all. Then we'd have more time to spend looking good for ninerbuff.
    You'd have to change your gender first for me to look at you.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
    No hate. You're just not my type.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I'll admit it, part of me is curious or "judges" why so many pageants moms are so out of shape. Same with that lady on Dance Moms. I don't think all people have to look performance ready but I think they should set an example and take better care of themselves.

    I'd be leary if any of my daughters gymnastic coaches were out of shape and in the obese range. Same with a hair stylist with terrible unkept hair.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    As long as the behavior, spending attitude, opinions of people do not affect me and my life negatively, I have no reason to judge and/or criticize. I live by that rule.
    If what people think or do negatively influences my life I take action; like when the neighbors park their car in my spot, I complained even though I don't have a car. I had to pay extra ( the equivalent of 17000 dollars, which they did not do ) for the parking space when I bought my home and it's mine to do with as a please , so I wrote them a letter. I also complained when the water bill increased by 350% for the same amount of water.
    I do however not waste my time and energy with things that don't affect me and are none of my business.
    And if someone would tell me that I could not spoil my dog, go on vacation, buy expensive opera tickets, buy fancy shoes etc because I am overweight, I would give that person a very big and nasty piece of my mind.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member

    Spending money while someone/something else does the actual work is easy. Doing work is hard.

    Exactly, if you have the money, you can easily feed your dog the best, most organic, healthiest diet available... you can hire someone to walk him and make sure he gets all his exercise, you can send him to doggy daycare so he's properly socialized, enroll him in agility training to keep him active... and pay a handler to take him through the course. You can even hire someone to play with him outside so he gets the needed human attention, and you can pay groomers to make sure he looks his best... All without using one ounce of personal discipline or effort on your part, none of it requires you to lift a finger.

    However, to better yourself you have to put out effort. You can hire a personal trainer, but you are the one who has to exercise. You can enroll in college courses to better your education, but it is you who will have to study. You can sign up for enrichment classes like art or music, but you are the one who has to show up, pay attention, and put out effort. You can purchase a gym membership, but you have to show up and do the work. You can enroll in a Zumba class or other exercise class, but it won't do any good if you aren't disciplined to show up. You could probably hire a personal chef to come and fix the healthiest, most organic, best diet available for a human being... but if afterward you give into your craving to devour a large pizza from the local restaurant that won't do you any good.

    So it boils down to the fact that it EASIER for someone who has the money to simply write a check for the care of a pet, than it is for them to put out the effort to take care of themselves.

    Note: I once worked at a pet store that boarded small animals as well, Michael Landon kept his very expensive Parrot there. I never could understand why someone would buy a bird that cost (at that time) $5000, if they weren't even going to keep it at their home. I mean, the bird lived full time in the store, and in the year I worked there, Michael Landon visited one time for about 5 minutes. Why not just visit a zoo to look at the animals if that is the kind of relationship you'll have with a pet?!? Oh, and Michael Landon was one of my favorite actors... so I'm not just trying to be critical... I just really didn't understand. At least he DID make sure the bird was well cared for though, some people who lose interest in a pet just neglect it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    OP, I personally think your outlook on the world in general would improve if you had better taste in football teams.

    :bigsmile: (takes cover)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I have come realize that my goals are NOT your goals. And my reasons for doing things are NOT yours.

    My "purpose" is unique to me, and I spend my money to achieve that purpose. Just as my family doesn't understand mine, but they accept me and it anyways... I do the same for them.

    If someone wants to spend the money on their dog, it's their money. Let them be.

    Take off the judgey pants and add another set of weights to your bar.
    Oh trust that I could really care less what people want to do with their money. There way more odd things that people spend a lot of money on that trumps this.
    Lol, and I'm on a deload phase right now.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    You cared so little that you started a thread.

    He said he could care less, which means he could care less but chooses not too and rants on forums about it
    Not a rant, but an opinion. Having an opinion on something doesn't mean I have to care about it. For example: I don't believe in god. I could really care less if people do or not. See how that works?
    What it seems that people really care about on the forums is if an opinion isn't agreed upon, some get butthurt over it and try to discredit the person stating the opinion.
    You disagree, I'm cool with that. So just disagree, but don't try to analyze why I post what I post as if you actually know me.
    And no I'm not butthurt about it.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    OP, I personally think your outlook on the world in general would improve if you had better taste in football teams.

    :bigsmile: (takes cover)
    Wait. Let's count the SB rings............................oh okay. Yeah, I'm with the right team.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I am an animal lover.....but I've heard scary things about the way those show people treat their animals (almost just like trophies, not like living things). I probably overspend on my two dogs....but yes, that is extreme. And I think actually the people in the rings with them aren't the owners, just people hired to "show" the dogs, and they're often hired by multiple dog owners (because they can make the dog walk the best, etc.). I prefer to watch the mutts doing the obstacle courses and frisbee jumps!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    depends on the dog I suppose, show dogs probably rake in quite a bit of money and therefore paying that much for their upkeep might be what it takes. I am also of the mind that some people just have that kind of money so $5000 to us might be like $100 bucks to them. It's relative to your finances. I have a hard time believing anyone would pay that much a month if they weren't deep in the pockets. But whatever their money their perogative even if it is a wasteful one and the dog could care less. I spent $5000 on my dog, but that was for surgery so he wouldn't be paralyzed at 5 years old, do some people consider that a waste of money? Yes, do I give a crap what they think, hell no, my money I earned it I will spend it the way I like, when I come begging at their door for money then they can have an opinion that they expect me to listen to. Different strokes for different folks and as weird as people priorites are they are their's to shuffle around as they wish.

    Also keep in mind, for show dogs this isn't just someone blowing money to show off their dog, for a lot of them, it is their hobby/career/drive/passion there is much more involved than just prancing a dog around even though it appears that way to the general public and some can make a very good living that way.

    What I consider a waste of money, Check out Toddlers and Tiaras
  • JuliaLee67
    the ironic thing is that i've quite often heard the exact same argument made against bodybuilding:

    "Why are they spending so much money on gym memberships/home gym equipment??? They aren't rich, they should be spending that money on paying their bills! SELFISH!"

    "Why are they spending so much money on personal trainers??? All weight lifting is, is 'pick up weight, put weight down, rinse and repeat'! Who can't figure that out on their own and for free? STUPID!"

    "Why do they spend so much time working out??? They should be spending all that precious time with their kids! WASTEFUL!"

    "Why waste all that time in order to try to look a certain way??? We're all gonna get old and wrinkly! And health? Please, we're all gonna die, too! And all to look a certain way! VAIN!"

    kinda funny how judgy some people are for different things, and yet it's all pretty much for the same basic reasons.

    also, most show dog owners hire handlers to show the dogs. the people you see in dog shows actually showing the dogs are probably handlers, not owners. now as to why these handlers don't meet your own personal standards of physical fitness or attractiveness is another story. i suggest you ask them yourself.
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    Some people do NOT want children. Maybe they can't. I know several who think the world is not a place they want to bring children into. I know other who think the world is too over-populated and so don't want children. I know some that thought the families they and their spouse came from were so bad that no one in either family ought to ever reproduce and were not going to have children. Nearly all these people have pets on whom they shower the love, affection, and care they would have showered onto children. The pets are their children.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Some people want purebreds because they want the predictability, size, temperament, drive, etc. Temperament is primarily herediatry. Health can be dependant on genetics.
    There are different breeds for a reason, almost all had a function at one point. Many people still use their dogs for those reasons, again why some people desire purebreds.

    There is a whole world of difference between a well bred purebred and just breeding a purebred. I don't agree with breeding for the sake of breed or breeding for looks alone either, espcially at the expense of health.

    There is nothing wrong with going to your local shelter either, nothing wrong with mixes, but your premise that they are healtier or live 5-8 years longer is unfounded. I have yet to find any reliable sources to support that. Mixing breeds does not automatically make a dog healthier. You are still introducing genetic diseases from both breeds into the offspring. For example, if you check the OFA site for Hip Dysplasia, you'll notice that the "labradoodle" (which is not a purebred, but a mix of Labs and Poodles) has a higher rate of hip dysplasia than both the Lab and the Poodle.

    ETA - From what I understand, mutts are allowed to compete at Westminster in an agility competition, not the conformation portion.

    Spayed/Neutered dogs are also allowed to compete in agility.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    the ironic thing is that i've quite often heard the exact same argument made against bodybuilding:

    "Why are they spending so much money on gym memberships/home gym equipment??? They aren't rich, they should be spending that money on paying their bills! SELFISH!"

    "Why are they spending so much money on personal trainers??? All weight lifting is, is 'pick up weight, put weight down, rinse and repeat'! Who can't figure that out on their own and for free? STUPID!"

    "Why do they spend so much time working out??? They should be spending all that precious time with their kids! WASTEFUL!"

    "Why waste all that time in order to try to look a certain way??? We're all gonna get old and wrinkly! And health? Please, we're all gonna die, too! And all to look a certain way! VAIN!"

    kinda funny how judgy some people are for different things, and yet it's all pretty much for the same basic reasons.

    also, most show dog owners hire handlers to show the dogs. the people you see in dog shows actually showing the dogs are probably handlers, not owners. now as to why these handlers don't meet your own personal standards of physical fitness or attractiveness is another story. i suggest you ask them yourself.
    Please, don't me started on bodybuilding. I started out natural body building and was shocked at hearing how much many of the guys spend on "gear" alone. I could never afford it, so I never did it (although at the time if I did have the money, I probably would have).
    As for the remark on personal trainers, it's NOT just about lifting a weight an putting it down. There are lots of people in the gym without trainers who ABSOLUTELY do it wrong and many who are wondering why they aren't progressing after months and months of doing it. So a person with this thought probably thinks they got it all figured out. That's not to say that some don't, but I'm more than betting if people could afford a personal trainer, they'd like to have one.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    What, so fat people aren't allowed to have expensive hobbies until they've stopped being fat?

    You know what a competition grade trap shotgun costs? And how many thousands of shells those guys shoot in a month? And some of them are fat.

    Have you ever been to the drag races? Even the "run what you brung" days will have guys show up with tens of thousands of dollars in their cars. Some of those guys are fat.

    Should they put all other plans and hobbies and good times on hold until they conform with your idea of attractive and healthy?
    Jumping the gun here. I never mentioned fat. I stated "physical shape". Watching some of the owners run with their dogs and looking like they were going to keel over after it was done. There are lots of fat people who are in good physical shape. NFL line man for instance. Sumo wrestlers for another.
    Maybe I should have elaborated more in my OP.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Okay. Replace where I said "fat" with "not able to easily run more than a few yards". It's still the same.
    If you say so. I would think that if running with the dog is part of the presentation, the person doing it shouldn't have to struggle with it.

    Apparently, AKC judges disagree.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Personally I don't get the whole pure bred thing to begin with. I'm a veterinary assistant and see countless pure bred animals brought in because of genetic health problems just because people have an obsession with playing all powerful creator and making everything around them suit their own needs. English Bulldogs can't even have puppies naturally anymore because they've been bred to have such large heads and narrow hips that to try to deliver a litter naturally can literally kill them. Same with chihuahua's and other toy breeds. AND the AKC has rules against altered animals entering their competitions so you cannot get your animal spayed or neutered in order to show. This only perpetuates the continuation of the breeding and selling of these animals while the gene pool gets smaller and smaller.

    What's wrong with going to your local shelter and rescuing an animal that desperately needs a home? Mixed breed dogs tend to live 5-8 years longer than a pure bred animal, they are usually already fixed as part of their adoption fee, and in general don't encounter the severe health issues that many pure breed dogs do, thus lowering the expenses of the owner exponentially. AND, they love you just the same or even more because you gave them a second chance.

    Some people want purebreds because they want the predictability, size, temperament, drive, etc. Temperament is primarily herediatry. Health can be dependant on genetics.
    There are different breeds for a reason, almost all had a function at one point. Many people still use their dogs for those reasons, again why some people desire purebreds.

    There is a whole world of difference between a well bred purebred and just breeding a purebred. I don't agree with breeding for the sake of breed or breeding for looks alone either, espcially at the expense of health.

    There is nothing wrong with going to your local shelter either, nothing wrong with mixes, but your premise that they are healtier or live 5-8 years longer is unfounded. I have yet to find any reliable sources to support that. Mixing breeds does not automatically make a dog healthier. You are still introducing genetic diseases from both breeds into the offspring. For example, if you check the OFA site for Hip Dysplasia, you'll notice that the "labradoodle" (which is not a purebred, but a mix of Labs and Poodles) has a higher rate of hip dysplasia than both the Lab and the Poodle.

    ETA - From what I understand, mutts are allowed to compete at Westminster in an agility competition, not the conformation portion.

    Spayed/Neutered dogs are also allowed to compete in agility.

    I couldn't remember for sure if the AKC allowed it in their competitions. Its been awhile since I've done agility (and I am not in the US)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    the ironic thing is that i've quite often heard the exact same argument made against bodybuilding:

    "Why are they spending so much money on gym memberships/home gym equipment??? They aren't rich, they should be spending that money on paying their bills! SELFISH!"

    "Why are they spending so much money on personal trainers??? All weight lifting is, is 'pick up weight, put weight down, rinse and repeat'! Who can't figure that out on their own and for free? STUPID!"

    "Why do they spend so much time working out??? They should be spending all that precious time with their kids! WASTEFUL!"

    "Why waste all that time in order to try to look a certain way??? We're all gonna get old and wrinkly! And health? Please, we're all gonna die, too! And all to look a certain way! VAIN!"

    kinda funny how judgy some people are for different things, and yet it's all pretty much for the same basic reasons.

    also, most show dog owners hire handlers to show the dogs. the people you see in dog shows actually showing the dogs are probably handlers, not owners. now as to why these handlers don't meet your own personal standards of physical fitness or attractiveness is another story. i suggest you ask them yourself.
    Please, don't me started on bodybuilding. I started out natural body building and was shocked at hearing how much many of the guys spend on "gear" alone. I could never afford it, so I never did it (although at the time if I did have the money, I probably would have).
    As for the remark on personal trainers, it's NOT just about lifting a weight an putting it down. There are lots of people in the gym without trainers who ABSOLUTELY do it wrong and many who are wondering why they aren't progressing after months and months of doing it. So a person with this thought probably thinks they got it all figured out. That's not to say that some don't, but I'm more than betting if people could afford a personal trainer, they'd like to have one.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even natural bodybuilding is expensive.
  • JuliaLee67
    the ironic thing is that i've quite often heard the exact same argument made against bodybuilding:

    "Why are they spending so much money on gym memberships/home gym equipment??? They aren't rich, they should be spending that money on paying their bills! SELFISH!"

    "Why are they spending so much money on personal trainers??? All weight lifting is, is 'pick up weight, put weight down, rinse and repeat'! Who can't figure that out on their own and for free? STUPID!"

    "Why do they spend so much time working out??? They should be spending all that precious time with their kids! WASTEFUL!"

    "Why waste all that time in order to try to look a certain way??? We're all gonna get old and wrinkly! And health? Please, we're all gonna die, too! And all to look a certain way! VAIN!"

    kinda funny how judgy some people are for different things, and yet it's all pretty much for the same basic reasons.

    also, most show dog owners hire handlers to show the dogs. the people you see in dog shows actually showing the dogs are probably handlers, not owners. now as to why these handlers don't meet your own personal standards of physical fitness or attractiveness is another story. i suggest you ask them yourself.
    Please, don't me started on bodybuilding. I started out natural body building and was shocked at hearing how much many of the guys spend on "gear" alone. I could never afford it, so I never did it (although at the time if I did have the money, I probably would have).
    As for the remark on personal trainers, it's NOT just about lifting a weight an putting it down. There are lots of people in the gym without trainers who ABSOLUTELY do it wrong and many who are wondering why they aren't progressing after months and months of doing it. So a person with this thought probably thinks they got it all figured out. That's not to say that some don't, but I'm more than betting if people could afford a personal trainer, they'd like to have one.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    i know, bb. my point was that what seems expensive, frivolous, or silly to one is what gives life to another. and who are we to judge that?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    What, so fat people aren't allowed to have expensive hobbies until they've stopped being fat?

    You know what a competition grade trap shotgun costs? And how many thousands of shells those guys shoot in a month? And some of them are fat.

    Have you ever been to the drag races? Even the "run what you brung" days will have guys show up with tens of thousands of dollars in their cars. Some of those guys are fat.

    Should they put all other plans and hobbies and good times on hold until they conform with your idea of attractive and healthy?
    Jumping the gun here. I never mentioned fat. I stated "physical shape". Watching some of the owners run with their dogs and looking like they were going to keel over after it was done. There are lots of fat people who are in good physical shape. NFL line man for instance. Sumo wrestlers for another.
    Maybe I should have elaborated more in my OP.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Okay. Replace where I said "fat" with "not able to easily run more than a few yards". It's still the same.
    If you say so. I would think that if running with the dog is part of the presentation, the person doing it shouldn't have to struggle with it.

    Apparently, AKC judges disagree.
    Not for the judges sake, for the person's sake. Strenuous activity put upon an unfit person increases risk of myocardial infarction.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    the ironic thing is that i've quite often heard the exact same argument made against bodybuilding:

    "Why are they spending so much money on gym memberships/home gym equipment??? They aren't rich, they should be spending that money on paying their bills! SELFISH!"

    "Why are they spending so much money on personal trainers??? All weight lifting is, is 'pick up weight, put weight down, rinse and repeat'! Who can't figure that out on their own and for free? STUPID!"

    "Why do they spend so much time working out??? They should be spending all that precious time with their kids! WASTEFUL!"

    "Why waste all that time in order to try to look a certain way??? We're all gonna get old and wrinkly! And health? Please, we're all gonna die, too! And all to look a certain way! VAIN!"

    kinda funny how judgy some people are for different things, and yet it's all pretty much for the same basic reasons.

    also, most show dog owners hire handlers to show the dogs. the people you see in dog shows actually showing the dogs are probably handlers, not owners. now as to why these handlers don't meet your own personal standards of physical fitness or attractiveness is another story. i suggest you ask them yourself.
    Please, don't me started on bodybuilding. I started out natural body building and was shocked at hearing how much many of the guys spend on "gear" alone. I could never afford it, so I never did it (although at the time if I did have the money, I probably would have).
    As for the remark on personal trainers, it's NOT just about lifting a weight an putting it down. There are lots of people in the gym without trainers who ABSOLUTELY do it wrong and many who are wondering why they aren't progressing after months and months of doing it. So a person with this thought probably thinks they got it all figured out. That's not to say that some don't, but I'm more than betting if people could afford a personal trainer, they'd like to have one.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even natural bodybuilding is expensive.
    Could be if one is spending all their money on supplements. Luckily with today's access to actual studies, lots of people who approach now needn't spend for much more than protein powder and creatine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    We have three hunting dogs, and their training costs us $175 per week, per dog, 3-6 weeks per year per dog. They are all microchipped, they need shots for Lymes, rabies and distemper yearly, heartworm testing and pills, frontline to prevent ticks and fleas. We buy them grain-free high protein food. They are expensive to own and take proper care of, but I couldn't afford them, I wouldn't own them.

    ^Amen to this.