Trying to lose weight on a tight budget!



  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I also check flyers before grocery shopping. I try to go where the best sales are. I believe our prices here in Canada vary quite differently than the US.

    I made a nice list of staple food items for a budget conscious grocery shopper a few posts back...I do believe that all of those would apply regardless of whether you live in the US or Canada.

    Yes you did, thank you. That comment was geared more toward the people naming US stores and prices.
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    Oh yeah and if you have a YMCA near you, they say they never turn someone away for inability to pay. It goes by your income. I brought in my income ( you can bring 2 checkstubs or a W2) and I was reduced 50% so I pay $50 a month but that is for me and 4 kids. I think the normal rate is $80 a month for 1 person so if you bring in your checkstubs you'll get 50% or more off! I have even heard of people getting free for one year! Their gyms are awesome and all inclusive, I even get to meet with a personal trainer once a month for free!

    Unfortunately YMCA's are not common where I live, but thank you!
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    Was going to say Aldi but someone beat me too it, we have them in Wisconsin as well. Trader Joe's is also a good option for things like brown rice, whole wheat pasta. I buy whatever produce is on sale and looks good, as a result it's normally what's in season at that time so often it tastes better too!

    2 other tips-cook at home and plan so you don't waste food!

    Unfortunately we don't have either. And we do make plans for meals and only cook at home and if there are leftovers they get taken for lunch the next day or frozen. We can't afford to eat out.
    Thank you though!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Check out your local thrift stores for DVDs, weights, and interim clothing as you shrink. Why buy new when people are getting rid of perfectly good stuff you can snag cheap?

    If you follow the whole chicken advice, take the carcass when you're done, stick it in a crockpot, cover it with water (don't fill the pot completely if it's a big pot and a small carcass), throw in some carrots and garlic if you have some on hand, a few herbs and spices you like (sage, parsley, and black pepper make a good basic stock), a little salt, and leave it on low for a long time. I usually cook mine for close to 24 hours. Then strain the "stuff" out and voila-chicken broth that's basically free, low calorie, and good. It freezes well too. Use it to make soup, saute veggies, cook your rice for added flavor and nutrition, even use it for a snack.

    This won't help you now, but do you have space for a small garden in the spring? Helps with the fresh food budget AND it's exercise. You'll have to make a small investment in plants or seeds to start with, maybe buy a few tools (look at yard sales and second-hand stores). It's not going to work for everyone, and it's definitely work, but it's a gods-send to us.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    Ummmmm so apparently you and I have lived the same life!!!!

    When I was at my lowest budget wise I focussed on filling up with vegies at dinner time, and just a small piece of meat, usually whatever was on sale or reduced because it was about to expire. If I bought vegies and they looked like they would go bad before I ate them all I boiled them up and mashed them up all together, would add a little grated cheese and have for lunch. Exercise for me was walking, it also saved me money on gas, I would walk to the shops to get my food etc.

    If I wanted to lift weights or something, I used heavy stuff from home, that kind of thing.

    You can do it, it is not easy, but it can be done.

    Good luck!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Where do people find these farmer's markets where things are cheaper than the grocery store?! We went to one this weekend to compare, and everything we checked was more expensive yet than the organics at our local store.

    I wholeheartedly agree, unless you go around the time they are about to close and make them an offer.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    1. Long walks are free and relaxing ( work your way up to 3-5 miles) that should give you about an hours walk.
    2. Frozen Veggies, Celery and Peanut butter ( cheap, and good for you) Oh rice, chicken also very good fillers.

    3. Your EX husband SUCKS.

    4. Calculate your BMR and starting out eat only 200 calories over that, when your weight goes down, recalculate and continue down. Do not just do the 1200 calories, its not sustainable for most people.

    Agree! Especially #3
  • clmice215
    I do find it amazing that when I am in a relationship I start to gain weight. But, that is a whole other story. I am in the same boat as you when it comes to budget. I look for whole grain everything. It not only makes you feel full longer it gets things moving out of your body as well. I am not sure where you live but, we have a store in Missouri called Aldi's, It is a discounted grocery store. For example I needed eggs today. At the regular grocery store they were 2.28 a dozen at Aldi's they were 1.29 a dozen. They have a lot of produce and a brand called Fit and Active that is the healthy choice. See if you have that type of store in your area. Usually when I am in full swing with this life change I have cereal/oatmeal with juice and fruit for breakfast, Sandwich, salad or soup for lunch and dinner depends on how many calories I have left. I find the key is no matter what you eat practice portion control . I have been taught you plate should look like a swim suit meat and starch for the top ( a 1/4 of the plate each) and vegetable are the bottom ( 1/2 the plate.) Hope that help. Oh one more thing. If you are going out to eat and know which restaurant a head of time go to their website and look at the nutrition page. You will be surprised what you can eat. It isn't always salad. I went out this weekend and I would have ordered Fiesta Lime Chicken But, looking at the website found out it was 1250 calories so instead I got the Cajun Lime Tilapia which was 325 calories and I took some of it home. Research and exercise are your friends. Good Luck
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Where do people find these farmer's markets where things are cheaper than the grocery store?! We went to one this weekend to compare, and everything we checked was more expensive yet than the organics at our local store.
    . It depends where you live right now in Canada they aren't cheap and are mostly root veggies
    But the market I use has a food basket that is 30 bucks and has a good number of items and you can swqap things in and out
    The 30 includes from fresh eggs and I usually get a pound of ground boar (pork) we spend a little more on non local vet
    At the cheapest supermarket
    And we watch sales closely last week I picked up good air chilled chickens for 6 bucks each not huge but the make
    2 meals for 2 and stock with the bones

    Exercise right now is walking I walk 7km a day when it warms above freezing and the snow and ice are gone I'll flip
    To cycling 14 a day (and save myself a transit fare to boot
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member

    "I think what that poster was trying to tell you is that if you are focusing on something like skinny jeans vs. the bigger picture of being healthy, it will not matter what advice you receive because your mindset is not conducive to doing what needs to be done. That's not being tough on you, that's being real. It gets pretty maddening for regular posters when people come in and lament about not being a super cute size they used to be and omg, being healthy is SO expensive! It's really not. It's about prioritizing and not copping out with BS excuses, like "low fat" food being too expensive.

    I can't even"

    First of all....I wasn't "crying over my skinny jeans" it was the fact that I had gained the weight back and hadn't really noticed. It just happened to be at that point of trying to wear the jeans that it really sunk in. Some people seem to take my wording quite literally! Yes...I want to be healthy....but I also need motivation in front of me to give me that push I need. Those jeans represent that. Because, if I can fit into the jeans....and maybe even smaller ones, that means I am losing the weight and getting healthier. It is tangible unlike the goal to be healthy...that is not something I can see or touch. But in losing the weight, better health will follow. My bottom line is to be a healthy weight for my age and height.

    You do not know me to assume that I am more worried about being a "super cute size" than being healthy so please don't make those assumptions based on a paragraph I wrote. Maybe I worded it poorly, but one should still never assume.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life, coming from an overweight family who did not excercise or eat healthy. My ex (whom I was with for 18 years) was also not healthy and was very overweight, obese even according to his BMI. Growing up & living that way, made for some very bad habits in my life. Those habits are incredibly hard to break. I also know enough to realize I am not only fighting to change bad habits but also genetics and my age.

    I have stated over and over here that I am JUST BEGINNING! I joined this site to get support and advice to help me make a lifestyle change but that is going to take time. It was a huge step for me to post on a site like this because I knew I would get some comments stating the harsh truth....but I didn't think some people would be so rude about it. Making sarcastic comments is NOT helpful in any way. And calling what I say BS....also not helpful. Everyone has different opinions. My excuses are excuses yes....but they are valid ones in my opinion. Because like I have also stated a few times....people's idea of what things cost and what is expensive varys quite a bit. What seems expensive to me might not to you.

    I took a big step in joining this site, hoping for some positive, friendly advice....and yes truth. But maybe some should think about how they are wording that TRUTH because it comes off as quite rude and abrasive...which does not work for me. There are polite ways to say things and point stuff out. I do not respond to negativity. I respond to the many other encouraging people that have commented on here.
    And if the "regular posters" are maddened by us newbies....then just leave us be to the people who have the patience, understanding and encouragement that we need since we are all just beginning.

    I can't say it enough....everyone is different in SO many ways. Please realize that before commenting on someone's post.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Just to save yourself some heartache, as forum posts can quickly spiral out of control is going to the forum guidelines and marking the first one.

    MyFitnessPal Site-wide Community Guidelines

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    While you can't keep someone from a snide or sarcastic remark, you CAN refrain from commenting on it and giving momentum to the impending crazy. If someone snaps at you or is less than benevolent in their tone, roll past it and move on. Best of luck.
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    So sorry about your ex-husband. I suggest U tube as well and I like Jillian Michaels and Jessica Smith kickboxing. It free. Try Mall walking its free and its warm inside. Do A couple times around the Mall and then site and get a coffee or maybe window shop and get in more walking. There are plenty of creative ways to exercise, I.e., when you are cooking do squats in the kitchen or bicep curl with cans of food. Please friend me and I will be glad to help you:happy:
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    Just to save yourself some heartache, as forum posts can quickly spiral out of control is going to the forum guidelines and marking the first one.

    MyFitnessPal Site-wide Community Guidelines

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    While you can't keep someone from a snide or sarcastic remark, you CAN refrain from commenting on it and giving momentum to the impending crazy. If someone snaps at you or is less than benevolent in their tone, roll past it and move on. Best of luck.

    I know....I try not to resond but the need to defend myself just takes over! I am a person that takes things to heart and want people to like me....always have been and that's hard to change. It is something else I am working on, but I will take your advice, Thanks!
  • jacdog88
    jacdog88 Posts: 24 Member
    Have you checked your local library for DVDs? There are so many available and you can get quite a variety!
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    You can make things like a healthy filling chili. Beans are really cheap as is ground beef and sometimes you can find ground turkey on sale for less than ground beef.
  • lolosensan

    "I think what that poster was trying to tell you is that if you are focusing on something like skinny jeans vs. the bigger picture of being healthy, it will not matter what advice you receive because your mindset is not conducive to doing what needs to be done. That's not being tough on you, that's being real. It gets pretty maddening for regular posters when people come in and lament about not being a super cute size they used to be and omg, being healthy is SO expensive! It's really not. It's about prioritizing and not copping out with BS excuses, like "low fat" food being too expensive.

    I can't even"

    First of all....I wasn't "crying over my skinny jeans" it was the fact that I had gained the weight back and hadn't really noticed. It just happened to be at that point of trying to wear the jeans that it really sunk in. Some people seem to take my wording quite literally! Yes...I want to be healthy....but I also need motivation in front of me to give me that push I need. Those jeans represent that. Because, if I can fit into the jeans....and maybe even smaller ones, that means I am losing the weight and getting healthier. It is tangible unlike the goal to be healthy...that is not something I can see or touch. But in losing the weight, better health will follow. My bottom line is to be a healthy weight for my age and height.

    You do not know me to assume that I am more worried about being a "super cute size" than being healthy so please don't make those assumptions based on a paragraph I wrote. Maybe I worded it poorly, but one should still never assume.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life, coming from an overweight family who did not excercise or eat healthy. My ex (whom I was with for 18 years) was also not healthy and was very overweight, obese even according to his BMI. Growing up & living that way, made for some very bad habits in my life. Those habits are incredibly hard to break. I also know enough to realize I am not only fighting to change bad habits but also genetics and my age.

    I have stated over and over here that I am JUST BEGINNING! I joined this site to get support and advice to help me make a lifestyle change but that is going to take time. It was a huge step for me to post on a site like this because I knew I would get some comments stating the harsh truth....but I didn't think some people would be so rude about it. Making sarcastic comments is NOT helpful in any way. And calling what I say BS....also not helpful. Everyone has different opinions. My excuses are excuses yes....but they are valid ones in my opinion. Because like I have also stated a few times....people's idea of what things cost and what is expensive varys quite a bit. What seems expensive to me might not to you.

    I took a big step in joining this site, hoping for some positive, friendly advice....and yes truth. But maybe some should think about how they are wording that TRUTH because it comes off as quite rude and abrasive...which does not work for me. There are polite ways to say things and point stuff out. I do not respond to negativity. I respond to the many other encouraging people that have commented on here.
    And if the "regular posters" are maddened by us newbies....then just leave us be to the people who have the patience, understanding and encouragement that we need since we are all just beginning.

    I can't say it enough....everyone is different in SO many ways. Please realize that before commenting on someone's post.
  • lolosensan
    Woops, was trying to respond to this. I think that was a great response to this "regular poster"...I can't even...are you kidding me? If this is the mentality of the "regular posters"? what a sad, sorry bunch of people with no lives. So what if someone's goal IS to look super cute in a smaller jean size? it's their goal..NOT YOURS! Get a life.

    Way to call this person out while stating what needed to be said: we are all different.
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    Options first your ex really sucks! You have handled things well! Do you have stairs at home? Do you clean? Just try to push yourself into some kind of normal. That seems to work for me. Food....yes it does about smoothes? You can replace at least a meal with one. Good luck!
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    Dollar tree is also a good place to buy some of your frozen vegetables and fruit. I buy frozen spinach,mangoes, mixed berries there. They also have the green tea bags,(which I am hooked) and salsa.Everything cost $1! Oh and RevolutionaryOats with flax seeds..
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This thread is making me super curious about Trader Joe's. I have never been, and we don't have one in my area...but I was under the impression it was like the designer boutique of supermarkets and everything was priced

    I keep seeing it mentioned as a budget store. I am confused but intrigued now!