smokers that are quitting or have quit for motivation



  • I quit smoking almost a year ago now. I read the following book. He has a book that you can read before this, but I had to read the book that was twice as long for it to really "sink in". Being a non-smoker feels fantastic and I don't crave.

    PS Except when I quit when I was pregnant then nursing(why would I start again?!?!), I went from about a pack a day for almost 14 years to none over night. =) Good luck, you got this. This book changed my life and I suggest all people at least read it.
  • AislingHunter
    AislingHunter Posts: 71 Member
    I quit smoking almost a year ago now. I read the following book. He has a book that you can read before this, but I had to read the book that was twice as long for it to really "sink in". Being a non-smoker feels fantastic and I don't crave.

    PS Except when I quit when I was pregnant then nursing(why would I start again?!?!), I went from about a pack a day for almost 14 years to none over night. =) Good luck, you got this. This book changed my life and I suggest all people at least read it.

    I was just about to post about this book! Allen Carr is absolutely amazing, I quit after reading his Easy Way to Quit Smoking :happy:
  • red_mage
    red_mage Posts: 20 Member
    Another who quit by switching to vaping here! Pack to a pack and a half a day for 10+ years. Decided to give it a try and picked up a kit, and found I wanted to wean myself off cigarettes after about a week and a half. Had one relapse day since October 30th, 2013 (was craving them as part of PMS, WTF?) and have no desire to go back. Some of my friends still smoke and they smell gross. :(

    So far, I've noticed improvements in how I feel when I wake up (no coughing/clogged sinuses), how I feel in the gym, and my sleep has improved significantly. Also, I don't find myself having that "oh god cigarette now" feeling when I'm at work- it's a lot easier to hold off.

    It is cheaper than smoking if you don't go wild with buying juice/mods- I like it as a hobby and will stop buying shiny new things when they stop making shiny new things for me to buy. I figure it's well worth it for my health (and my wallet) in the long run. I'd be more than happy to share advice and recommend setups/vendors.

    You can do it, and I wish you luck in whatever method you choose!
  • ericarfloyd
    ericarfloyd Posts: 93 Member
    I used Chantix to quit smoking - it has an appetite suppressant in it (I was told). I didn't gain anything until I found out I was losing my job last year. That did me in with the bad food choices. . . . . . but we are back on track with exercising and MFP (finally after several failed attempts). It all comes down to mindset and staying focused on the weekends!

    Find something that will keep you focused and motivated - a saying or group of sayings that can call on when you are having a bad moment. The video I use is just over 6 minutes and somebody had shared it on Facebook from a page called " - Adrian Bryant". The video is dated Dec 28, 2013. I listen to it on the way to work and then on the way home twice to motivate me to work out once I get home. It's full of great quotes! Check it out you may like it too!
  • tanya203
    tanya203 Posts: 19 Member
    My tip is stay away from cig-look-alikes if you're a more moderate or heavy smoker trying to kick the habit. I can only imagine they work for light smokers, or people who don't know better that much more efficient technology exists.

    This is going to be one of those personal opinion things. When I tried the pen-type e-cigs, I hated them. They didn't FEEL right, they didn't suck right, they didn't taste right. I wanted my cigarettes and I wanted them bad. Those other kind were too heavy, didn't hold right in my fingers. The only thing they contributed towards my smoking habit was some nicotine. When I quit for good, it was using a Swisher Natural which looked, felt, sucked like a real cigarette and truly did replace them for me. The taste was more like a low-quality, basic type cigarette which worked out well for me because I didn't want to enjoy them so much that I continued those, too. I used them for under a month and put it all down for good.

    Find what works for you and go for it!

    To my knowledge "pentype" not being an eGo fat batt type, but the genuine old style "pen" were not that hot either.

    The reason I advise people to stay away from cigarette look alikes is that countlessly I have heard stories of "e-ciggs don't work, they arn't very strong, and it didn't last long enough" and when I ask "Well did it look like a cigarette?" the answer is always a yes.

    If someone wants to try one, more power to them, however, they should also know if that route doesn't work out or they don't like it there are so many other options available to them. So many people try a cig-alike- hate it, swear off e-ciggs, and just keep on smoking and that I think is unfortunate.

    For me I cared more about performance than looks or feel in the beginning and even today, my mod is HUGE and sometimes I get funny looks once in a blue moon that I get a kick out of :P I try to keep e-cig cards for me for those who are curious and might try to quit as well with the e-cigg.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I quit, I still smoke some times when I am drinking by the pool tho.
    I want a cigar right now