Eating 1200 calories and exercising , but losing very slowly

I am 60 lb overweight, and I have done before where I would eat 1200 cals, but mostly prepackaged diet foods which aren't really all that healthy, would cheat my whole weekend, no exercise, and I'd lose like 4-5 lb a week for the first month or two. Now I have been eating 1200 calories of very clean food, only 1 single cheat meal a week (and I dont go that crazy), I make sure I eat back my exercise calories to have 1200-1250 net, and Im barely losing 1 lb a week. Frustrating that I feel like I'm being as healthy as ive ever been, and I know when you lose weight it slows down later, but Im only into my 4th week and Im 208 lb so I feel like I should be losing faster at least for a little while. Any suggestions? I feel I should be losing at least 2 lb a week


  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Please read this article!
    No seriously....READ THIS:

    Here's just a snippet:
    I don’t know why “1200″ managed to be the magic number of calories women should consume if they want to lose weight.

    I don’t even know how I know of this number. Only that I know it, and my friends know it, and my mom knows it. Somehow, somewhere along the road, I was taught that if I want to have a flat stomach and tight tushy, I need to limit my calories to 1200 a day and do cardio. I don’t know how it got in to all of our collective brains, but somehow it did (if any ladies remember how or when they first heard the 1200-calorie rule-of-thumb for losing weight, please let me know via comment box).

    What I do know is that 1200 is the general number of calories health professionals say women cannot drop below without suffering negative health consequences.

    Interesting, isn’t it? 1200 calories. The line between health and what they call “starvation mode”. 1200 calories. The dangerous tightrope that many women are trying to walk, because they think this is how thinness is achieved.

    “Starvation mode”
    means your body realizes it is not getting enough food – calories-, thinks that you are starving, and slows down your metabolism to a crawl to conserve energy. Because it thinks you are starving, when you do feed yourself, your body will try to store more of your calories as fat, because those are your long-term energy deposits.

    A long term calorie deficit can mess with your blood sugar levels, reduce bone mass, cause weakness, fatigue, cold intolerance, irregular menstrual periods, dizziness, constipation and swelling of the hands and feet (source). If a woman decides to get thin by maintaining a steep calorie deficit (1200 calories is very steep) and pairs it with long sessions of steady-state cardio, it results it thyroid issues. “Too little T3 (hypothyroidism), and the body accumulates body fat with ease, almost regardless of physical activity level. Women inadvertently put themselves into a hypothyroid condition when they perform so much steady-state cardio” (source).

    Women: If you are trying to go about your business during the day, on only 1200 calories, and perform cardio to burn those dreaded calories, you really are not going to succeed. You will most likely pass out.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Do you have myp set up to lose 2 lbs a week? Are you nursing? 1 lb per week lose is incredible! Don't get discouraged by being impatient. You're doing a great job!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Do you have myp set up to lose 2 lbs a week? Are you nursing? 1 lb per week lose is incredible! Don't get discouraged by being impatient. You're doing a great job!

    I agree with this. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • uhhhDoodle
    uhhhDoodle Posts: 41 Member
    This was a great article!!
  • lemoncm
    lemoncm Posts: 1 Member
    I was eating back my exercise calories too and found that my weight loss was slow. As soon as I stuck to my 1200 calorie limit, regardless of exercise, the weight loss got faster. Also, try to do at least 45 mins of cardio (tred mill, stair climber, eliptical) at least 5-6 days a week. Its best to mix it up (different one each day) so you body doesn't "get used" to the same routine. Keep it guessing so it works harder. If your not a runner, you can go at a good walking pace but increase the incline to 7% or more. Not sure how much water your drinking, that helped me too. I drink about 80 oz in a 24 hr period.

    Keep up the good'll reach your goal and when you do, you will be so proud of yourself. :)

  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    If you are exercising you should be eating back your burn calories otherwise your body will not perform how it should. Your body needs fuel. You will lose weight; slow and steady is the best way especially if you want to keep it off. Good Luck
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Yeah I have my settings in mfp to lose 2 lb per week. And my exercise has been a mix of strength and cardio. I am not nursing, so Im not burning any extra calories there. Maybe I will just try 1350 this week under the "lose 1.5 lb per week" mfp setting and just see if it changes....guess I should just experiment lol
  • fattybumclaire
    fattybumclaire Posts: 91 Member
    If you lose weight fast you can be left with baggy skin. If you lose it slowly it gives your body a better chance to adjust to the new shape and your skin to shrink back. Slow and steady is definately better :)
  • slobkitten
    I had this problem and bumped my calories up to 1600 per day which somebody suggested and the weight started coming off. You should gradually up your calories until you figure out what is best for you.
  • dvieira1
    Sometimes you just have to up your calories and play with your macros, listen to your body, eat 1gm of protein per lb of body weight. I struggled being in starvation mode, upped my calories and fats, and boom 5 lbs off in 5 days. Listen to your body!
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Macros? What is that?
  • 95to5percent
    95to5percent Posts: 20 Member
    The net calories may be the problem....I find that I cannot deduct the exercise calories from my total and still lose. It is a health bonus to exercise and I have learned to look at it like that. Also, you may want to change your diet, or exercise for a different spin on life. A break might also be in order. Take 3 days off from recording-and journal extensively to see what is happening inside...just be mindful of what you eat and the portions you have. You may discover some old feelings creeping up and taking over your life style.
    1. I deserve to have what I want I am making good choices.
    2. I am a victim and no matter what I do I cannot win.
    3. IS this all there is to life?
    4. Oh come-on this is so boring.
    5. Do I really have to do this the rest of my life? (YES)
    Hope this helps and good luck you have done so well so far. Keep it up---- just don't quit....
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    INow I have been eating 1200 calories...

    Your diary isn't open.
  • JennOro9
    JennOro9 Posts: 6 Member
    When you bumped your calorie intake to 1600, did you eat back your burn calories? I recently bumped mine up to 1600 as well and im confused if i should eat back my calories?
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    I am doing exactly what you are!

    I am loosing an inch a week off everywhere.....but no scale movement.
    Don't get stuck on the scale, only you care about what you weigh. Everyone else sees how your look!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Not eating enough calories is not the answer to why one is not losing weight. OP, chances are you are miscalculating calories in and calories burned, thus lessening your calorie deficit.

    Do you weigh your food? Do you log everything you eat, including drinks, condiments, tasting of goodies?

    Where do you get your calorie burns from? Gym machines and MFP tend to grossly overestimate.

    Eating back exercise calories is to properly fuel your body. However, if you calculate calories using the gym machines and/or MFP, eat only a portion back.

    Please open your diary so that we can provide specific feedback.
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Yeah I know the scale is such a mind game! When I only weighed 150-160 lbs I never cared much about the number because I wasnt severely overweight. I guess I just figure since I'm over 200 lb , then the number should definitely be moving. I am just going to try upping my calories by like 100 at a time and see how I loses at each level. So many people talk about counting carbs protein fat, calories---working 10 hrs a day and having 2 young children just does not allow for me to do all of that. I look at my suggested nutrition on mfp and hardly ever go over on the carbs and sugar and such, and calories of course are easy to track on there...but I am trying not to worry so much about every teeny thing because I KNOW I will change if I go from sitting around eating fast food all day to eating very clean and exercising.
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Whenever I exercise, I wear a Polar watch/HRM to calculate calories burned. I do log every tiny thing into my diary.
  • howeyd2211
    So many things said, I agree with.
    I started at 200lbs 2 years ago. With cardio, the fat came off quickly but the weight was slower to show on the scale. Then I got discouraged and stopped. I am back on here hoping to remain motivated. I started at 173lbs 3 months ago. I am currently 164lbs with cardio and strength training and the only physical difference I see now is my ribs -> I can see and feel them now.
    As previous posters stated:
    1. Muscle weighs more than fat
    2. That 1 tbsp of french vanilla creamer I was using my in coffee turned out to be 4 when I actually measured properly.
    3. One cup of rice is one cup of cooked rice! Huge difference.
    4. MFP overestimates calories burned for items like walking, etc. On the flip side, exercise like sex use calories (not on MFP), chasing after children (not on MFP), etc.
    5. Water, water, water. Its amazing the results you will see. Added bonus: great skin.
    6. Push yourself outside your comfort zone. I could never run, too much jiggling. But a friend convinced me to push it and because I started running, I now have less jiggle (not completely gone but less). Currently I do 30min speed intervals 2X wk which are run for 1 min at 6.0 speed, walk for 1 min at 3.0 speed.

    You look much younger than me so I'm confident you can do it! Good luck :smile:
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I've been feeling really nice, calculating stuff for people... but.... here you go. Read this...

    Pretty much all you need to know.