When is your "official" weigh in day?



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yep - I use the balance board daily onthe Wii for the weight in. I see the progress on my threads instead of daily on the scale and to be honest, I'm usually surprised pleasantly by the week-to-week changes.
  • fernelia91
    Lots of great posts on this issue. While weighing in on Mondays is a noble goal, we are so often disappointed and disheartened at seeing that we've blown it yet again. Wednesday is a great day to weigh in. It gives you a little time to make up for the weekend's overindulgences, but it's close enough to still hold you accountable. I also always weigh myself first thing in the morning with no clothes on, as this practice eliminates many of the factors that account for weight fluctuations, such as eating, drinking, clothing and exercise.

    Having said this, I also think that if on a given official weigh-in day you feel like crap (bloated, constipated, ate/drank too much the night before, etc.) and just know it's not going to be pretty, you should cut yourself some slack and wait until the following week. Others would argue that you should just face the music and use the unsatisfactory weigh-in result as a kick in the pants to get you motivated to do better next time. However, I've often found that the result is quite the opposite: why bother to continue if I'm going to keep disappointing myself? Then out come the bag of Doritos and a bottle of wine.

    We all need to be a little forgiving of ourselves once in a while -- and I repeat, "once in a while". My personal rule on this is that I'm allowed to skip a week, but MUST go back to the scale the following week. Otherwise, what's the point?
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I weigh in and log it into MFP every day. I like to be able to see which days are consistantly worse and try to make changes. I know that there will always be the impact of water/salt/etc but I want to see a trend. Once I have started losing more and see some progress, I will weigh in once a week.
  • turbojanem
    i personally weigh every day. for some that would not be good.

    i don't weigh to see what i can eat that day. my meal plans are very similar every couple of days, so it's not about what i can eat. i am a numbers nut. i love to see how my body is reacting to the foods i ate (eating out with more salt, eating less meat, drinking a glass of wine, etc), how my body is reacting to exercise. i truly LOVE numbers and stats. if i had the brain power i could be a football junkie with stats.

    i also can get lazy about the exercising, so it helps me to realize that 20 minutes of turbo jam is not the same as 40 minutes and really not the same as 40 minutes plus sculpting.

    it's all in the numbers and movement for me. it's part of the "game" of loosing and having my "game face on" and not being persuaded by a friend that offers me home made fudge.

    i have a friend, wish i could take her scales out of her home. she uses her scales as a guide to cheat or get discouraged. if you are using the scales as a tool to see what you can get away with. throw them out and go to a friends house once a week or two and check your progress.
  • turbojanem
    does it really matter if your weight is higher on Monday's....if you are going week to week, then it's a week goal. isn't it?