Dating assistant prof?



  • For mockchoc, forgot to quote

    Why would you even take the time to post that in here? Do you think anyone cares about your opinion, especially when it's not even revelent?

    The point of the post was to get some povs from people who might have been in a similar situation or could offer help based off their experiences/knowledge. If I knew I didn't like him for sure, why would I post this thread? I'm unsure of what to do/expect.

    Btw if anyone else is curious, would like to know what happens eventually, at the end of the semester (if anything) you can add me or I'll update the thread..

    A couple of months ago, I met a really nice guy at the gym and was too scared to ask him out despite the fact that he was really friendly towards me also and often went out of his way to help me. (We were in the same college class also) but I asked on here what to do, and I ended up texting him at the end of the semester how I forgot to say bye to him bc I was in such a rush, and how his final went etc. To my surprise (I wasn't sure if he liked me or was just super friendly) he ended up asking me out and went on a hike date. Almost went on a second 'date' but I felt like we didn't really have romantic chemistry even though I thought he was cute, so we are still good friends to this day. Basically, it's bc of this site/community and the people that encouraged me to talk to him that I even got the 'date' (as well as many others). I'm way too chicken to decide for myself what to do sometimes, and I don't think asking for advice is 'bragging'.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure the mfp'ers posting about advice want to help right? It's not like someone's forcing them to open this thread and type out a response.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    next time you see him...try this. You'll know after if he really does like you.
