Most embarrassing thing to happen to you



  • When I was in high school I went to a party with a group of friends. My friend crashed with his girlfriend at my house. My friend's girlfriend's friend also stayed at my house because she couldn't go home drunk. She was too fat to sleep on the couch(she weighed 400 lbs), so I slept on the couch and let her sleep in my bed. My mom came into my room the next morning and saw this morbidly obese girl in my bed and she thought I had just hooked up with her. It wasn't until about two weeks later that she found out I didn't sleep with her.
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    I was in Nursing school and we were in post conference on site at the retirement home that we were doing clinicals at for fundamentals. So pretty much we all gathered in the patio, wearing our white scrubs (whoever thought it was cool to put nursing students in all white must be one sadistic get it. ) Anyhow I am a big girl, you know tipping the scales at about 300lbs and I sit in this patio chair thing that looks suspicious to begin with. In the middle of going over the skills we performed that day with my professor and colleagues I decided to lean 4 inches if that.



    I fell over, chair and all.

    The worse part, I had to like flail for what felt like forever but was more like 4 or so seconds to roll over like a trapped turtle on it's back to get up. My back was dirty, I was uh a little deflated. I found out the screw that held the top and the bottom of the chair literally snapped.

    To make it all worse? The living room area of the retirement home had like almost everyone there for an event, the blinds were a full view of my incident.

  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I think we all do things that would end up here, and some things that shouldn't be published :blushing:
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    I went to Starbucks with my girl friend and I was digging around in my purse for my debit card while getting caught up in conversation with my frined. I handed the (very cute) man my "card" and continued talking. The man working smiled and said "Umm we don't accept this form of currency", I looked over and realized I had handed him my package of birth control pills!!!!
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    A few months ago my mom messaged me some old photos she found of me in my late teenage years, not sure how she found them but she did, they were half naked photos...that was pretty humiliating

    Also, there was this one time at the Starbucks drive through - this guy would sometimes be asking for our order, and something about his voice always made my mom and I laugh..One day we lost it and could not stop laughing, so my mom decided to try and back out of a curved lane, we almost knocked out the sign and took a few mins to back out. My sister who worked at Starbucks at the time, informed me they have camera's and most likely saw the whole thing. His voice sounded like he was trying to sell erotic coffee. Didn't go to that Starbucks in months.

    Reception job...stuttered all over intercom once and had to just hang up.

    I do a lot of embarrassing things to say the least!
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    A few months ago my mom messaged me some old photos she found of me in my late teenage years, not sure how she found them but she did, they were half naked photos...that was pretty humiliating

    Also, there was this one time at the Starbucks drive through - this guy would sometimes be asking for our order, and something about his voice always made my mom and I laugh..One day we lost it and could not stop laughing, so my mom decided to try and back out of a curved lane, we almost knocked out the sign and took a few mins to back out. My sister who worked at Starbucks at the time, informed me they have camera's and most likely saw the whole thing. His voice sounded like he was trying to sell erotic coffee. Didn't go to that Starbucks in months.

    Reception job...stuttered all over intercom once and had to just hang up.

    I do a lot of embarrassing things to say the least!

    lmao I kind of wish I could hear his voice now!