Fit, Fine and Nearly Sixty!



  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Your dedication is admirable. I have tried paleo and primal eating before as well as the Zone... it really seems to help my health but I find it so hard to stick to. I am a bread and pastaholic. If you could support me in this effort, I'd appreciate it since i need to do it for my arthritis and asthma. We have a group something like fifty, fabulous and fit if you'd like to join...however it's getting too big for me to keep up with it on MFP. I do log every day but really need to get off the bread and pasta. Are you following a specific diet in the book?

    I have basically educated myself from 3 books: IT STARTS WITH FOOD, THE PALEO APPROACH (Ballantyne), and PRACTICAL PALEO.

    I basically eat grassfed, pastured beef and lamb, wildcaught fish, pastured organic chicken and turkey, all vegetables except for nightshades, and healthy fats. It's challenging for sure. I would love to join you in mutual support. Feel free to use this thread to post your own meals, ask questions, bring others in, etc.


    Brunch: sardines, raw beet salad, lacto-fermented carrots
    snack: avocado slices with liverwurst
    Dinner: flanken-cabbage-mushroom soup with plantain bread

  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I love liverwurst; but would have no idea where to find organic liverwurst! I have the book Primal Blueprint and Paleo Comfort Foods as well as the Paleo book before that. I log my foods on the regular diary.

    My brother and sister-n-law avoid nightshades too; she for migrains and he for arthritis. I fiind it helps a little for me but not all nightshades seem to bother me.

  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Oh, man, when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard.

    The past few weeks, I've not been able to keep myself up near the top of my own list. My younger son developed a very severe pilonidal abscess, and needed a surgical incision 3 times, plus irrigating and packing twice to three times a day. My older son is in transition to (hopefully) independent living, and the process of acquiring services couldn't be more challenging and difficult if they designed it that way. It feel like it will be a full time job!

    I hit the wall, and fell into the moat of eating crap foods for comfort. I didn't exercise once.

    I'm afraid to get on the scale because I feel like I have gained 10 lbs. in 3 weeks. Easily.

    I do know that no matter how matter times I fall off, I have to get back on. "What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?" I sure as anything don't want to waste my one wild and precious life. I've been living small and getting big. Perhaps living bigger will lead to getting smaller. And I know that living big is a perception. The arena of my life is by necessity, small. I can't travel far or long because I am a caregiver with no respite. I can't be the athlete I once was and challenge myself with "personal bests." The meaning I make in my one wild and precious life has to be DEEP because it cannot be far nor wide.

    In the stress of the past few weeks (which includes moving my parents to senior housing on April 21st), I have lost my sense of myself in relation to my own soul, and to G-d. And these thoughts have EVERYTHING to do with my weight, even though I haven't really even mentioned food or exercise.

    For me, it is all about whether I have the resources to care about myself, or not. The sensitivity to know what my own needs are, and how best to meet them.

    For right now, weight LOSS cannot be my focus. I will fall off the wagon. There are too many competing needs around me. But I can focus on moment by moment, day by day, self care to the best of my ability and let my body take care of itself. And part of that is food logging (for mindfulness' sake) and part of it is activity (for health's sake) and part of it is meditation, prayer and quiet time (for restoration's sake).

    So for today:

    1. Meditate for 15 minutes.
    2. Walk one loop around the neighborhood (approx. 1 mile)
    3. Get ready for the seder tonight and tomorrow.
    4. Plan to approach the seder as a sacred meal, not an excuse to pig out.
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    B 2 hard boiled eggs, lacto-fermented red cabbage with raw shredded beets, 1/2 avocado.
    L: green smoothie with baby kale, watercress, whole milk yogurt, frozen berries, 1/2 banana.
    D; sacred meal: plan to eat very slowly and mindfully, enjoy the company, and trust in G-d.
  • yellowandblue
    yellowandblue Posts: 1 Member
    Me, too! Just started the autoimmune protocol diet and, after a couple of weeks on it, I feel so much better. Not sure how much it's really affected or helped my autoimmune conditions, since they're still active and flaring, but, in general, I feel much less malaise and fatigue. I also have migraines and those have definitely lessened in frequency and duration during the short time I've been on it. For anyone interested in paleo info, not just her more restricitve autoimmune protocol, the author's website,, is really worth a visit.