I remember when...



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    When I was about 3 and went to sit on the toilet but someone left the lid up so I fell in. My mom and brother couldn't stop laughing as they helped pull me out.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I remember when my sister was born. I was 2. My mom didn't make it to the hospital, so I was there. Scarred me for life.
  • WoodChuckNorris
    I remember when my friend got his Atari and we would play Rampage all day.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My memory is effed up pretty bad, I can barely remember yesterday.

    I think my earliest memory is of a thunderstorm. No idea how old I was but I was still in a crib. There was an icon on the wall opposite my crib and I thought the dude in it was causing the lightning...

    I also remember my very first migraine. I was 3 and was outside playing with neighbors. I had a little lawn chair that was my size and there were some big ones and the neighbor girls were trying to take my little one (to play with, not to steal) and I wanted to use it myself. Out of nowhere, my head hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. My mom brought me inside, gave me baby aspirin and made me lie down in the dark for a while. I don't think I got another migraine until my 20s, though.
    I know that feel bro.

    I had horrible migraines throughout my teens, was tested for every possible brain thing but they never found out the reason behind them. They mostly went away in my 20s but I still get the occasional one. Here's a flower :flowerforyou:
    Aw. Thanks.

    They run in my family, though we all seem to have different triggers. Exercise and healthy diet help a lot (stress-reduction, I guess, which is a major trigger for me, plus those things help keep vessels from constricting).

    I used to work in a neurology practice, so I learned a lot about them. No one really knows what causes them in the general sense, but one theory is they're seizure -- a form of epilepsy. I hadn't had a really, really bad one in years until the end of January when we had some crappy weather. Grrr. Couldn't get rid of it for a week.
  • Oldtimer_65
    I was two. I was playing in the yard and got bitten by a dog that no one ever saw before. then to top that off, they could not find the dog and I had to have a series of rabies shots, one per day for the next two weeks. Big ole needle right in the bellyeh.....ouch.

    At least it showed me not to be scurred of needles.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    When I was two and half, my younger cousin hitting me in the head over and over again with this stupid toy until I'd had enough of it and grabbed a larger toy then whacked him once so hard that he never messed with me again.

    Funny, that's my personality nearly 30 years later in a nutshell. :drinker:
  • badgerdh
    badgerdh Posts: 179 Member
    My dad was a firefighter and he worked at a super busy station. Every morning when he came home i'd wake up to the smell of his smokey clothes. Kind of a nasty smell to most people but to me it always meant my dad was home. i still think of that to this day and that smell is oddly pleasing to me. Kinda weird I know.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    My sister who was 3 at the time, I must have been almost 2, and she pooed in her undies and wiped herself on my parents bed! Poo everywhere! I remember her using little purses to wipe herself as well. And she blamed it on me!! They eventually figured it out when they saw her pants were a mess. :laugh:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I was three years old. 1957. My parents had a vaporizer in my room, because I had pneumonia. I rmember my father wlaking in my room to check on me before he went to work. I asked him to show me what was in the vaporizer. He took it off my dresser and showed it to me, but when he put it back, the cord was no longer behind the dresser. After he left for work, I wanted to see it again, so I pulled on the cord. It fell over on me and all the liquid and Vics spilled on me. I had burns over half my body and spent the next 6 months in the hopsital. That's the only memory I have before I was about 6.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I was about a 2. I remember having one of those little tykes kitchens with the fold up table and little yellow chairs. I remember my brother coming to visit (he was my half brother) and coming in to play with me. I remember him turning the chair backwards so he could sit in it while I "cooked" him some food.