How much can a curry set you back?



  • freebutterfly02
    freebutterfly02 Posts: 13 Member
    If you been losing weight, I would suggest that you don't go crazy and eat all that food you just listed. Are you going to a buffet? Just 1 cup of rice is almost 230 calories, maybe cut it in half? A naan bread, hard to tell but it's about the same calories as the rice some say 80 and others 230 so go figure. Pick one of the chicken platters instead of both or split your platters with someone else. If you skip the appetizers like many of us are doing now, I think you will be ok eating out once in a while. This journey of weight loss is all about making better choices with lower calories :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    So im gonna have a curry on Friday. I've been losing 3-4lbs per week since Jan. If I go for a full Curry:
    I would typically eat :
    2 poppadoms & Chutney
    Chicken Pakora
    Chicken Tikka Masala & Full Rice & Naan

    How much would that set me back? Ive estimated 200 then 500 then 1000 the 500 & 500 so 2700 Calories. I think I can have 2200 to 2700 per day. If I exercise to lose 1000 Calories, would i be able to keep my weeks work ? or would it set me back 3lbs?
    Also I know im saying im not eating anything else. If I woke up late by going to bed really late i.e wake up at 12-1pm , and eat a bowl of lettuce to fill me up, would my body do that thing where it stores fat because it feels starved, would eating alot of lettuce prevent that as the next meal I would have would be high fat?
    I would also be looking at changing my main to a non Cream one.
    At a restaurant? If so, why don't you see if they have nutrition guidelines? This way you don't have to estimate calories.

    Have you conducted general research on the foods you want to eat for calorie content?

    Don't deprive yourself of other meals just to have the curry. Everything in moderation, there is no need to eat like you use to eat, and there is no reason you can't have the foods you love.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Starvation mode is utter cobblers
    Yep. :bigsmile:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
    I would recommend ditching the naan and having plain rice instead of pilau. If you really want bread, have roti instead. It's not quite as tasty, but contains less fat. I eat out quite a lot and just try to make every calorie count. For me, I wouldn't miss the pilau or naan.
  • deadyankee
    You really are going to have to look long and hard for nutritional advice and healthy options in a British curry house.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Husband and I went out for Indian on Valentine's day. To be honest I found the calories impossible to quantify, if it's a special night out, I don't worry about it. I ate light the rest of the day, kept the portions reasonable and whereas I used to get rice and naan, I just get one or the other now.

  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I go over my goal at least once a month, and have since I started. It never slowed my weight loss and hasn't messed with my maintenance either. If you are worried about it slowing your loss, just work it into your weekly average, so if you figure you'll be about 1000 over your regular deficit, just get another 200 calories of exercise in a day and don't eat it back. That is what I did when I was actively losing and was planning to have a "free" day on Christmas 2012. It worked fine, and I ended up at my average for the week.

    Or, since you are actively losing, just go for it Friday and have a week where you lose a little less weight. The overall trend will remain downward.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    pre-log the curry and then build the rest of your day around it so that you are in maintenance or a deficit..

    end thread/
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Curry Friday, regularly scheduled MFP programming on Saturday? No worries. Your pass is granted. Eat up!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Eat the naan. Always eat the naan.

    I'm trying to reconcile your calorie estimates compared to your maintenance. 2700 calories is a pretty big portion of curry. I usually walk out of a curry house having stuffed myself to the point of pain and only reach about 1900. (I've cooked enough curry to be fairly good at knowing the calorie counts and restaurant estimates.)

    How are you going to gain weight if you're still eating below maintenance? If maintenance is 3000, and you eat 2700, plus whatever you have earlier in the day, and you burn 1000, how are you in a surplus?

    You're not going to gain weight in a deficit. You might retain a little water after that meal, but if your body treats curry like mine does, then you'll expel it pretty quickly the next morning.

    Go enjoy the curry without guilt.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    It's one meal. Eat it, enjoy it. Get back on track tomorrow and drink lotsa water.
  • jmsspr93
    jmsspr93 Posts: 117 Member
    So is the main thing to look for Sodium and water retention? or will it just dissapear the week after? I.e it may not show loss this time but it would be nearer double the week after? And also how do I prevent the water weight? Drinking water before and/or after the meal and the next day? Cheers
  • deadyankee
    Avoid water weight? Why? It may be time to sit down and work out what you are ultimately trying to achieve. Are you trying to live a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle or are you trying to outsmart a set of scales?
  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    I had leftover curry and chips for my tea last night. Even had a couple of beers.

    It matters not.

    All the advice in here is spot on. - it is a long term lifestyle choice you are making here - to be fair, I'd only say that eating a full portion of curry, rice and a naan is pretty bloody good going for anyone! I could never finish a full dish even when I cared little for losing weight.

    I have a stinky *kitten* today..but it is the price you pay..
  • jmsspr93
    jmsspr93 Posts: 117 Member
    Obviously the first point you make, but I am just unsure if drinking lots of water will prevent my body storing extra water weight due to high sodium. I've averaged 3lbs per week since the start of Jan and I have no plans to stop and if the water weight comes off the next week im not so bothered, but if i can prevent it then i will
  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    So is the main thing to look for Sodium and water retention? or will it just dissapear the week after? I.e it may not show loss this time but it would be nearer double the week after? And also how do I prevent the water weight? Drinking water before and/or after the meal and the next day? Cheers

    Edit to add - stop overthinking it dude..

    Eat fewer calories than you need over a long period of time and you lose weight.

    settle at a nice level when you feel it is right to do so - not at a number or date - and you will be happy.

    It is not rocket science