Frustrated.......need encouragement



  • First, you look awesome! I think it's hard to be subjective about our own appearance. I feel like we're in a similar place. Lost a lot of weight quickly, and then we've been plateauing/losing slowly during the winter. I think some of that is natural. It gets darker earlier, so I usually settle down earlier. Even if it's just puttering around the house, settling down three hours earlier is a lot fewer calories burnt every day. Also, losing those runs makes a difference! I think you're doing really well, and that you might find that spring gives you a bit of a boost, I know that the season changes how I feel.

    I would suggest that you check out winter running. I didn't think I'd like it, but with a few extra clothes I'm really enjoying myself. I have running tights (Walmart, about $8), long sleeved running shirt, then I wear a t-shirt and either a light running coat or a sweatshirt. I also have a fleece headband and neck scarf, as well as running gloves. I bought these at sierra trading post really cheaply. I've found that I can go running until it's about 10 degrees F really comfortably. It's chilly at first, but then it feels really good. If it's below 10 degrees I wear a face mask too.

    If you're interested in changing your body composition, maybe check out weight lifting. I find it to be really fun. It's a great way to look better regardless of weight loss.

    Whatever you do, you look really good, and incredibly healthy. Take a moment to celebrate your progress!

    Thank you! I actually have tights and a winter running top, just don't have mitten and a face mask. What do you do lifting wise??

    You have lost a lot, congrats to you!! I'm going to go add you now......
  • Meredith8684
    Meredith8684 Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you! I actually have tights and a winter running top, just don't have mitten and a face mask. What do you do lifting wise??

    You have lost a lot, congrats to you!! I'm going to go add you now......

    Yay! I'd love to be friends. Put on any mittens, and you probably don't need the face mask. I'm in Maine and I make it work, hopefully you're not in a colder place :).

    I started weight at my company gym with whatever the trainer suggested (it's one of the best benefits, free personal training). Mostly machines and some dumbbells. We've shifted to olympic lifting and more body weight as I get stronger. I love setting weight lifting goals because I reach them much faster than running goals. I still run about a 35 minute 5k, but I can leg press 405 lbs. :). My husband and I bought a chin up bar, an ab wheel, and one set of dumb bells to share, and we do a circuit every Sunday. I go to the gym twice a week.
  • Yea my best time for a 5k was 10:45 min per mile. I'm slow. Asthma meds helped a lot due to not being diagnosed as a child. But hey didn't help a ton..
  • You look so freakin' good! Definitely see the progress one photo to another. Keep it up for sure! Remember that it isn't always about a number but how good you feel and fueling your body with smarter choice foods/beverages. I have to remind myself every day that my scale stands still.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    i definitely see a big difference between october and february!! i know how you feel... i used to be about 20-25 lbs bigger when i was at my highest weight (i'm 5'1 so it makes a big difference on my body) and when i look at myself i still see that version... its tough to believe i look different but people say i do, so i try to take their word for it. just keep your head up! you look beautiful! but its all about feeling comfortable in your own skin so if you feel you still need to lose then go for it... if not, then you look great the way you look now. try not to be hard on yourself! :)
  • You look great girl! Keep going!:smile:
  • Solartiste
    Solartiste Posts: 18 Member
    You look great and I see the difference between october and now. I think that you should continue to run to keep your tonus and let the exercise sculpt you. You made a good job! :)
  • You look so freakin' good! Definitely see the progress one photo to another. Keep it up for sure! Remember that it isn't always about a number but how good you feel and fueling your body with smarter choice foods/beverages. I have to remind myself every day that my scale stands still.

    I ❤️ you lol. You are totally right. After 3 yrs my mindset is a bit skewed. Thank you.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hun, look at your username - Progress not perfection - and you are certainly making progress! there is a very noticeable difference in those pics
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    In case it isn't obvious from the other posts already, you look great and should be proud of what you have accomplished! Yes, the side by side pics from Oct and Feb show an obvious loss of weight. You mention doing strength training now - I would think that will help you with body comp results. Is there someone to help you establish goals? My take on what you've posted is you have the desire and are making the commitment for a better you - awesome! Maybe strength training is right for you now given the weather and you can get back into running as the weather warms (I generally don't go out if it's below 45 F myself - so I concentrate on the strength work outs in the winter too). Stay committed as you have been, get back to running when you're ready, I assume the diet side is in check based on the weight loss, and find your goal for the body comp you are looking for. Feel free to friend if you want regular encouragement/ accountability! Good luck and congrats on what you've accomplished thus far!!
  • The unfortunate fact is there is no way to know until you're there. Once you reach it though it will be almost impossible to lose weight below this point. Your composition will absolutely change, you'll lose fat, gain muscle but the scale numbers just won't change much. Its not so much about knowing that this number is for your body, but that simply that it exists. Which is why setting specific goals can be difficult once you're in a healthy weight range. Ultimately, its just another reason why fitness, composition, and measurements can be a better goals (and more motivating) than weight once you're healthy. I hope this helps! Don't forget how amazing you are!
  • Hun, look at your username - Progress not perfection - and you are certainly making progress! there is a very noticeable difference in those pics

    Damn.......forgot that WAS my mantra at one point. :ohwell:

    Ya gets to a point where you forget it all and lose your common sense along with it. That or I'm going senile.
  • In case it isn't obvious from the other posts already, you look great and should be proud of what you have accomplished! Yes, the side by side pics from Oct and Feb show an obvious loss of weight. You mention doing strength training now - I would think that will help you with body comp results. Is there someone to help you establish goals? My take on what you've posted is you have the desire and are making the commitment for a better you - awesome! Maybe strength training is right for you now given the weather and you can get back into running as the weather warms (I generally don't go out if it's below 45 F myself - so I concentrate on the strength work outs in the winter too). Stay committed as you have been, get back to running when you're ready, I assume the diet side is in check based on the weight loss, and find your goal for the body comp you are looking for. Feel free to friend if you want regular encouragement/ accountability! Good luck and congrats on what you've accomplished thus far!!

    I don't have anyone for help with establishing strength goals. Time, money, and location restrains make it difficult to get to an actual gym as well. We have a gym that does crossfit, but it's $100/month. :-(