200+ (Week 48) "Hot for Halloween"

Week #1 of our 6-week "Hot for Halloween" challenge has come to a close. Time for everyone to check in!

I had a good week overall. Wanted to get a run in this evening and kept waiting for the skies to clear and at this point it's getting too dark, so this will have to be a rest day and I'll get the run in tomorrow.

Good luck everyone!

I'll weigh in in the morning.


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pinbotchick
    Lacey - how was the gym? Did Gracie have fun? Will you post pics of Gracie in her costume - PLEASE? I bet she'll be adorable.

    Kendal - move that candy - get it off your desk!!!! As far as Halloween costume, I don't do much. Black pants and an orange shirt. I only get 3 or 4 trick or treaters (*sighs*). I love the pictures of your outfit. Have a great time. I want to take your dance class!!! It sounds soooo cool. Have fun teaching it.

    Kristina - the thunderstorm woke me up too.

    Sarah - to read on the treadmill, I put my hand with the book on the frame to steady it. I only go 2.0 mph but it beats sitting on the couch burning less cal.

    Amy - bigger shoes and double layer Wright socks are how I got rid of the blisters. Good luck.
    mish - glad your feeling better.

    Bookclub went well - it was pretty cool to have the author to talk with during our discussions. And the food OMG - chocolate zucchini bread, apple caramel bread, tuna on little bread things, donuts, cider, chex mix, wine and more!!! Just what I needed before the weigh in. And this week was going so well. Tues I was down to 181 - a huge fluke. Today back up to 182.25 which is still lower than my current recorded low MFP weight. I'm off to bed since my bike ride starts at 7:15 tomorrow. Hope you all have great weekends planned. I'm staying home, getting in a 10 mile run (hopefully) and cont to catch up on paperwork.
  • pinbotchick
    Amy - another friend just posted being excited BL is starting again next week. Can you refresh my memory on your friends name so I know who I'm rooting for - thanks!!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Lost 3 pounds this week, even with TOM. Am doing the happy dance! No inches lost, but hopefully that will follow next week when the bloat disappears. Off to work. Hope everyone has a good Friday!
  • pinbotchick
    Oh Sarah - I'm soooo happy fior you!!!!! Cartwheels, flips, twirls, spins and more!!!! Great job!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Check-in for today. I'm officially down a 1/2 pound to 182!!! The 2 pounds I had gained came off quickly. and now I'm down even more. I've stopped logging food again (*sighs*) I just don't have time for it. I'm going to try logging a day every few weeks just to keep me focused. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sarah- AWESOME loss!

    Victoria- yes!! Way to go! As long as you're doing okay with not logging, it's fine, but if you find yourself straying, make the time!

    Weigh-in: 179.6 (-1.0 from last week). SO happy that I was down another pound, considering I had a good loss last week AND I'm in the 170s! (barely!) *TWIRLS*

    So, as I said before, I ended up not getting any exercise in yesterday (bad for last chance workout day), but plan to do my run this afternoon. Will probably not be a great eating day. Had a bagel this morning, will probably go out for lunch, and then to a dinner for my friend who just defended her doctoral thesis successfully this week. Will definitely need to calorie burn to compensate a bit for the eating today. Will probably leave work a bit early, as I have hours to spare and the weather should be nice. Run it is.
  • pinbotchick
    Yippy skippy - I'm doing the happy dance for you Kristina!!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    219.0 this week. Its a complete maintain from last week. I was sick and only worked out last night. This week will be different. The boyfriend is coming over again tomorrow. We'll be going over to my friend's house to celebrate a birthday and we've already planned spaghetti and salad. I'm not entirely sure I burned the almost 900 cals that mfp gave me for my ellipticalling last night. I wore my hrm, but it said I only burned 376 in an HOUR. It said my heart rate was in the 60s most of the time so I know it was a wacky reading. I'm wondering if I should change the batteries out.

    Sarah- omg thats a GREAT job!!

    Kristina- Its FABULOUS that you are finally in the 170s! I know you've been working so hard to break through that wall.

    Victoria- way to go!! Its great that you immediately saw the gain as an issue and were able to get everything back under control. Its so easy to become complacent and justify things like "its only a couple pounds, I can get rid of it" and then never do anything about it.

    Do you ladies remember when Ross Matthews went on Celebrity Fit Club and lost a LOT of weight? He's gained a lot of it back. I saw him on Leno last night. Its such a shame. How can you work SO HARD to lose the weight, get to your goal weight, and then let go? I just don't understand....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria, Sarah and Kristina - congrats on the weight loss!! You guys are inspirational!

    The gym was really awesome. It is expensive but really nice and lots of amenities. I am going to get signed up today after work and start on Monday. They give two free sessions with a PT when you start, so that is great for me.

    I've got to get in gear here so I can leave on time today and not have to work late.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have to work tomorrow to make up for the time I missed on Monday. Tonight will consist of laundry and finally finishing my 100 mile goal on my ticker :bigsmile: only 3 more miles.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Fabulous Kendal! 100 already?? Woo! Sorry to hear you have to work!

    Lacey- your gym sounds fab! I think having 2 PT sessions is great. Learn as much as you can and use that on future workouts.

    Horrible eating day today, which I figured would be the case, which is sort of a bummer after hitting the 170s today. Definitely won't be so tomorrow. had a bagel for breakfast, tofu pad thai for lunch, and then went to a party for my friend for becoming a phd and it was catered by a mediterranean restaurant in town. Yum to everything, but the caloric intake was pretty insane, and that was just a lot of guesstimation.

    I tried to fight it a bit by exercising, but it didn't help the damage that much. Was originally going to do my 5 mile run, but my friend wanted to know if I would run with her.. this is someone who I used to run with, and we at the same distance level- if anything, she was better- certainly faster, but she's out of practice and I kept going. thought originally, I could just pick her up along my long run on Sunday, but the part of the run I would have left would still be too much for her. So, she's coming over tomorrow and we'll do 3ish miles, which should be okay.. not too hard in anticipation of another long run Monday. She couldn't believe how far I'm running. It sounds like so much more impressive when someone else is talking about it. haha.

    Anyways, running on the agenda tomorrow, maybe some shopping, laundry, need to clean up the place. And better eating definitely! After hitting the 170s, I do NOT want to go back into the 180s... though I'm worried- TOM is approaching late next week, and with my bloating up several pounds every month around that time, I think it might be an inevitability. *whines* *grumbles*

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Had great plans for this weekend and they all went up in flames. Friday started off ok, but by the time the train arrived I had a tickle in the back of my throat. Full fledged soar throat/ear ache by middle of day. By end of day, somehow picked up a fever and upset stomach. Stumbled home to collapse on sofa for two hours before calling to cancel plans and crawl upstairs into bed. Now wide awake at 3 am. Currently feel better except for sore throat. Hopefully it was only a 24 hour bug.

    Kendal--Not sure why people let themselves gain the weight back, but it's not all that uncommon. Several of the Biggest Losers have also put some if not most of the weight back on. And look at Oprah who has been up and down for years. When I finish losing, I think I'll make a few trusted friends and relatives swear to give me a wake-up slap if I start to regain weight. No way I ever want to be this heavy again.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: My friend on BL is named Burgandy. I am gonna have to find the BL season on the Internet cuz the Armed Forces Network here is showing reruns from the last BL so we won't get the new one for, like, 6 months and I just HAVE to know how she does on the show!

    I'll post more later. I've been busy with homeschooling and getting DH all ready to go back to the states for 3 months. We dropped him off at the airport this morning, so life should be settling down here a bit.
  • pinbotchick
    Two words - LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!!! that's why people gain the weight back. They "dieted" or did crazy exercise routines. The slow, safe weight loss way we are doing by making permanent lifestyle changes should last... I know I can never go back to the way I was.

    So DH must have hit 230 pounds again. He started at 236 when I was 237. He lost like crazy when I started this a year ago and got down to 215. He quit eating better and reverted to his old ways. He hasn't actually said this but last night we walked up to dinner and he asked if I'd split a meal with him - whoa!!! We did this frequently last year. He slips into the conversation that he needs to start watching what he eats. I've noticed the scale reset to zero. He must be embarassed. He did tell me I'm going to get a parking ticket cuz I'm lookin' soooo fine!!! LOL. Where does he come up with these cheesy lines?

    Lacey - glad you liked the gym. If you like the personal trainer, think about sessions every 2 to 3 weeks to progress the program.

    Sarah - hope you feel better soon. Eat an orange and drink plenty of fluids.

    Amy - ((((((((big hug))))))) it's sucks your man will be gone so long. At least he should be safe in the states.

    Kristina - have fun on your run.

    Kendal - too bad you couldn't use all that extra PTO to take time off today.

    Mish - have you told us your name? I'm such a blond that I forget easily.

    So DH and I have our 20 year anniversary coming up in Feb. Any ideas on what we should do?

    Well I should get out of bed and think of getting my 10 run in.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    It's raining here now....and will for the next 7 months. Sigh. But at least this is the knd of weather that Is easier to get to the gym in.

    Today I am headed into town to hit up old navy and see what size jeans I can wear there. Maybe or maybe not a good idea. I need new t shirts so at least I know I can pick those up there. Then grocery shopping and home for the rest of the weekend. It's jut nice to have some time by myself.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My week has been a bit of a downer. I haven't been eating anything too crazy but I haven't been logging anything and I wasn't too terribly focused on exercise after Wednesday. I think it's ok as I won't see DH for 3 months so I can focus on my logging and working out (I mean, what else am I gonna do?). I haven't weighed in this week, I will get that out of the way tomorrow morning and I will get my butt back in gear with some major exercise in the morning. I have just been kinda wallowing in my own misery...strike that, I've been trying to keep Gabriel from having a complete break down. For some reason, this separation is hitting him harder than the last one. Maybe it's because it's only been 6 months since DH got back from his last trip away from us. I think it's a bit too much, too soon for a 7 year old. Anyhow, we'll get our crap together tomorrow. Today, I'm giving us a pass.

    Victoria: I like your DH's cheesy lines! Can you guys go somewhere for you're 20th? Two years ago, DH took me to Yosemite for a long weekend for our anniversary and it was amazing. (I had never seen Yosemite in the Winter before - our Anniv is in December)

    Sarah: Feel better! We've been dealing with the sore throats/colds/misery here too. It sux.

    Kristina: Hope you had a good run!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • pinbotchick
    Afternoon Super Pals!!! I'm still on my runner's high - I managed a 10 mile jog today at 14:31 pace. Followed by 20 min of stretches. Then eating 1/2 of the food in the kitchen. Oh well.

    Amy - any separation is hard. Hopefully they can talk or e-mail often.

    Sarah - hope you're feeling better.

    Lacey - hope you found great deals shopping.

    I need to hit the shower and start paper shuffling!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- WAY TO GO!!! So proud of you for doing that run. How was it, considering you haven't been able to do as much, as you've been getting over a cold? I'm really hoping the weather holds out tomorrow so I can do another long one. You're ahead of me in length though!

    Amy: sorry to hear your having a tough time at the moment. Poor Gabriel. You will feel better if you get back in the exercise and eating well zone. I find that if I go a few days without doing so, I will feel even worse emotionally than I was to start out with.

    Friend and I did 3.2 miles at a little under a 12 min pace, which I'm happy about. It's interesting, because she used to always have to slow down for me, and now my comfortable pace is tougher for her, as she hasn't been running consistently. Weird. It was nice to have a running buddy though. It's such a solitary thing for me, so it was nice for a bit of a change. Was short enough that I should be fine running tomorrow. Wore my new running shoes for it and they gave me no problems. I'll probably still wear my old ones for my run tomorrow, wear the new ones on my shorter runs next week and maybe the long one next one.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good morniNg everyone. It was really nice to get out only own yesterday. I bought size 18 pants at old navy yesterday and they are a tad loose, I could have bought 16s I think but they would have been a little too uncomfortable. This is a huge deal because I can remember going in there last year and the 20 s were soooooo tight I almost cried. So at least these four months of not working out haven't caused me to gain!!! Yeay! These pants will work though the winter so that is great. I am sure I can wash them in hot water and they will shrink up a bit so that will do it!

    I have to wait till next friday to buy gym pass (yes, cuz I bought new pants lol) so I am going to make u of that golds gym boxing wii game I got and get going that way. Plus I got my eating plan all worked out too so that will get going again too!

    Victoria and Kristina way to go on running woohoo!

    Amy that sucks for you and Gabe! And airflights are so expensive too. What does your husband do in the military? Do you have Skype?

    Well today I get back into cooking on sundays for the week. Meatloaf, mole sauce for tacos, poblano chile casserole, sesame chicken, egg salad for lunches, and something else I am forgetting. It just makes everything so much easier during the week.

    Hope you all have a good day!