200+ (Week 48) "Hot for Halloween"



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm seriously stressed about money again (I mean really, when am I not??) I decided to get rid of my tv service, but I'm still in a contract, so for now I knocked it down to the smallest package (only one step down, but goodbye dvr :cry: ) Once my contract is up I plan to get 2 of those digital converter boxes (you know, since you can't use rabbit ears anymore) and that will give me the local stations (or at least the news in the morning). Then I will get a Wii and Netflix with the Instant thing. From what I currently spend on tv, the Wii will pay for itself within 3 months. Eventually I will get some games to go along with it. I'm not too worried about that part. Even the standard games that come on the system will be enough to keep me moving.

    I've also decided to sell my bedroom set. Its what Joey and I bought together and should be worth at least $1000-$1500. Of course whatever place I sell it to won't take the mattresses, so I'll just get some bedrails and some second hand furniture. I will also go through all my clothes and ebay anything I haven't worn in a year or two. That way I will have less crap to need to put in drawers. And it will make the room seem much bigger since its BIG furniture anyway.

    I really don't know what I'd get for it, but I can also sell my wedding rings.

    I'm back on track with my eating for today. I also plan to take Lexi out to the park later today. I really want to lose those 5 pounds by Halloween.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I'm sorry to hear about the financial troubles. With the TV, these days you can watch most of the shows online that you can't see on network TV, so you should be okay on that front.

    Lacey- way to go with the loose size 18s! I tell you, I'm all over the place with sizes. I'm wearing everything from an 18 to a 14... which is pretty frustrating when trying to find clothes. Overall though, it feels great to graduate from the big girls section. Keep at it! You're doing fabulous!

    Did my long run this morning. Had set to do my same run from last week, but had an extra little loop in mind if I felt up to it to bump my mileage up a bit. And I was feeling okay, so I did 10.08miles in 2hr25min. Dang, it took me forever, but it felt good. Good enough that I was able to burst up the speed the past quarter mile or so, and felt like I could have gone farther, which is pretty impressive. My pace was about 30 seconds slower than last week, so perhaps that was part of it, and I think I'm just continuing to get stronger. I'm definitely feeling more like I'll be able to do the half. (Yeah Victoria!) I still haven't signed up, but I think if next weekend's run goes as well as this one (will probably do the same 10ish miles again), I'll bite the bullet and sign up. Very exciting. First week I felt like it really was possible.

    Went to an usher orientation at the local theater and signed up for 2 symphony events and a movie premiere this weekend, which should be nice. About to go shoe shopping with my friend for a wedding she's going to in Vegas. I need a couple pairs of work shoes, as mine have gotten pretty bad. But I'll try to keep myself to 2 pairs. Also now need a white shirt for ushering.

    Other than that, plan to relax the rest of the evening. Reward myself with some artichoke pasta (yum!) from trader joe's, and catch up on some TV, and maybe read. I was trying to finish "The Brothers Karamazov" before starting another book, but I'm only like 200 pages into the 900+ and I want to read "Never Let Me Go" before the movie (looks REALLY good) is released in town in a couple of weeks, so I think I'll switch books. Might get started on that one tonight.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Keep it up ladies. You're all fabulous and I couldn't do it without you all. Seriously. :heart:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Meatloaf with isreali couscous, grated carrot and spinach in it,
    mole sauce,
    poblano pepper casserole
    grilled chicken in a sesame sauce for sesame chicken marinating
    gluten free chocolate peanut butter chip cookies
    curried egg salad
    And I am done. Now to shower up and relax for a few hours. Hey, I just totally repeated myself from earlier duh!

    Kristina - shoes.......have you tried www.endless.com? LOVE that site. I just sent three pairs of boots back that i ordered and didn't care for. sigh...oh well. I didn't need them. WTG on the run!!

    Kendal - did you post an ad on craigslist for a roommate? OR on a local college board maTybe? I'm sorry that you are worried about money. I hate that feeling. Its horrible. Right now I'm debating canceling cable too. The only thing that stops me is the fact that I know we will enventually get it again and it will cost more because we are locked into a good price right now, even though its an expensive thing every month. I should at least cancel HBO, that is $15 in its own.

    Well shower here i come. Jeff took Gracie into town with him so I have some quiet time. Yeay!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal - did you post an ad on craigslist for a roommate? OR on a local college board maTybe? I'm sorry that you are worried about money. I hate that feeling. Its horrible. Right now I'm debating canceling cable too. The only thing that stops me is the fact that I know we will enventually get it again and it will cost more because we are locked into a good price right now, even though its an expensive thing every month. I should at least cancel HBO, that is $15 in its own.

    I posted on craigslist and I had that one interview with the crazy spoiled incredibly bad roommate girl. My friend's dad rents properties and he said the kind of lease I would need would be so complicated I would need an attorney to write it out, so the roommate idea is out the door. It just won't work (unless its a friend who I know won't screw me).

    Less tv will mean more time for exercising and reading. I think my contract isn't up till March or April, so I've got time.
  • pinbotchick
    Morning Super Pals!! Not much new in my life. Took yesterday off from ex. I cooked a few things in the crockpot. Lacey inspired me... Kendal - I hope you get things squared away soon with the finances. My friend that went through a break-up a few months before you, finally applied for bankrupcy (?sp).

    I have early clients so I cancelled my bike ride. I may take today off from ex as well.

    Enjoy your Monday!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Today would have been our 2 year anniversary. I have cried over it a couple times, dreading today. But after the fight we had last night, I just want to shoot the effer in the nuts!! He had the NERVE to tell me that "one day you will grow up and realize we both failed in our marriage. its not just all my fault." OMG. He suck his d*** in some wh*** and he somehow thinks its in any way *MY FAULT*??? And on top of that, he's telling me to read certain scriptures in the Bible! Like he's some big Christian now and he's praying for me. He's so effing condescending about it and it makes me sick. I can't wait for this stupid house to sell and to file the d@mn divorce papers. I never want to deal with this *kitten* again in my life.

    In other news, I'm up 2 pounds today. ugh
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I am still here, just been very busy. Keep my eye on the dotted line. Now I have to prepare for Florida in 10 days so I am going to be even more busy. So, I am keeping on track. So far no weight loss since my goal on Labor Day weekend, but holding steady. When I get a chance I will check in again.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all, I swear I'm here - still motoring along. I just don't seem to have much "free" time these days. I got back on track with my exercise today. Me, the kid & the dog ran for an hour (ok, me & the dog ran - the kid rode his bike), we did school then went to the library for some books. I swear it has been forever since I stepped foot in a public library. It was a treasure trove of kids books. We found 5 books Gabe actually wants to read. We got to talk to DH on Skype at noon our time (like, 6 am DC time) so Gabe is feeling better about the separation (until bedtime, that is - it breaks my heart to listen to him cry himself to sleep :sad: ) . DH is usually a Spanish linguist in the Air Force (that's where we met, he was Spanish, I was Vietnamese) but he is doing a special duty assignment as a debriefer. All I know is that he meets with people and asks them questions. This class is the second he's been to that will help him to do the debriefer job as well as he possibly can. When it's all over in 2013, he will probably go back to being a Spanish linguist for the rest of his 20 years.

    Kendal: Wow. Your ex is a dirtbag. (Can I say that about someone I don't know?? I think I can.) You gotta brush it off. Don't listen the crap spewing from his mouth. You know, when I got divorced, I got A LOT of satisfaction from PAWNING my wedding rings. I had never been to a pawn shop before and I didn't get nearly what they were worth but I DID get the satisfaction of telling my ex that I PAWNED the rings. I hope you have an ok day. And I bet those 2 pounds were pounds of anger - they'll fall off soon.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- ugh what a toolbag. At least the fact that he's a complete a** is helping you get through a pretty tough day.

    Mish- keep up the great work!

    Victoria- hope your day goes well with your clients!

    Today shouldn't be too bad of a day. I'm up a pound this morning (back in the 180s *grumbles), but I think it'll come off again. I ate pasta last night, which probably isn't helping factors. I ate okay this weekend, but not spectacular, so I deserve it. Plus, the dreaded TOM is due at the end of the week, so it's incredible frustrating to not be able to tell if the weight gain is from something I'm doing wrong or just my darn body.

    I'm pretty exhausted this morning. Stayed up too late last night, considering I had my long run AND did a fair bit of walking while shopping with a friend yesterday. Definitely felt it in the AM. I have 2 clients this morning and then I'm planning on heading home to eat lunch and maybe take a power nap (let's hope they don't decide to mow the lawn this time), then come back to work to make a bunch of phone calls to clients.

    Pub trivia might happen tonight, which is always bad on the caloric front, but it always nice for me to actually be sociable (I don't get out much), so it's worth it. Just a shame it's not a heavy exercise day for me. I still need to keep it easy after the run. Plan to walk to and from work after lunch today and then do another walk around the neighborhood this evening. Will need to be good with the calories otherwise today and load up on some serious water.

    Am feeling good though. Legs aren't hurting terribly or anything and dare I say it? Am almost looking forward to my long run this weekend. I think it helps that I've gotten tons of support from friends and family, which is really nice.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I wish a personal trainer and a boxing bag would show up at moments when I'm that angry. I could get a really great cal burn from releasing that kind of anger on an inanimate object. We are still text arguing this morning. Maybe it will last all day and I'll still be angry enough to exercise out the anger later tonight. I kinda hope so. I want to feel exhausted. Too tired to move or think or do anything but shower and sleep. I wonder how many miles I'd have to go to get that feeling. I wish I had worn tennis shoes to work. Its kinda hard to get a fast walk going in flip flops.
  • pinbotchick
    Yep it's def mon!!! Packed my lunch but left sitting on counter. My 2nd client passed out while I was working with her. Called 911, she was unconcious for about 2 min - enough time for me to lay her down on ground and prop feet up. My heart was going 1000 beats a min. Ambulance people only found low blood pressure but took her to ER for a work up. Im still shaky and it's been 2 hours. At least her husband thanked me for being there. So yeah I ate a big bag of munchos 260 cal plus some chicken wrap that the gas station sells. Now my headaches and I can't tell my other clients due to HIPPA laws. (*sighs*)

    I just finished reading "through a dogs eyes" by Jennifer Arnold. Very good true story on how she trains dogs to assist handicap people. I taped a PBS special about it.

    Kendal - Joey def is a dirt bag!!! Yes it is your fault you're getting a divorce (*wink*)- you choose to be an intelligeent woman and not suffer his cr@p any more!!! I remember you giving him chances that he blew. He is the only one responsible for his actions. If my husband cheated, he'd be gone too.

    I hope the rest of the days goes well for us all.

    Amy - I love the library.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Having a good day! Just did some shopping and picked up some snacks for work then tomorrow I will pick up my fruit for the week at work. I must say, doing food shopping on my lunch for my work breakfast/lunch has really worked out for me. Now, where are those chocolate covered 100 calorie pretzels...:)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So far so good today...eating well, having a decent day at work...yeah me. New tv shows start this week. Gonna try wii boxing tonight with that new game I have.

    Kendal: I put my degree (actually simply searching on the net) to good use and found these for you, have fun next time he calls and wants to spew scripture at you:
    Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
    Proverbs 17:7 Fine speech is not becoming to a fool; still less is false speech to a prince
    James 1:26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. (my personal fav for him)
    And one from the Book of Lacey: Fluck him. FIle the divorce papers anyways and get it going. The house will sell when it sells and you don't want to have to be tied to him in anything other than credit on the house than you have to!

    I also pawned my wedding ring from #1 (yes that is what I call him on the rare occassion I talk about him). It was fun lol.

    Victoria - WOW that is scary!! Geeeeezzz.. I guess good thing you were there right?

    Kristina - I hear you on the not getting out much. GO! Go!

    Amy - good to hear that things are going better for you and Gabe now. I saw the post about the spider...yuck!

    Misch - good job on the food.
  • pinbotchick
    Got my run in - 2 miles on treadmill. One of my cats is going to drive me nuts - twice he brought us treats in the middle of the night - yeah one was live and escaped into my closet!!! Now he has a bird in the living room. Feathers are all over (*sighs*).

    Lacey - loved the quotes.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Pub trivia was a blast as always last night. The bonus categories were geography (not our strong suit), and 2000's pop culture (100%!). Of course got to bed later than I would have liked and was definitely feeling it this morning.

    Thought I would maybe be able to get up early and do my run, but it wasn't happening. Thought I might take a long lunch and get a power nap in, but instead, I think I'm going to try and hit the gym. It's supposed to be up in the mid-uppers 80s today, so I imagine even by lunchtime it'll be too hot to get a mid-day run in, and last week when I ran after my group ended it was basically dark the entire run, and I was amped up and couldn't sleep for a while. So, I'm thinking I'll hit the gym for some cross training instead, and do the run tomorrow hopefully.

    Another long workday. Meh. Is it Friday yet?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have had the weirdest 24 hours. Sorry to those of you I'm friends with on facebook as this will be a repeat. Last night, I was jerked out of my sleep to the sound of frantic doorbell ringing and loud German outside my house. I came downstairs to find the polizei shining their flashlights in my front window. When I opened the door, they told me they had gotten a call about an American woman who was trying to kill herself with a knife. I assured them I 1) hadn't called them and 2) wasn't trying to kill myself. They took down all my information (do you know how hard it is to find your passport and ID and remember your ungodly long German telephone number when there is a gaggle of German cops in bulletproof vests standing on your porch?!?!? The cops probably thought I was dumb.) and told me they must have been called to the wrong address. After they left, my next door neighbor told me they were looking for the previous tenant who had a history of suicidal behavior and apparently moved to a different town without changing her address linked to her cell phone. So when her phone called the cops, they came to MY house & not wherever she lives now. Yay, for confusion! A funny post script to this weird tale is that I discovered that all of my neighbors for about a 2 block radius knew about the incident by about 7 AM this morning. I had neighbors from all over (people I don't even know included) coming over this morning to get the low down on why the 3 cop cars, 1 ambulance, and a doctor's car (Germany has doctors that respond to emergency calls much like ambulances but separate from the ambulances) were at my house in the middle of the night. So I disseminated the story to the neighborhood through the neighbors that know English and all is right with the world again. Weird.

    I have had a lot of running around today as I am trying to sell DH's car and had to go out to let a guy test drive it. Said guy is going to buy it so I have to get the stupid thing inspected before I can transfer the title over to him on base (more running around). After that, I discovered that someone in the UK is using my bank card to fund their book buying. So I had to cancel my debit card (effectively cutting me off from all sources of cash until I get the new one in the mail in, like, 10 days - I'm sooo glad I gassed up my car this morning). Just a weird day.

    We're getting ready to take Gabe to soccer & I'm bringing the dog & we'll run around the track while he soccers it up so I can get SOME kind of exercise today. Sheesh.

    Victoria: Sounds like your cat needs to meet my spider infestation. Scary about your client passing out. That would fluster anyone.

    Lacey: Awesome. Quotes.

    Kristina: I forget that it's still summer weather in some part of the world. I was just talking with some neighbors about snow shoes and cross country skiing as our weather heads towards winter. Sounds like a gym day would be right up your alley.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. At least its Tuesday right? LOL.

    I made The Bomb Meatloaf last night. OMG we were drooling all over ourselves! Here is the recipe in case anyone else wants The Bomb Meatloaf, lol;
    2 lbs 7% or less hamburger
    1 egg
    about 1/2 cup raw oatmeal
    about 1/2 cup of israeli couscous
    2 carrots peeled and grated up
    2 cups raw baby spinach chopped up
    1/4ish cup yellow onion chopped
    garlic minced (to taste I guess...I think I had about 3 cloves in there)
    rock sea salt (trust me, rock salt is the way to go)
    Sweet Baby Rays bbq sauce, or one that is just as good

    Mix it all up in a bowl, add more couscous or oats or bbq sauce until you get the mixture the right consistency. Put it in a bread pan and flatten. Top it with a good thick layer of bbq sauce and sprinkle some more rock salt over the top (it makes the bbq sauce get all carmelized in the oven). Now at this point you could probly cook it, but I let mine sit in the fridge overnight covered up. I baked it on 365 for about 1.5 hours.
    WOW. It was so moist and amazingly tasty and good. My husband and I both decided that it was the best one I've ever made...so I am glad I could remember what all was in it.

    Tonight trying that mole sauce I made for the first time with carne asada taco/enchilada type things. Should be goooood.

    ANYways...husband is on the list right now. We all play around and wrestle with Gracie but sometimes, like a man, he just doesn't know when to quit with me and last night was one of those nights.

    Amy I read your post on FB...that is IN.Sane!! I guess it turned out to be a good way to meet people though huh? LOL.

    Victoria - we used to have a female cat who would bring in half dead birds to give to us...and then proceed to play with them until we could put them back out side. My male cat now brings me fully dead critters. I think they do it to give gifts to us or something..lol.

    Kristina - I was in the grocery store last night talking to the vegetable person and she was saying that its supposed to be in the mid 70's this week, our last Indian Summer days per se. I can't believe this, but I dread it. Even though I hate fall because it brings the 7 + months of rain, I don't want to deal with sinus pressure, plugged ears, runny nose, dry nose, etc. etc. that come with the drastic changes.

    Hey Victoria - I remember you saying that your wedding anniversary is coming up. Did you decide to do anything or find something? Do you have anything like this near by that you could both go to: www.bonnevilleresort.com for a night, massages, etc.? My five year is Friday and I am trying to plan something for us, but its got to be something we can take G with us...so not sure yet either.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- I saw your post about the "incident". Crazy! Even more amusing is how everyone in the neighborhood knew so quickly. You have to love word of mouth. Was interesting to hear how many people came out for a potential suicidal person. A doctor actually coming out? That's unheard of here! haha. Sorry to hear about your bank card. What a bloody mess!

    Lacey- if I ate meat, I'm sure that meatloaf would be pretty dang yummy!

    Well, I did end up taking along lunch, but instead of going to the gym, I did my run. It was only in the mid 60s when I started, but I think it must have heated up 10 degrees or more in the hour I ran. Did 5.4 miles at an 11:59 pace. I felt like I was dragging, but my time was much better than I thought. Glad to have the exercise done for the day, so I can veg out when I get home.

    I've got social work supervision on Friday, and my co-worker talked about doing a 5 mile run after. She's training for ther Detroit half as well. I'd like to run with her, but I'm serious worried about keeling over and dying. I mean, I figure she'll slow down a bit for me, but she's probably at a 10ish min/mile pace, and I'm nowhere near that yet. Eep?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Dropping in for a sec. Our five year anniv. is Friday. I looked for last minute deals to some of the lodges in Oregon that all three of us could go to with no luck. BUT...but....but...I found awesome deals for us to fly from Eugene to Seattle for two or three nights to stay on the waterfront near Pikes Market so we are gifting ourselves a mini trip!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Just dropping in for a minute before I crash for the night. Thought I had recovered from being sick last week. Felt great all Sunday. Then yesterday I passed out on the train on the way to work. I was apparently out of it for a minute or two. The train cop was already arriving by the time I came to. (Kind of weird when I read about Victoria's patient passing out.) Didn't get hurt when I fell and the hospital couldn't figure out a definitive reason for me passing out. So I am attributing it to being sick because yesterday afternoon the congestion and sniffles came back with a vengeance.

    Kendal-Sorry to hear about your money troubles. I gave up tv a while back for budget reasons and now that I can afford it again, I don't really miss it. The netflix streaming and online options are generally good enough that I can still watch most of the shows I like. Don't know how much of a bookworm you are, but another way to earn some cash is to sell any extra books you've got laying around on half.com (e-bay affiliate).

    Amy-Your story gave me a good laugh. Can't imagine having to deal with such a situation and while speaking a foreign language!

    Lacey--Have a great time in Seattle. September weather there is usually still sunny and warm during the day. A nice outing (though a bit pricey) if the weather is nice is to go to Tillicum village. It's a boat cruise in the puget sound with a stop at a native american village on Blake Island where you have a traditional salmon bake with local native american dancers providing entertainment. For a cheaper cruise, take the ferry to bainbridge and back. :wink: Also, for the future possibilities file, check out Joseph, Oregon and the Wallowa Lake Lodge. It's a pretty and often overlooked corner of the state.