What are your tips/suggestions for...



  • I would definitely recommend a water work out class - being in the water will take the strain off joints and help your balance and you will find it quite relaxing and therapeutic.

    My father has had 3 strokes already and he is only 56. He has always been fairly fit and healthy up till then so it really can happen to anyone xxx
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    After your strokes did you go through the rehab program? How long has it been since your stroke? You should talk to your neurologist or GP about exercise programs to get you back to where you can do exercises on your own. Also your diet is the most important right now. Poor diet is a big factor in strokes. Maybe if you focus on the diet for a while and loose some of the weight you might feel a little more stable. Hope things will go well for you.
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