Fat Burners... Do they really work?



  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    well I like synedrex.......sticks tongue out at the haters lol

    Synedrex, contains Dimethylamylamine. The following is from the FDA website (http://www.fda.gov/food/dietarysupplements/qadietarysupplements/ucm346576.htm):

    What is DMAA?
    DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine) is an amphetamine derivative that has been widely used in sports supplements sold in the United States. Also known as methylhexanamine or geranium extract, DMAA is often touted as a “natural” stimulant, with many claimed functional uses including a body-building aid, an athletic performance enhancer, and a weight-loss aid. Although DMAA at one time was approved as a drug for nasal decongestion, no medical use of DMAA is recognized today. FDA is not aware of any reliable science indicating that DMAA exists naturally in plants.
    DMAA-containing dietary supplements are illegal and their marketing violates the law. Based on the scientific information reviewed by FDA, DMAA is not a dietary ingredient.

    Is it safe to consume DMAA?
    No, FDA does not have any information to demonstrate that consuming DMAA is safe. FDA is very concerned about DMAA and we advise consumers not to purchase or use any dietary supplement containing DMAA. This substance narrows blood vessels and arteries, which can elevate blood pressure, and may lead to cardiovascular problems such as shortness of breath, arrhythmias, tightening in the chest, and heart attack, as well as seizures and other neurological and psychological conditions. FDA has received 86 reports of adverse events involving products containing DMAA. These events include psychiatric disorders, heart problems, nervous system disorders, and death.

    Sounds wonderful . . . on which street corner can I buy it? Do I have to ask for "Lil Blunt" or "Phat Dawg" or anything like that?

    :laugh: :smokin:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Search "Dimethylamylamine party" and you'll see plenty.

    Seems a lot are outside the US, it was widely marketed as a sports supplement in the US prior to it's ban
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I can't say if the fat burning pills work or not. Their marketing does though because people are constantly buying them at very high prices.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Seems a lot are outside the US, it was widely marketed as a sports supplement in the US prior to it's ban

    So was ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine. And we all know how that went. It's a sad state of affairs, but that's the pharma industry for you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    The percentage of attribute (about 1%-2%) to overall weight loss probably isn't cost effective to warrant using them. Scientifically they do work, but the effects a subtle.
    As mentioned, all them have a stimulant of some sort in them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    No. If you could just take a pill to burn fat, no one would be fat.

  • CogentLinkie
    CogentLinkie Posts: 26 Member
    They work pretty well at wasting your money.
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    I don't know about everyone else, but I took T6 fat burners . . . I did so on work out days at first but because they made my heart beat so fast I was throwing up! So stopped taking them on workout days . . they still made my heart pound on non workout days and everything seemed very 'focused'. I think they affect people differently, and I took them for only two weeks because I felt my heart might cave in! In those two weeks I lost 4lb a week (with eating right) compared to 1lb or so on normal weeks. They are apparently extremely strong and Ive known a lot of people to loose weight on them, whether or not they actually work or its a placebo effect Im not sure . . .
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Also to note - calories in vs calories out.
    These make you burn more calories by increasing background stuff - agitation etc will also burn more.

    You could just eat less, too.
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    They do work, but they also come with many undesirable side effects. One being heart palpitations and that leds to agitation. So unless you want to feel like your heart is going to bust outside your chest, or be raging 24/7 I'd stay away.
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    Agree with that! slow and steady!
  • phathousecat
    phathousecat Posts: 55 Member
    Yeah, I used to use oxyelite pro because my roommate recommended it for workouts. I took one of hers, without breakfast because I don't eat right before I work out... big mistake. I felt like I was having a heart attack. My heart was beating so fast and I hadn't even started running yet. When I did start running I thought I was going to explode.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    If they really worked, America wouldn't have an obesity crisis. Everyone would just eat the magic dust and get skinny. Since that's not happening, I'm betting on a "no".

    Exactly. If any of this stuff worked, there would be no fat people.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If they really worked, America wouldn't have an obesity crisis. Everyone would just eat the magic dust and get skinny. Since that's not happening, I'm betting on a "no".

    Exactly. If any of this stuff worked, there would be no fat people.

    Certainly strong logic there.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    They do work; they aren't magical but they can complement a diet and exercise plan. That said, they aren't necessarily a good idea for everyone. Lots of different things "work" when it comes to weight loss but that doesn't mean everyone should rush out and try them. When it comes to fat loss, I'd wager that the majority of people are fine just eating a caloric deficit and, if they can find the time to workout, all the better.
  • matuskap
    matuskap Posts: 131 Member
    Hell yes they work. But not the way they advertise. They don't burn fat out of nothing, they just help a little once body starts to do it. If you do 15 minutes of medium intensity cardio while on fat burners, you just wasted money. If you do 10 km (bit over 6 miles) run while on them, they will help a >>>>LITTLE<<<<<. :D Cant stress that "little" enough. Its not magic, but it does help, just like coffee does. Anyone who says otherwise just has to be veeeery strongly stimulant resistant imo.

    When i tried to figure how much of a help stimulants are for me personally, i noted a type of stimulant before every workout for almost a year (instant cofee/ liquid fat burner/ red bull). Increase seemed to be around 10% based on average speed, meaning i did same running path with average speed about 10% higher (12.5km/h -> 13.9km/h) compared to runs without stimulant. Most of runs were between 8 to 15 km and i was running at least 4 times a week minimum. I was 24 yo and already athletic, so my time didnt really improve much in time, certainly not enough to interfere with experiment. The correlation between stimulants and average speed was pretty much undeniable and visible almost in 100% of entries. It was data from a long time period too, so it should be at least a little accurate.

    This however DOES NOT mean that you will burn 10% more fat!!! But you will definitely be able to go harder and feel more vital afterwards. Research to date SUGGESTS that it is partially thanks to stimulants promoting fat burn hence giving you more energy to push through the cardio session.

    Nuff said, go get a sample, do same workout 10-15 times, then try fat burners 3-5 times and you will see if it has any positive effect. Or just try coffee. 99% of fat burners are the same: caffeine, taurin, green tea extract, l-carnitin and some gurana.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Nice 'research' there! :)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    The only thing fat burners slim down is your wallet...
  • fat burners works only if combinated to a good diet and a regoular sport activity. I am taking phenterpill, a natural appetite suppressant and it is helping me, but if i will take only it alone, it is not going to work. It doesn't exist a magic diet pill or a magic fat burner. All depends from us and from how we want to work hard in order to achieve our goal.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    They work pretty well at wasting your money.


    My trainer is on a bunch of fat burners right now because she is preparing for competition. She's at about 13% BF and needs to go down a bit for the competition day. It is in no way sustainable to continue using them, and, I'm assuming, you'll go right back up once you stop using it.

    If you're like me and have a BF % greater than 30, don't think a fat burner will help you out more than proper nutrition and exercise.