Scared to up my calories



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Here is a group you might be interested in too. Maybe find some friends eating more:

    I read through the thread you posted. It was inspirational for sure but I also noticed that the most posters were bigger to begin with and it made sense for them to eat "more" to lose. I am more curious about those who are in normal range (maybe on the higher end) but eating more to lose more...

    The idea is, whatever height you are, is to eat the highest number of calories you can while still losing weight. For someone who is 5'2" maybe that number is 1800. For someone who is 5'8" maybe that number is 2200. Find your appropriate deficit that gives you a deficit where you aren't starving, but still losing, and you are fueling your workouts. This along with getting enough protein will ensure that you do not lose as much muscle mass. Keep muscle mass is important for both health and cosmetic reasons.

    You do not have to eat the minimum amount of calories.

    thank you for the details. One thing that confuses me the most is this idea of "eating more to lose more" often sounds conflicting with those advices of "you are eating too much". How many posts we see every day here to ask for help and most of the replies they got is "you are eating too much", or something like "you are underestimate what you eat"...Can someone help me find a good middleground and get a good grip? I am so lost...
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Here is a group you might be interested in too. Maybe find some friends eating more:

    I read through the thread you posted. It was inspirational for sure but I also noticed that the most posters were bigger to begin with and it made sense for them to eat "more" to lose. I am more curious about those who are in normal range (maybe on the higher end) but eating more to lose more...

    The idea is, whatever height you are, is to eat the highest number of calories you can while still losing weight. For someone who is 5'2" maybe that number is 1800. For someone who is 5'8" maybe that number is 2200. Find your appropriate deficit that gives you a deficit where you aren't starving, but still losing, and you are fueling your workouts. This along with getting enough protein will ensure that you do not lose as much muscle mass. Keep muscle mass is important for both health and cosmetic reasons.

    You do not have to eat the minimum amount of calories.

    thank you for the details. One thing that confuses me the most is this idea of "eating more to lose more" often sounds conflicting with those advices of "you are eating too much". How many posts we see every day here to ask for help and most of the replies they got is "you are eating too much", or something like "you are underestimate what you eat"...Can someone help me find a good middleground and get a good grip? I am so lost...

    It's usually different posters, so you do have to pick a side, so to speak :)

    I say to bump up the calories and try it for a little while (but give it a good enough length of time to get some data). The only real way to figure out what something will do is to do it ;) OTOH, I lowered my calories recently. I found that out by doing different things, too, though. If my body acts like it has been, I'll have to bump them up for at least a little while and then lower them again (if I need to lower again instead of just maintenance).

    My body likes things shaken up, apparently, or either I could have just had more patience through a plateau? Either way, it's all good :) It comes off eventually with most ways of doing it!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Best move I ever made was upping my cals to the proper amount. Try thinking of it that way - giving your body the proper amount of calories and nutrition so it can be the best it can be! Not "upping cals" or "eating more than I'm used to". Don't be afraid - seriously the best thing I ever did, and that was about 2 years ago. Fat and inches came off, I'm still lowering body fat percentage, feel great, look great, wearing smaller sizes than I did all through my 30's (i'm 45 now!).

    Do it do it do it!
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    In the same boat, have the fear :-(
  • I would strongly say it really depends on the person. Personally I cannot eat more than 1400 when I work out otherwise I gain weight. Generally it's best to go off whether or not you are hungry (intuitive eating)

    I am 5'7 and around 166. The best results I've seen is eating when Im hungry and that's that. I think that is best for everyone because your body is your body and it will let you know how much energy you need. If you think of food in a form of "energy" your results will definitely be different than everyone else.
  • I am in the SAME BOAT!!!! I just started. Was on 1200 cals a day or less used to it. Wasn't hungry. NO starchy all. Unless I caved on a weekend and had pizza.

    Very dizzy. Could not lose any weight whatsoever and so so so so so tired.

    Posted on here a couple times, read some threads.....upped my calories to just over my BMR by a couple hundred, workout, eat back my workout calories - -- - wayyyyy higher energy, better sleeps for two nights and I am building muscle instead of destroying it when I workout.

    I think my body was like "not enough calories yo!" and held onto the fat. I'll probably gain a little before I start losing while my metabolism gets used to it....but yes...have to gradually build more calories into the full!

    I hope this actually works....I know it's scary because it's SO DEEPLY engrained "EAT less and lose!" Will take a loooooong time to get the 20 lbs off....but I'll be at least making muscle. I hope! ^_^
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone.
    I'm only on day 2 of upping my calories, but I seriously already feel better. It was easier to wake up in the mornings, easier to make it through the day.
    Hopefully in a few months, you'll see my success story ;)
    Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • It is SO hard to up the calories all at once...takes time. I am stuffed ...constantly. But way more energy. Don't pay attention to that scale either! Look at the changes on your body. Takes 4-8 weeks to see real results. You look FABULOUS in your pictures!!!! :)
  • zsm5cd
    zsm5cd Posts: 1 Member