Digging in Deeper

*deep breath* Hi everyone. I've been hanging around for awhile, reading messages here and there, impressed with so much of what I read. I'm on a weight loss journey (again, unfortunately). About 15 years ago, I started watching what I ate, working out at the gym and went from a size 14 to a size 6 and weighed 150 but didn't let the weight get me down because so much of it was muscle and I love the size I was. We moved, I changed my lifestyle, stopped going to the gym and my weight has crept up to 220. My size has stunned me. I know part of it I attribute to no longer smoking. I quit the end of July, 2013 and I've not been sorry. Wow, does food smell and taste good now! But a bigger part of my weight gain is just inactivity.

So... I got MFP and put it on my iPad, joined Weight Watchers (figuring the accountability won't hurt), joined a gym and I'm down 10 pounds in about five weeks. I know I didn't pack all this on at one time but geez, does it have to take so darned long to come off?! It gets discouraging at times since I don't really know anyone at the gym but I keep dragging my butt there. I guess it's helping. Things are slowly starting to fit a little better. I feel like each day I just have to dig in a little deeper because in the long run, I'll be happy. I know there are others here going through much of the same daily battles that I am so I wanted to say "Hi" and maybe I won't feel like I'm out here all alone.


  • chaudod
    chaudod Posts: 11 Member
    You certainly are not alone. Congratulations on your progress so far! I also started a lifestyle change about 5 weeks ago. It is proving to be a challenge and I continue to get discouraged frequently. However, you're words "I'll be happy" reminded me that feeling better and being happy are truly the end result I'm (all of us are) looking for. Thank you!
  • I think I get discouraged multiple times a day! I laugh when I talk about it, but it's the truth. I try very hard to make the right choices each and every time I eat and to get more exercise. That one is tougher with the weather being so bad, but it won't always be so bad. Yes, being happy... that is definitely my long term objective.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Losing weight and keeping it off is really hard! If it were easy, there wouldn't be tons of people here on MFP or any other weight loss program. You've done it before and you can do it again! Feel free to add me, I log daily, my food diary is open and I offer as much support as you need. Good luck!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Hello! Nice to meet you. :) I get discouraged a lot, though being on MFP helps SO much. Feel free to add me if you like!