


  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Kind of, I'm a grad student and if I have a huge workload one week I might not do as well with fitness & healthy stuff that week. But then I spend my downtime watching documentaries or playing video games so really I could be doing more, I'm just lazy :laugh:
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    A little. I work at a desk job so I already have a fitness strike against me. But I've been walking every day during my lunch hour for 30 minutes when I can. I also exercise on the weekend and if I'm really feeling motivated.. will do some more exercise after work. I'm trying to fit it in anywhere I can.

    This. 29 minutes most every day (I clock out at the stairs and walk down, but ride the elevator back up.) I burn around 100 calories most lunches. Also I am fortunate that my job is 7:00 - 3:30 so I can walk the dog or garden or whatever between 3:30 and 4:45 when I start dinner to get whatever kid has an activity starting sometime between 6 & 7 pm there on time. When basketball season is over, I'll be going back to Zumba on Saturday mornings.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    As Joan Rivers would say---CAN WE TALK? I have not one, but 2 office jobs; 1 as an emergency dispatcher for a Trauma Hospital and another at a 911 facility. The hospital is full of nurses and nurses CELEBRATE EVERYTHING!!! Someone is always baking a cake or cookies or lasagna or smoking a side of beef cuz this girl got divorced and that girl got engaged and the other girl got accepted into med school.
    My 911 job isn't quite as bad but this week in particular, they had a chili feed and with that, there were treats and when they had left over cinnamon rolls and brownies, what do you think the logical thing was that they did----PUT THEM ALL IN THE BREAK ROOM IN DISPATCH!!! REALLY???
    My whole thing is "always be prepared". I always have fat free greek yogurt and fruit and light string cheese on hand and a few high protein bars for good measure to fight off the demons :bigsmile:
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    As Joan Rivers would say---CAN WE TALK? I have not one, but 2 office jobs; 1 as an emergency dispatcher for a Trauma Hospital and another at a 911 facility. The hospital is full of nurses and nurses CELEBRATE EVERYTHING!!! Someone is always baking a cake or cookies or lasagna or smoking a side of beef cuz this girl got divorced and that girl got engaged and the other girl got accepted into med school.
    My 911 job isn't quite as bad but this week in particular, they had a chili feed and with that, there were treats and when they had left over cinnamon rolls and brownies, what do you think the logical thing was that they did----PUT THEM ALL IN THE BREAK ROOM IN DISPATCH!!! REALLY???
    My whole thing is "always be prepared". I always have fat free greek yogurt and fruit and light string cheese on hand and a few high protein bars for good measure to fight off the demons :bigsmile:

    not a nurse but I pawn off my stuff on co workers all the time - ie: christmas baking and chocolates, leftover halloween treats, etc .... sorry :blushing:
  • It does if I let it, mainly with nutrition. Im on the go and busy alot of the time, If I have not prepared and planned my meals the night before, its easy to just grab fast food or something I dont need. So for me planning is very important.
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    I find it most difficult when I travel for business. Often, I don't have control of when and where I eat or workout. It takes maximum willpower to realize that I still control what and if I eat or workout.

    AGREED! I travel for work on a somewhat regular basis and I get the "I don't want to run into my coworkers all sweaty and red-faced" mentality with working out at the hotel gym. I did use it as an excuse but now I realize my health is worth more (or I can workout in my room).

    Also, my meals are often paid for when I travel and because I LOVE FOOD/ALCOHOL so much, I used to make an effort to try something I'd never had before. That meant creamy, fatty, delicious, unhealthy things normally. Now I realize I can still be adventurous but I have to make responsible and more healthy choices. Like trying mussels instead of bone marrow and foie gras...
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    My commute does. I drive 50 miles each way to/from work. I'd love to have that time back for exercise.
  • megan_h26
    megan_h26 Posts: 325 Member
    Okay, what else?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I used to allow my job and other areas of my life to interfere with my weight loss plan but not anymore.
  • It does when you work at a job you hate. When I get bad days I get home fuming and I want nothing to do with eating right or working out. Sometimes i'll even start a workout and give up halfway because i'm just that upset. Just easier to get into PJ's and drink a huge glass of wine and complain instead.

    THAT is when it's really hard to stay motivated.
  • megan_h26
    megan_h26 Posts: 325 Member
    I totally agree. However, sometimes it is hard to find the right time to work out, right?