When do you find time to exercise??



  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I don't have kids and I really tip my hat to those of you who do and make the time to do this. It's double bonus cuz you are also instilling good habits into the little ones *applaud*

    Instilling good habits now is VERY important to us. Our daughters are 11 and 13. They did Power 90 DVD workouts all summer. I want that lifestyle for them and for them to see us workout. I don't want them on the next season of Too Fat for Fifteen.

    I agree totally - my five year old walked 4 miles today and still came home and went straight on the trampoline! My little girl who is 3 walked half the way and then got in the buggy for a lift back. I will not let my kids become big like me if I can at all help it.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This woman is very motivating. This particular video has some curse words, but I recommend checking this out:

  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    For me the best time is early in the morning. I use to get up at 5:30 am and now it is more like 6-6:30. It just works better for me. At work some of us would walk at lunch. When I was younger I walked at lunchtime even when I went home for lunch. If I could get home before my husband, I walked as soon as I arrived home. Once the kids were around, that ceased to be a good time. Before bedtime was never very good because it seemed to prevent me from sleeping. I do most of cleaning like the car, yard work all myself. I need the exercise. If you are not afraid of heat stroke cleaning the attic can be like a sauna. What ever works for you is what truly is best.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
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