Rant about stuff



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    OP - you are partially recovered from an eating disorder and yet you are now trying to lose more weight? I'm sure you hear quite a bit about not only the low cal recipes, but also that you should be working to fix your relationship with food and focusing on recovery. Frankly, the criticism about food replacements are often focused on the problem with having a bad relationship with food. That isn't people being mean to you. That is concern about your health.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    You need cookies apparently.

    No matter what your opinion is of this statement, it's still funny.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Part of the problem is that we have all made different choices about how to make these lifestyle changes. Some folks choose to eat clean, some paleo, etc. Unfortunately many become fanatics about their eating choices and believe in spreading the 'gospel.' It really is almost a religious thing.

    Some people are willing to try modified recipes even if they include things like artificial sweeteners. Others consider artificial sweeteners to be evil and would rather die than eat food containing one. Both eating choices are perfectly acceptable. However it is frustrating to see posts where one tries to 'convert' the other.

    Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't eat clean. I eat plenty of processed foods, so yes my sodium consumption tends to be higher, but I don't consider sodium in moderation to be evil. I am a type 2 diabetic, so I do make choices to reduce the carbs in my meals. That might mean mixing mashed cauliflower into the mashed potatoes. There are other things, like cheesecake that I am a purist about. It is the 'real' thing or nothing. When I want to have something like that, I work it into my calorie goals for the day.

    There are times on the boards I wish people would respect the choices others make. Yes, when someone is making a truly unhealthy choice, we should offer sound advice. However the I see no reason to mock others and get sarcastic as happens all to often.
  • Whambam087
    I get annoyed when people preach moderation. That doesn't work for me. Eating processed junk only makes me have these annoying cravings for more and when I don't eat it they simply don't exist. But I'm supposed to eat junk food because that's not normal and is too extreme. You need cookies apparently.
    I pretty much don't eat any processed junk and I'm still able to eat foods in moderation......not sure what you mean?
    Certain foods are triggers for me. If I don't eat them I can care less about them and I can easily turn them away without a second thought. But if I eat them it's not necessarily that I don't have self control, because I can still turn them down it's just I get persistent cravings for more. People who preach moderation act like I'm supposed to be eating junk all the time because it's awful to forbid yourself a donut! But it's harder to eat right when I'm battling cravings all the time.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    I get annoyed when people preach moderation. That doesn't work for me. Eating processed junk only makes me have these annoying cravings for more and when I don't eat it they simply don't exist. But I'm supposed to eat junk food because that's not normal and is too extreme. You need cookies apparently.
    I pretty much don't eat any processed junk and I'm still able to eat foods in moderation......not sure what you mean?
    Certain foods are triggers for me. If I don't eat them I can care less about them and I can easily turn them away without a second thought. But if I eat them it's not necessarily that I don't have self control, because I can still turn them down it's just I get persistent cravings for more. People who preach moderation act like I'm supposed to be eating junk all the time because it's awful to forbid yourself a donut! But it's harder to eat right when I'm battling cravings all the time.
    Yeah, I misinterpreted it for sure, jane straightened me out.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Maybe some people that have eaten calorie-reduced recipes and now no longer need to bother with them want to share their experience. Once I even made a pizza with fat free cheese. (it looked like melted plastic - yuck!). That is a valid way to lose weight but there are other ways to do it. For instance, I just eat reasonable portions of recipes with real ingredients (including full fat cheese - yum) and double my veggie intake (or add more veggies to the recipe).

    That being said, I will still substitute phyllo dough for regular pie crust on chicken pot pie, but mostly to save time. :wink: mmm now i really want chicken pot pie.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I find both extremes pretty annoying. On the one side you have "Cauliflower can replace steak if you repeat to yourself that you're eating steak and try not to cry." and on the other you have "All foods are equally easy to fit into your nutrition goals... and trying new things is horrible anyway."

    I've found some substitutions good (switched from rice to barley and haven't looked back since) and others... not so good (just to repeat what LexiMelo said, fat-free cheese doesn't melt).
  • Ellyssandra
    No longer trying to lose to those who mentioned my eating disorder. I've had and I am having help and support, thanks for the concern :)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No longer trying to lose to those who mentioned my eating disorder. I've had and I am having help and support, thanks for the concern :)

    Very good to hear. Good luck and take care of yourself!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I find these threads annoying. *shrug* :ohwell:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I find these threads annoying. *shrug* :ohwell:
    This. These whiny, whoa is me, thinly veiled bully threads really bring the butthurt to levels of sheer patheticness.
    *Goes to cry cowering in the corner to nurse my butthurt with my frankenstein cauliflower concoction*
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I think the best way to eat is the one that you will follow as opposed to eating it because its better in someone else's opinion.

    Like, for me, I used to eat all kinds of food that was fattening. so what will do it for me is eat food that I will enjoy eating. Like yesterday i got a container of crab salad that had some mayo. i didn't care about the mayo. i thought wow this is better than a whole pizza and i will eat it. so while the person saw the beautiful salad and only saw EXCESS MAYO, I saw the whole thing as a delish alternative to fattening pizza and fast food sandwiches.

    also i will make something taste good so i will eat it. like salad - i dont really like lettuce salad but if i get it with fattening ranch dressing, i will eat it.

    Im with you on the idea but in reverse, i wont make things diet in order to save calories, but i will eat a higher calorie nutitious food in order to be able to eat the nutritious food. maybe later i will have to change that but for now, i do see your point and i do the same but in a different way. but it works.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I find these threads annoying. *shrug* :ohwell:
    This. These whiny, whoa is me, thinly veiled bully threads really bring the butthurt to levels of sheer patheticness.
    *Goes to cry cowering in the corner to nurse my butthurt with my frankenstein cauliflower concoction*

    Take me with you! :sad: :sad:
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Eh. It's a forum, so everyone is here to discuss. Everyone wants to share (and overshare sometimes) about their own knowledge. Some people just suck at discussing, or they have fun being critical, or whatever. It's never going to be any different in any forum anywhere... Ever! I will advise that it's best not to rant :) and I mean this in the kindest of ways! It's a sure-fire way to start a rumble.
  • Ellyssandra
    This. These whiny, whoa is me, thinly veiled bully threads really bring the butthurt to levels of sheer patheticness.
    *Goes to cry cowering in the corner to nurse my butthurt with my frankenstein cauliflower concoction*

    I don't understand how this is a bully thread.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I get annoyed when people preach moderation. That doesn't work for me. Eating processed junk only makes me have these annoying cravings for more and when I don't eat it they simply don't exist. But I'm supposed to eat junk food because that's not normal and is too extreme. You need cookies apparently.

    I doubt anyone has told you that you need cookies. Perhaps that restriction of food is just ignoring your problem, not correcting it, but certainly not that you need to eat X food. For all we know you just don't like cookies.

    That said I need cookies. Daily. Sometimes twice.


  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I understand what you are saying about others pushing their eating habits on others but girl, screw them. lol... I could careless what none of you eat.

    Yes, I do nonfat foods and milk, do not really use butter, etc,, so that I can eat more and that is what I do. Can't NO1 on this thread, board, or in my REAL life tell me nothing! LOL... I do what I want, when I want, and if I want to substitute this for something nonfat I will. Save your portion control rants to yourself because it won't change my mind. I do me, you do you.

    People just need to worry about their own fitness journey and realize that most do not give a rat's *kitten* what they think or say if it doesn't apply to me, personally. Yes I'm very self-absorbed and yes it is my world. LMAO

    Everyone have a great day. :smile:
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    I find it super annoying when those people come charging in and putting down people's suggest recipes saying that eating in moderation and enjoying the real stuff is the best.

    That works for them, GREAT. Some people prefer to eat lower calorie substitutes so that they can enjoy them more often, I know that I prefer that. I just feel that the whole idea of making this a lifestyle and not a diet has gotten people to think that it's bad to find low calorie substitute and I don't really understand why.

    Feel free to ignore :) , I just saw another post about that on a good recipe idea, and I don't freaking know why they bother posting on it

    I agree completely. There is no one magic way for everyone to go about their "journey". IMO, each person has to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and devise a system that works best for them -- that can be sustained over the long run. Believing that this is a "diet" implies that they plan to return to the bad habits/decisions when they reach their target weight.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I understand what you are saying about others pushing their eating habits on others but girl, screw them. lol... I could careless what none of you eat.

    Yes, I do nonfat foods and milk, do not really use butter, etc,, so that I can eat more and that is what I do. Can't NO1 on this thread, board, or in my REAL life tell me nothing! LOL... I do what I want, when I want, and if I want to substitute this for something nonfat I will. Save your portion control rants to yourself because it won't change my mind. I do me, you do you.

    People just need to worry about their own fitness journey and realize that most do not give a rat's *kitten* what they think or say if it doesn't apply to me, personally. Yes I'm very self-absorbed and yes it is my world. LMAO

    Everyone have a great day. :smile:
    Wow your so hardcore
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I understand what you are saying about others pushing their eating habits on others but girl, screw them. lol... I could careless what none of you eat.

    Yes, I do nonfat foods and milk, do not really use butter, etc,, so that I can eat more and that is what I do. Can't NO1 on this thread, board, or in my REAL life tell me nothing! LOL... I do what I want, when I want, and if I want to substitute this for something nonfat I will. Save your portion control rants to yourself because it won't change my mind. I do me, you do you.

    People just need to worry about their own fitness journey and realize that most do not give a rat's *kitten* what they think or say if it doesn't apply to me, personally. Yes I'm very self-absorbed and yes it is my world. LMAO

    Everyone have a great day. :smile:
    Wow your so hardcore

    Nah, just self-absorbed! lol