21 Day Challenge



  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    13/21!!!!!!! and the sun is out....yippee!!!
    we got this, my friends. over half way and lovin life....can't get better than this:heart:
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    Day 4/21

    Good organizing day and gratitude day, but took a day off exercise, still feel good about remainder of challenge.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 19/21 today was a gorgeous day and went for a nice walk, did some house chores, and the. Decided I didn't want to make dinner so I had a crazy idea of going out to dinner. Went to rede robin and did okay with my choice however I just need to be hit over the head if I think t would be easier to go out to eat with kids than to just cook. My year and a half little one is a handful and it makes it hard to enjoy going out to eat. Here's to a good last few days of my challenge. Tomorrow is going to be a hard one have a training out of town for just the day but it'll be a long one. Going to probably annoy more than a few people with my pacing/walking to get my steps in. And sitting for 6 hrs plus a 2 hr round trip commute (hate that the training wasn't closer to home and were I normally work).

    Have a great night everyone.
  • DFasso23
    DFasso23 Posts: 26 Member
    Well I believe the "21 challenge" is complete. I don't weigh myself until Wednesday so I'll check back then to let everyone know my 3 week loss. Although I promise I haven't gained any weight, I did gain a few things. Some great friends, positive habits, and confidence to push on through life with a clear outlook. Thanks to all who participated and currently participating and for the motivation/support. For me, my challenge doesn't end......

    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"

    Add me if you wish!!!
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    Well I believe the "21 challenge" is complete. I don't weigh myself until Wednesday so I'll check back then to let everyone know my 3 week loss. Although I promise I haven't gained any weight, I did gain a few things. Some great friends, positive habits, and confidence to push on through life with a clear outlook. Thanks to all who participated and currently participating and for the motivation/support. For me, my challenge doesn't end......

    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"

    Add me if you wish!!!

    luv your spirit!!!
    im on day 14/21 and had a huuuuge hiccup yesterday.....i did nothing on my list except drink my water and be positive and encourage others....my food was bad, it was my exercise off day, no medidation, no preparation....just a lazy lazy day!!!!
    but today and the remaining days i have on this challenge will rock.....i can feel it. habit will keep me going as i totally have the motivation! thank you dfasso23:happy:
  • ekimpton
    ekimpton Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in!

    1) Drink 12 cups of water a day.
    2) Exercise (cardio) 4 days a week.
    3) Eliminate breads, potatoes, rice, and refined sugars. (no white stuff!)
    4) Take daily probiotics and prenatal vitamins.
    5) Lose 5 - 10lbs each month.

    I'm trying to get healthy enough to get pregnant by October (my next b-day). I'd love some motivation and support. I need to loose at least 30lbs to steer clear of another battle with gestational diabetes. Message or add me. I could use the support.
  • galaxiegal89
    galaxiegal89 Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do this!

    1.) Make Healthier choices with meals every day
    2.) Drink water throughout the day and with lunch instead of soda
    3.) Exercise 4 days a week (no exceptions, no excuses)
    4.) Keep track on MFP everyday
    5.) Go to sleep before 10pm each night

    Day one of 21 days starts now :)
  • DFasso23
    DFasso23 Posts: 26 Member
    Well I believe the "21 challenge" is complete. I don't weigh myself until Wednesday so I'll check back then to let everyone know my 3 week loss. Although I promise I haven't gained any weight, I did gain a few things. Some great friends, positive habits, and confidence to push on through life with a clear outlook. Thanks to all who participated and currently participating and for the motivation/support. For me, my challenge doesn't end......

    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"

    Add me if you wish!!!

    luv your spirit!!!
    im on day 14/21 and had a huuuuge hiccup yesterday.....i did nothing on my list except drink my water and be positive and encourage others....my food was bad, it was my exercise off day, no medidation, no preparation....just a lazy lazy day!!!!
    but today and the remaining days i have on this challenge will rock.....i can feel it. habit will keep me going as i totally have the motivation! thank you dfasso23:happy:

    One day is not going to hurt you AS LONG AS you don't fall off the wagon. I've had a bad DAY here and there. In my opinion, you need to cheat on occasion. It keeps your sanity haha. Just stay on it and get right back in the swing of things the next day. WHat you will probably find is that you feel like crap when you don't eat/excercise properly (I know I do). But it just motivates me more to do better the next day. Keep up the good work!!
  • ToriBattleB
    ToriBattleB Posts: 53 Member
    So on day 18 today. This challenge is going well and fast! I have had a couple bad days but not as bad as before this challenge. I also made sure to get back on track. My weekend went well! I didn't over eat but on Sunday I did eat on of my favorite not so healthy dinners. I did a good job of managing portion control by measuring out my food. Last night I broke out the juicer so this morning I had a nice healthy juice for breakfast!
  • joetalk
    joetalk Posts: 37 Member
    this is day 21 of 21 for me, and while its been a bumpy ride, i have to admit, i have had more stars on my chart than ever before, not only did i make it through a weekend this week, but i am feeling the results, inside and out

    the idea to include other things, other than simply weight related items to my necessary daily activity has been a challenge ive been facing for several months and this challenge and the friends ive made this last 3 weeks are keepers

    i dont know if another 21 day challenge thread will be opening but just because im done the first 21 days, does not mean much will change, other than the fact that i have a can do attitude now

    thanks to the many friends ive made in the process

  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    this is day 21 of 21 for me, and while its been a bumpy ride, i have to admit, i have had more stars on my chart than ever before, not only did i make it through a weekend this week, but i am feeling the results, inside and out

    the idea to include other things, other than simply weight related items to my necessary daily activity has been a challenge ive been facing for several months and this challenge and the friends ive made this last 3 weeks are keepers

    i dont know if another 21 day challenge thread will be opening but just because im done the first 21 days, does not mean much will change, other than the fact that i have a can do attitude now

    thanks to the many friends ive made in the process


    Dude you did outstanding! So glad a simple idea helped you make improvements to not just your health, but your life! As far as the challenge continuing, just make a new list of goals, and start over at day 1! Congrats you did great!
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Well I believe the "21 challenge" is complete. I don't weigh myself until Wednesday so I'll check back then to let everyone know my 3 week loss. Although I promise I haven't gained any weight, I did gain a few things. Some great friends, positive habits, and confidence to push on through life with a clear outlook. Thanks to all who participated and currently participating and for the motivation/support. For me, my challenge doesn't end......

    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"

    Add me if you wish!!!
    Man you have been a daily inspiration! You did great! Congrats on a job well done! And your right this wasn't the end of anything, just a good way to get started on a lifelong journey, glad i was able to be a part of it with you! Look forward to following your progress!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 20/21 wow I did great today even though I had a training out of town, packed my own snacks, had a reasonable lunch, and got my workout it.
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 20 of 21- Wow these 3 weeks have went fast, today was good , planned and prepared todays meals last night( which im fixing to do for tomorrow) Read from bible , did light cardio workout even though t was my rest day,didnt encourage many people today but i was working pretty isolated today have not been around many people, but will send out a few quick notes online to hit that goal. Enjoyed my day and look forward to finishing strong tomorrow! Doing great everyone
  • 19Chatham70
    19Chatham70 Posts: 7 Member
    Today is my Day 21! What a great system this has been -- I totally agree that having MORE goals rather than just weight loss is the key. Thank you thank you thank you. I am in for another 21 days with these goals:
    1. Track my food every day.
    2. 4 days a week of exercise (this has been a huge positive for me.)
    3. Meditate every day.
    4. Drink water consciously every day - no specific measurement but it's there.
    5. Limit wine to three glasses a week (what a challenge!)
    6. Try not to make mountains out of molehills! Life is too short to see big problems where there are usually just a need for better

    Congratulations to all of you for doing this.
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 21! Well i fell short of my 10 lb goal, but lost 6 lbs i will take it, more determined than ever to get to my goal weight of 178 by the time i run my race! Hitting my daily goals has been great, but the best part is seeing this simple idea help so many others. Thank you to everyone who did this with me, and make me proud everyone who is still going! I will keep checking in and start another round of 21 in a couple days. God Bless thanks again!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 21 wow it's amazing how time has flown by, well I've ended with a bang 25k in steps today which is over 10 miles. Did a Zumba class, ate well and I will check my weight in the am. Regardless of what the scale says this challenge. Has helped me refocus my goals. Thank renegade for this simple but very inspiring, motivational, and personal this challenge has been to everyone.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Day 22/21

    1) 45-60 minute workouts 3x a week - No problems there, and seemingly easy to maintain
    2) C25K 3x a week - So much easier to do that I am on week 5 of C25K
    3) Stop swearing - a work in progress, but much progress has been made
    4) Log onto MFP daily and record the good and the bad (hopefully no bad) - Some bad - mostly good
    5) Take a hike on Sundays for an hour or so - Love spending time in the woods
    6) Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan - done, done, done
    7) Lose 10 pounds by day 21 - Lost 9 so I will call this a win
    8) Keep it up day 22 and on - shouldn't be a problem - as you can see no issues here
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 22/21

    1) 45-60 minute workouts 3x a week - No problems there, and seemingly easy to maintain
    2) C25K 3x a week - So much easier to do that I am on week 5 of C25K
    3) Stop swearing - a work in progress, but much progress has been made
    4) Log onto MFP daily and record the good and the bad (hopefully no bad) - Some bad - mostly good
    5) Take a hike on Sundays for an hour or so - Love spending time in the woods
    6) Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan - done, done, done
    7) Lose 10 pounds by day 21 - Lost 9 so I will call this a win
    8) Keep it up day 22 and on - shouldn't be a problem - as you can see no issues here
    Awesome job man, keep it up!
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    Day 21! Well i fell short of my 10 lb goal, but lost 6 lbs i will take it, more determined than ever to get to my goal weight of 178 by the time i run my race! Hitting my daily goals has been great, but the best part is seeing this simple idea help so many others. Thank you to everyone who did this with me, and make me proud everyone who is still going! I will keep checking in and start another round of 21 in a couple days. God Bless thanks again!

    you rock!...thanks for starting this thread...im on 16/21 and i love to read our progress. everyone is doing great and its so uplifting!
    see you soon and congrats on your 'win'....you nailed it:)