Just Started Focus T25



  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    First session almost sounds exactly the same as mine.

    Wrong footwear. Since I have added cross fit trainers, but mainly do it bare foot as suggested by Shaun T himself.

    Balance struggled. It has got better, though still not perfect 10 weeks better.

    Barely made it. Well today I nail most of them, but still struggle with some moves.
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    Ok , I'm starting T25 on Monday ... I'm currently doing J M Body Revolution and she is kicking my *kitten* but I'm losing weight/inches and building strength and muscle at the same time ... would it be a good idea to overlap those 2 programs ?
    I do my exercises in the morning before i go to work and want to do T25 in the evening after work

    Any suggestions ?
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    Ok , I'm starting T25 on Monday ... I'm currently doing J M Body Revolution and she is kicking my *kitten* but I'm losing weight/inches and building strength and muscle at the same time ... would it be a good idea to overlap those 2 programs ?
    I do my exercises in the morning before i go to work and want to do T25 in the evening after work

    Any suggestions ?

    You could try.. Listen to your body though!
    I do T25 Monday-Friday and occasionally I'll add in some Zumba during the week. I definitely get Zumba or some sort of workout on the weekend though.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    AND one gripe. Anyone find that having super fit people on these disks is frustrating too? I mean, I want to see someone like me on there, so I know it works for real people who are trying to get in shape... Just my 2 cents.

    Any info is appreciated. Have a great one!

    I wish more older woman were in them 40's, even 50's are in great shape. Show it! Some DVD's I like, have older women or one that isn't rail thin, I appreciate it. I don't want to model a 20 year old, I want to be a strong 50-something year old and up. I understand marketing, but so many over 30 women are in great shape, I think it would inspire more to see different shapes, ages, doing the exercises too along with the more "model" types.

    I finished this program, great program. I'm 48. The two guys are in their 40's. I know, not the same as the girls.

    I will say, I am doing the 21 Day Fix right now and what my husband likes is all the different people and body shapes that are represented. Their modifier is larger and in the process of losing. It is nice to see.... but I get the marketing too of wanted to be "Them" on the other DVDs to keep you going!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    Ok , I'm starting T25 on Monday ... I'm currently doing J M Body Revolution and she is kicking my *kitten* but I'm losing weight/inches and building strength and muscle at the same time ... would it be a good idea to overlap those 2 programs ?
    I do my exercises in the morning before i go to work and want to do T25 in the evening after work

    Any suggestions ?

    You could try.. Listen to your body though!
    I do T25 Monday-Friday and occasionally I'll add in some Zumba during the week. I definitely get Zumba or some sort of workout on the weekend though.

    cool , thank you
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Did Rip t Circuit...hard but 3.0 was harder for me. Will try that again tomorrow or Pyramid. I am still making my own workout schedule, haven't figured out the rotation yet with other DVD's.

    Really love the 25 minutes though....always can squeeze it in.
  • pdiehm
    pdiehm Posts: 14
    Alpha Cardio Week 2 day 1. DONE.

    Immediately following that I did week 4, day 1 of my C25K program. 2.56 miles ran/walked in 34 minutes.

    According to Fitbit, 570 calories burnt during 59 minutes of exercise.

    Gotta admit the run was tough following Cardio. As for T25 Cardio, I did more of the modifications. My legs just can't handle the jumping around, and the squatting movements yet.
  • utswoan
    utswoan Posts: 4
    Can anyone tell me if it is okay to do t25 in 2 increments? Like 12 minutes, then wait 30 minutes and do the rest?
    I have a knee issue---lateral meniscus tear which i protect with a knee sleeve but it is tough. I am also having
    problems doing the ful 25 minutes.....I have to pause so many times. I was a frequent walker of 4 miles a day, don't smoke
    and find it so hard to not get out of breath. thanks
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I can't see how that would hurt...it's better than you getting yourself hurt. If you see improvement doing that, stay with it, if not maybe its not the right one for you...we all have different needs. My knee bothers me at times but it's not that bad, I modify, but you might find as you go along, that you aren't as tired...don't try to keep up, just go at your own pace.
  • pdiehm
    pdiehm Posts: 14
    my left arch kills me, but I keep pushing through.

    Speed 1.0 done for the day (did it this morning). Probably going to do alpha over again because I'm pretty fatigued after 15-17 minutes into the DVD.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    my left arch kills me, but I keep pushing through.

    Speed 1.0 done for the day (did it this morning). Probably going to do alpha over again because I'm pretty fatigued after 15-17 minutes into the DVD.

    Might want to have that looked at. Burn is good, pain isn't. Not a good idea to cause permanent damage in the name of fitness.

    BTW, no reason you can't mix and match a bit -- I was doing some of the Betas (such as Upper Focus and Rip't Circuit) while I was still trying to nail some of the nastier Alphas (such as Ab Intervals).
  • pdiehm
    pdiehm Posts: 14
    At this point, with where I am in my C25K program, I need to stop T25 for the moment. I absolutely cannot do both. I thought I possibly could do T25 in the AM, and my C25K at lunch but 6hours is nowhere enough time for my legs to recover from what T25 does.

    I am about to finish my fourth week of C25K, and have 4 more weeks to go. Once that's done, I can resume T25, and I will have seen a physician about my left arch. Barefoot, Socks, or Shoes, any kind of jumping around on it just absolutely kills my foot, and I am forced to stop for a few moments.

    I'm ok running on it, but that's the extent of it.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    At this point, with where I am in my C25K program, I need to stop T25 for the moment. I absolutely cannot do both. I thought I possibly could do T25 in the AM, and my C25K at lunch but 6hours is nowhere enough time for my legs to recover from what T25 does.

    I am about to finish my fourth week of C25K, and have 4 more weeks to go. Once that's done, I can resume T25, and I will have seen a physician about my left arch. Barefoot, Socks, or Shoes, any kind of jumping around on it just absolutely kills my foot, and I am forced to stop for a few moments.

    I'm ok running on it, but that's the extent of it.

    Wierd that running doesn't bother the arch, but that may be the clue that points to the problem. Hope a doc can pinpoint the issue.

    You're a freaking animal for even attempting to spin up T25 and C25K at the same time. Good idea to drop the T25 for a while.

    Keep on keepin' on!
  • ashearwood
    I am on day 4 of T25 and just seems to be all arms and legs, not quite in sync with even the modifier
    Did anyone else find it hard to coordinate, let alone actually do the moves. I am continuing to do daily just hoping it will get a little easier to follow. Will worry about the moves that I have absolutely no hope of doing at the moment at a later date
    Push ups aaarrrgghhhh.!!!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I am on day 4 of T25 and just seems to be all arms and legs, not quite in sync with even the modifier
    Did anyone else find it hard to coordinate, let alone actually do the moves. I am continuing to do daily just hoping it will get a little easier to follow. Will worry about the moves that I have absolutely no hope of doing at the moment at a later date
    Push ups aaarrrgghhhh.!!!

    During the first part of Alpha, I made no attempt to go at the speed of the kids in the video -- I just concentrated on getting the moves correct. Speed comes later, once you stop having to think about the moves. Same thing happened with Beta. Better slow and correct than fast and sloppy. Just do your best, and your best will get better over time :-D
  • ashearwood
    That's good to hear thank you, I have been looking to see if anyone else struggling, I tried you tube and saw everyone completing perfect moves , was starting to wonder if maybe I was allergic to exercise.
    Thanks again
  • jweatherbie
    jweatherbie Posts: 10 Member
    I am onto week 3 now and it will get better. I do about 25% to 75% modifier depending on how my ankle feels each session. The modifier on the high bounce exercises. Last night my son and I did alpha lower body focus and kept in time with the instructors which we were very excited about.

    Don't be afraid to switch it up a bit as well, we have been following the regular program and if we are feeling good, we do a second session that looks like fun. Monday/Tuesday I did Beta core cardio after my regular session and felt great after. After doing only one session last night I felt a little like I was cheating:)
  • mrswilson1213
    Hello, I have enjoyed reading all of your post. I am looking to start T25 hopefully on March 24th. I am currently doing what I call 2-A-Days where I do 2 30-40 minute workouts a day 4 times week, not including my 15-20 minute mile walk. I am just starting back up and have been doing Zumba Fitness Core, Zumba World Party and Dance Central 3 (DC3) on XBOX 360 Kinect to build my endurance and stamina, it also helps with my balance. I just started both portions of Zumba this week and have been doing DC3 for about a month and a half. I am usually pretty coordinated when it comes to dancing, HOWEVER Zumba has shown me differently. I don't know how many of you have heard of this app but I use an app called Endomondo Sports Tracker to track all of my fitness activities. It's pretty cool! What I like most about it is the fact that it automatically updates My Fitness Pal for me, so I don't have to try and figure it out myself. I only use My Fitness Pal to track my calorie intake and let Endomondo do the exercise tracking for me. However, reading your many post has made me more excited now than I was before! Keep up the GREAT work I'm excited to see how the panes out for all of you including myself. Feel free to add me, we can motivate each other!

    I am 5'4.5" weighing in at 185.6 lbs with a 13" neck 36" waist 44" hips. I started at 189.4 and my goal is to get down to 150-145.