Do you get support from your family?



  • bjm223
    bjm223 Posts: 36 Member
    Is it weird that I am excited for you haha? I would love for my family to see me when I am 50lbs down! I can't wait! Congratulations!
  • bjm223
    bjm223 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you very much! :) x
  • bjm223
    bjm223 Posts: 36 Member
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Most defnintely! My family are my number 1 cheerleaders and accountability partners :D
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I get a lot of support from my husband. He's my biggest cheerleader.

    My mom and dad eat very healthily. They exercise every day. They know I exercise a lot, so I think they're happy about it, but we don't really talk about it. I prefer it that way. I'd rather talk about other stuff with them.

    It's nice to have support from others but ultimately this is very much a solo journey. With or without support, we have to be able to make it on our own and be comfortable in our skin.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    It's nice to have support from others but ultimately this is very much a solo journey. With or without support, we have to be able to make it on our own and be comfortable in our skin.

    Nailed it. I see a lot of posts on MFP with similar messages to the OP, that someone is feeling sabotaged, or not supported by their parents, spouse, partner, coworkers, etc, etc.

    Personally, I've intentionally done this alone. I'm the one that caused me to be overweight and out of shape, I'm the only person that has to live in this body every day, and so I'm the one that owns my decisions and actions.

    It’s been incredibly empowering and a huge self-esteem boost to know that I’ve accomplished something where my success is 100% attributable to my own efforts, and to be accountable to myself when I don’t succeed.