Another question for cyclists (from a novice)



  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    ~~~*~~~~ONE LAST UPDATE~~~~*~~~

    I did it! Saturday was the charity ride, and I did the 30mi route and was SO glad I did! I made a friend, another lady who is a runner first and cyclist second. (She is actually registered to run the same half marathon I'm running on Sunday!) We ended up doing the entire ride together, and plan to do another charity ride of the same distance in two weeks. I will definitely do this one again next year.

    Boy this cycling stuff gets addicting fast! My bike clinic is this week, so I get to learn how to do repairs, etc. Oh, and based on the very helpful advice in this thread, I checked out the bike shorts at my local bike shop, and settled on a liner with chamois that I can wear under my running duds instead of doubling my workout wardrobe with all cycling specific items. The liner was less expensive than the shorts, and worked great! I just wanted to put that option out there for anyone new to cycling who may benefit from this thread.

    Have a great day everyone!