are you for real?



  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    This is bad why? Work hard to get a nice booty then get mad when guys check it out? Logic.....none

    Yes. Because all of us work our *kitten* out for the appreciation of strangers. This comment and mentality doesn't set women back at ALLLL...
  • Guys who do this are nothing but chauvinistic pigs.

    Half of you men wonder why you're single and can't find a Betty Crocker...look at how you treat women...for real.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    I tend to play the devils advocate on stuff like this due to real life events. I worked with a female that would wear her shirt unbuttoned way too far then confront any guy who looked. Double standards of peace....Happens too often.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Guys who do this are nothing but chauvinistic pigs.

    Half of you men wonder why you're single and can't find a Betty Crocker...look at how you treat women...for real.
    lmao! Does playing the white knight ever work for you?
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I tend to play the devils advocate on stuff like this due to real life events. I worked with a female that would wear her shirt unbuttoned way too far then confront any guy who looked. Double standards of peace....Happens too often.
    I feel like I have to break this down for you because you're either too obtuse to grasp why it's not okay or all that male privilege you've got going on operates as some sort of strobe light that's affecting your ability to read and thus, your comprehension of the issue.

    The Big Deal: These guys were not looking, they were taking pictures.

    Here's a list of what you can do before obtaining consent:
    1. Observe. Discreetly.
    2. That's it.

    No, you may not comment. Yes, that includes suggestions. Yes, that also includes gestures. No, you may not take pictures. No, you may not touch.
  • Guys who do this are nothing but chauvinistic pigs.

    Half of you men wonder why you're single and can't find a Betty Crocker...look at how you treat women...for real.
    lmao! Does playing the white knight ever work for you?

    Happily married.

    I also have had plentiful of women friends. I was never the guy who tried to sleep with every girl that walked my way. I've had more healthy relationships because of my attitude towards women.

    TL;DR: My mother & father taught me respect.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I tend to play the devils advocate on stuff like this due to real life events. I worked with a female that would wear her shirt unbuttoned way too far then confront any guy who looked. Double standards of peace....Happens too often.
    I feel like I have to break this down for you because you're either too obtuse to grasp why it's not okay or all that male privilege you've got going on operates as some sort of strobe light that's affecting your reading comprehension.

    These guys were not looking, they were taking pictures.

    Here's a list of what you can do before obtaining consent:
    1. Observe. Discreetly.
    2. That's it.

    No, you may not comment. Yes, that includes suggestions. No, you may not take pictures. No, you may not touch.


    Re: the quote within the quote above, that's the same logic used by people who say women "asked for it" when they get raped.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I have a friend that takes pics of women all the time. not just the gym but everywhere he goes. The women that catch him don't seem to mind really lol
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    I never said anyone "asked for it". That's a strawman argument. What I am saying is that if you wear a push up bra, a low neck shirt and bend over in front of me, don't get mad if I look.
  • I never said anyone "asked for it". That's a strawman argument. What I am saying is that if you wear a push up bra, a low neck shirt and bend over in front of me, don't get mad if I look.

    I believe everyone was talking specifically about the guys who blatantly take their phones out and try to play it cool like they're texting or on on Facebook whilst taking a picture.

    It's human nature to look at your surroundings and others. It's your reactions to what you see that defines you.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I never said anyone "asked for it". That's a strawman argument. What I am saying is that if you wear a push up bra, a low neck shirt and bend over in front of me, don't get mad if I look.
    The original post was not about looking. It was about taking pictures of women without their consent. You are, in fact, using a straw man argument by refusing to acknowledge the original topic of discussion.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    Yup, it's a thing.

    Here is my favorite story about it:

    Sweet vengeance!

    Love this!!
  • I love to be controversial and stir things up here, we are all having fun, but in RL, completely agree, just wrong on so many levels. blew me away, never, ever considered that people would do such a thing

    Based on your first post, I got the impression that you were pretty incredulous at what they were doing. No harm, no foul. I think you did a good thing by opening a dialogue on it. It's a problem that needs addressing. The next step? Call them on it. It takes male voices too to get the message across that women's bodies are not public domain.

    It was actually a guy that blew the whistle, went over to the girl and told him what the other guy had just done. There are a few of us decent one's out there. I used to harass those that wouldn't put away their weights, I think I have found a new niche!
  • That is kind of lame. Clearly this kind of stuff is done by dumbasses and/or young idiots. Can't you get whatever you want to see on the internet? That seems just a step below stalking.

    surprisingly (or not) a really good looking dude, 45ish, lean and a fireman.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I love to be controversial and stir things up here, we are all having fun, but in RL, completely agree, just wrong on so many levels. blew me away, never, ever considered that people would do such a thing

    Based on your first post, I got the impression that you were pretty incredulous at what they were doing. No harm, no foul. I think you did a good thing by opening a dialogue on it. It's a problem that needs addressing. The next step? Call them on it. It takes male voices too to get the message across that women's bodies are not public domain.

    It was actually a guy that blew the whistle, went over to the girl and told him what the other guy had just done. There are a few of us decent one's out there. I used to harass those that wouldn't put away their weights, I think I have found a new niche!

    So much respect.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    so disturbing but not surprising at all
    the amount of entitlement people seem to feel over womens bodies is disgusting

    this is just another example of it

    if I ever caught someone doing this to me Id make sure to humiliate them & maybe call the poolice

    creepy creepy creepy gross

    Don't call the police and tell them you want something done because someone took your picture in a public place. They're going to ignore you.

    I'm not defending the practice, mind you. But there's nothing illegal about taking someone's picture in public. Happens to every one of us dozens of times a day.

    I used to work as a journalist and we were allowed to take photos of children and print them (in public places) without parental consent.

    Usually, especially for fluff pieces, I would ask permission first to be polite. But it is not required. So as an adult, don't think you have any right to not have a photo taken of you in a public place.
  • some_betty
    some_betty Posts: 322 Member
    Camera phones are supposed to be against the rules in the locker room and workout area of my gym, but I see them all the time in both areas.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    Would you believe that most laws in the United States allow for photographing anyone or anything at anytime on public property or even private property that is generally open to the public (e.g., a shopping mall, or gym) unless there are posted signs explicitly prohibiting photography or video recording? Ask your gym to post signs.

    If you are in public, you can be photographed or video-taped. Welcome to the life of a celebrity.
    While I understand most people's reaction and desire to smack someone's cellphone out of their hand, think about those cases where celebrities grab cameras. Who gets in trouble? The celebrity....not the photographer.

    While I don't think it is polite or nice to take photos without consent, I recognize that it is not illegal and not everyone has my values.
  • Quick......someone feel me up and tell me I'm for real....

  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    I love to be controversial and stir things up here, we are all having fun, but in RL, completely agree, just wrong on so many levels. blew me away, never, ever considered that people would do such a thing

    Based on your first post, I got the impression that you were pretty incredulous at what they were doing. No harm, no foul. I think you did a good thing by opening a dialogue on it. It's a problem that needs addressing. The next step? Call them on it. It takes male voices too to get the message across that women's bodies are not public domain.

    It was actually a guy that blew the whistle, went over to the girl and told him what the other guy had just done. There are a few of us decent one's out there. I used to harass those that wouldn't put away their weights, I think I have found a new niche!

    So much respect.

    Seriously +1!! :flowerforyou:
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    :drinker: Maybe if I lose 50 more someone will snap a photo of my *kitten*!? Right now it looks like sausage crammed into sheep skin when I'm in my compression pants...Lord have mercy!! unless of course they like big butts!!
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    :drinker: Maybe if I lose 50 more someone will snap a photo of my *kitten*!? Right now it looks like sausage crammed into sheep skin when I'm in my compression pants...Lord have mercy!! unless of course they like big butts!!
    Looks like you've made an amazing transformation already. Great job.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    :drinker: Maybe if I lose 50 more someone will snap a photo of my *kitten*!? Right now it looks like sausage crammed into sheep skin when I'm in my compression pants...Lord have mercy!! unless of course they like big butts!!

    Who doesn't like big butts?? Happy hump day!!!! :smile:

    Besides you look great! :flowerforyou:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    So as an adult, don't think you have any right to not have a photo taken of you in a public place.

    i would still happily break a phone and suffer the legal consequences. creepers need to learn a lesson. law won't teach them? i will.
  • So as an adult, don't think you have any right to not have a photo taken of you in a public place.

    i would still happily break a phone and suffer the legal consequences. creepers need to learn a lesson. law won't teach them? i will.

    i got your back!
  • TexasEngr
    TexasEngr Posts: 270 Member
    I was running at a park without my shirt on, and I was passing an older man who had a camera in his hand pointed down (he was walking the opposite direction from me). Right before I passed him I noticed that he lifted up his camera and pointed it at me. It was super creepy and weird....
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I have a friend that takes pics of women all the time. not just the gym but everywhere he goes. The women that catch him don't seem to mind really lol

    LOL? Is there an acronym for "I can't believe he does that, I can't believe they don't mind, and I can't believe your take on this is LOL"?
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    Sadly people have less and less notion of others privacy and personal space.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Apparently I ended up in the right thread for profile creeping.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Guys like this ruin things for guys like me. You see I love photography and I carry my camera around quite a bit. I get nervous taking pictures of my own kids at the beach for god sakes. Keep thinking some chick is going to come over and slap me one cause she is paranoid. Seems guys with cameras make women a bit nervous. Especially when I have the "big lenses on".