Bananas and eggs yay or nay?



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I have both almost every day. The bananas especially for the potassium and they are a great pre-workout snack as the natural sugars in bananas supposedly convert to fuel and give you energy for the workout and burn up quickly. Just what I heard - I didn't research it and you know how reliable some of this stuff can be - like hearing egg yolks and bananas are bad for you if you want to lose wieght. I also find them very easy on my stomach so it doesn't cause issues eating that shortly before a workout.

    Jonathan you are correct. Bananas are a good natural substitute for workout bars.
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    i eat both every day!! 1 nanaer and ususally 3-4 eggs cooked and hard bolied. Im down 22lbs so far :) best of luck to ya!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i eat four eggs a day minimum..

    there is no specific food that makes you fat…over eating makes you fat, period.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Now can someone please explain how the hell bananas got such a ****ty reputation??!
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    Mix them together for a banana omelet "pancake" that seems to be all the rage these days

    They are awesome.
  • lindseyas1
    lindseyas1 Posts: 25 Member
    Potassium and Protein!
  • Tony_Von_Stryfe
    Tony_Von_Stryfe Posts: 153 Member
    I eat whole eggs without regret and I eat bananas post workout for the simple sugar replenishment my muscles need. It may not be an issue of can, but when
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    Now can someone please explain how the hell bananas got such a ****ty reputation??!

    They are a higher GI fruit and a bit higher in calories. If you are insulin resistant or pre-diabetic, you have to watch how they impact your blood sugar. Paired with protein and/or fat like nut butters or eggs, they are okay for me. Bananas have great nutrients and I still find a way to include them with my insulin resistance.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Dems duh DEVILS FOOODDDD... BEGONE YOU SPIRITS! OHHH LAAWWWD.... We can be saaavved by the allllll miiiighty juice fad diets.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    There is a special place in hell for people who throw away the yolk.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    If you enjoy them - then yay - if you don't then nay. As for their "health" benefits they are both nutrient rich and I used eggs as a primary protein source breakfast food to replace cereal and milk. Bananas are a great afternoon pick me up as well.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I only eat bananas if I am starving and desperate after a workout and only if they aren't fully ripe and squishy. This is not because they are fattening. It's because they are gross. They are an awesome recovery food if you need something fast-acting to pick you up. They are a life saver if you have episodes of low blood sugar. That's the only time they taste good to me.

    I avoid eggs because they cause digestive problems for me, especially the yolks. If I was eating eggs (I used to) I would usually do one whole egg and an extra white or two. Most of the protein is in the white, but the yolk has a lot of important nutrients (and it tastes good.) I would not ever call eggs fattening, unless you are eating a crap ton of them. But that's true for any food.

    The banana pancake I keep hearing about sounds like :sick: to me.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    There is a special place in hell for people who throw away the yolk.

    My dog loves egg yolk. No need to waste it! :wink: