Stretch marks



  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'll never have the courage for a bikini. Women are told to wear their "stripes" with pride, or not to worry about C-section scars, etc, but that only works if you're with someone who won't look at you in disgust when he sees them among other things. Not all mothers are made to feel proud of the body they've earned/gotten when having kids.

    As for what to try, seems like Shea butter would be good. Good luck and keep us posted on what works.

    thats terrible.
    why are you with someone like that? i dont mean to oversimplify it but really...

    Because he's not all bad, and we have kids. I'm not going to put them through a divorce just because I get my feelings hurt. I used to turn to food, but now I've started working out again and at least I feel stronger than I did before.

    As for the stretch marks, I remember I tanned a bit after my first, but after being diagnosed with lupus, it was a no-no so I didn't and haven't gone back. I might try that Bio oil, though :smile:
  • MamaLlamaThatsMe
    MamaLlamaThatsMe Posts: 22 Member
    You earned your stripes.
    Wear them with love and pride :happy:

    This! :)
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I slather myself in coco butter every night... Not sure if it's doing anything, but I smell great and I'm soft!
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Vitamin E capsules helped me. I had a serious scar on my face from a dog bite and after stitches I applied one capsule 3 times a day. I have a lot of stretch marks too and the only thing I found to help is vitamin e oil in the vitamin section. I put it on after a shower/ bath and it lightened them up some. Obviously, I will always have them but now they don't bother me as much.

    ETA: notice you don't see that scar now. Remember the issue is to start applying as soon as you see them.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    Eat onions. A diet rich in onions is very good for cell turnover in the skin. Onion extract is a leading ingredient in mederma.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I wear a bikini anyway... I used to rub vitamin E capsules with my favourite lotion everyday.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I have stretch marks all along my stomach, just from being fat. I wish they would go away, but they've gone from purple to white! Woo! I'm hoping in due time, they will gradually fade more
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    You earned your stripes.
    Wear them with love and pride :happy:

  • addictedtosweat
    They fade with time. Mine were BAD. When I was 15, I got them suddenly. My bum, hips, back of thighs, calves...the stretchmarks were purple. Now they're barely there. It took them a good 7 years to finally completely fade though :/ Products did not work for me.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    So I dont have kids, but have stretch mom since I grew up swore on the powers of Aloe Vera (straight from the plant) . If you look up aloe vera for skin, it has over 200 wonderful healing vitamin properties. My grandma used it on her face everyday since I could remember and she died at 80 without wrinkles ( I am NOT exxagerating).

    So long story short..ive used them on my arms for stretch marks an they were remarkably reduced ..were red and now are a lighter white..i can only imagine if i keep it up they may even go away.

    Oh yeah..aloe vera produces new cells .its like a natural botox for the fce!! wooo..who knew my mom and grandmas old school ways had any relevance!! :)

    I will have to look into Aloe Vera! I have no kids, but have stretch marks on my belly from putting on weight a little to fast! I am in the losing process now though, so feeling good! I usually rub this scar oil I got from a gypsy fair on the, it has heaps of vitamins in it, and it was doing okay :)

    I am homeopathic. So before any product I will try somthing natural,especialy cuz I dont know how a product will react to my skin. I figure if its natural it wont do damage (jsut my thinking). Aloe vera is amazing. My mother also uses it and though she is 63, you would never guess...... Just research "aloe vera on face" or "aloe vera for skin" will be amazed. I PROMISE. :) good luck.

    Totally respect your choice to choose natural (at least first) but don't be mistaken that "natural won't do damage," whether you're talking about ingested medicines or creams or other methods. It's a dangerous mindset to be in. It's entirely possible to have terrible reactions and overdoes to natural products. Always do lots of research first and never assume that because it grows out of the earth it's safe. After all, penicillin is all natural and if I take it, I die! :indifferent:

    I have a lot of very wide stretch marks. I'm not entirely sure why, I've never been more than 20-30lbs over weight but my skin seems to have problems stretching. I'm sorry to say nothing I've used works to fade them except time. But a LOT of products do wonders for preventing them!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I have SO many!!

    And tanning doesn't work for everyone though... Oddly enough it's making mine stand out even more because they are staying white and I'm getting tan..... I'm not worried about it much but my husband did point out they are way more noticeable now... I know he's not worried about them either because he loves me no matter what but now that he pointed it out I can't unsee it....
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    As much as I'm sure I will get flack for this I have a friend who did an itworks wrap and her stretch marks went from red to the faded lighter colour overnight. That being said you got them growing a life and they are nothing to be ashamed about!! Kudos also on losing the baby weight :flowerforyou:

    I wonder how many she had to do? .... A LOT in guessing
    I used To work at a salon that sold them and before my wedding I thought Id give them a try because they were dirt cheap for me and I did a 4 pack and it did nothing.. Not even "shrink" me like they claim...
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Keep your skin moisturized. There really isn't anything you can do to make them disappear faster than to just keep your skin healthy. Healthy skin will repair itself more quickly than unhealthy skin.
  • simona815
    simona815 Posts: 48 Member
    I swear by Mederma products, I would suggest Mederma stretch marks. Its about 35-40 dollars but totally worth it.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    Time is your best bet!

    I have a 14 month old, and they're finally light enough where you can't see them hardly at all.
    My skin didn't ever tighten up completely, but even that's gotten a million times better.

    Even though time is the best thing when it comes to stretch marks, keeping your skin exfoliated and moisturized will help it recover.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    For a while i used cocoa butter with a shea butter lotion (two in one kind of thing) but i had no results and use an entire bottle. now im using herbal lotion thats packed with vitamins, it hasnt been too long and they're still red, but i think it's more effective for me then the other one was. i personally believe it depends on you and your skin, so you'll probably have to go through a few trial and errors.
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I don't have kids but I have stretch marks from weight gain/loss. I was about 195 back in 2008, then down to 169 in 2012 and now back to 185. They are the worst on my inner, upper thighs. Bright redish/purple and gross. I also have faint ones under my upper arms, on the sides of my boobs and my love handles.

    I haven't really tried anything on them so I am glad to see this post and get some tips! The ones on my thighs make me very self conscious, I will wear longer shorts to cover them and even wear shorts over my bathing suit (I get the ones that match the suit and can be used in the water). I don't care what anyone else thinks....I just don't like looking down and seeing them! LOL I am my own worst critic!
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    time. i gained 40 pounds my first pregnancy, and i have them on my boobs, hips, butt, inner and outer thighs, love handles, of course my belly- from my hairline to above my belly button, and my upper arms. they fade to a silvery color.

    they do make the skin move weird though LOL and i am finding that as i lose weight and those areas are thinner, that skin is softer. whatever. hubby doesnt seem to care.
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