

  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    your hunger is a mental game - there is nothing about your period that requires you to eat more. Just buckle down and power through it - dont eat out of boredom or becase your hormones are going nuts - YOU ARE IN CONTROL
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    your hunger is a mental game - there is nothing about your period that requires you to eat more. Just buckle down and power through it - dont eat out of boredom or becase your hormones are going nuts - YOU ARE IN CONTROL
    Actually, there is medical evidence that a woman's body burns more calories in the week leading up to her period. So, um, yeah -- you would eat more.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    For dinner all I had was some chicken, a small salad with light ranch dressing and water.

    Is it your period that is making you hungry or the fact that you're just not eating anything in general? I'd be hungry as **** if that's all I had for dinner.

    I know that TOM can wreak all kinds of havoc, but perhaps addressing your overall intake might ease that a bit.
  • bonkosaurusrex
    I have found that eating more fat and protein and eating less carbs helps keep me full. I like to eat eggs, avocados, skin on-bone in chicken, and veggies sautéed in olive or coconut oil. Good luck =)
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    I am no expert, however my opinion is that it is okay if you ate that rains and granola. Maybe it was hunger maybe it was necessity. I know when I am on my period, my appetite is crazy to the point that it is painful. If you craved those specific foods, maybe it was because your body needed them. if it was out of convenience, so be it, learn from this, and continue on your journey. as others mentioned, ensure more protein and iron on these days, and exercise or activity to keep your mind off of it.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    You need to eat vegetables with nutrients in them like bitter greens, turnip tops, kale, etc; onions, mushrooms, beans, berries and seeds to fight that toxic hunger. Eating lettuce like things is a waste of time. Also, eat some protein and fat before you get hungry. You can keep hard boiled eggs, hummus, peanut butter or cheese strips around. I would throw those granola/candy bars in the trash. They do not satiate. And I promise that your period will go away. Most every woman's does.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    your hunger is a mental game - there is nothing about your period that requires you to eat more. Just buckle down and power through it - dont eat out of boredom or becase your hormones are going nuts - YOU ARE IN CONTROL

    I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to address this post. For SOME, their cycle does require them to eat more in order to complete and start a new cycle. For example, women who are anaemic..

    I think it's perfectly OK to overeat and give in so as long as you are making healthy choices. Or one could not and that's their business. But please don't say there is no medical reason for women to eat more during the onset of their cycle. It's already been proven medically that this happens. The choices one makes during this time is theirs and the consequences are theirs alone.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm sure I've posted this before on one of the bazillion "TOM is ruining my progress" threads, but here goes again. When I was younger, I had horrible, painful periods. The pain would be so bad, it would make me throw up. All I wanted to do curl up in bed or soak in a hot tub for 5 days, but I didn't. Why? Cuz I had *kitten* to do. When I started working out and running, I noticed my periods became less and less severe. Exercise can actually be good for TOM. The worse thing that has every happened during TOM is when I was on a long run and I lost my maxi pad down the leg of my running tights. Went to tampons after that.

    Oh, as for cravings? None, nada, zip.

    ETA: Forgot about the migraines I used to get during my cycle. OMG the migraines, at least 3 days of horrendous pain.
  • Greytfish
    I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to address this post. For SOME, their cycle does require them to eat more in order to complete and start a new cycle. For example, women who are anaemic..

    What about anemia would require eating more?
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Wow - People can be really mean out here!

    Some people have specific cravings. Some don't. Some have severe/heavy periods and cramping - some don't. I know that I don't look at a scale during TOM because I retain water - If I do look at the scale, I certainly don't sweat it - give it a few days and its back where it belongs.

    My periods cycle. month one - light, no cramp, few cravings - month two a little worse - month 3 or 4 I get a wicked migraine, sometimes miss work, cramp so bad I can hardly walk let alone work out and its so heavy that I can't be more than a few minutes from a bathroom at any given time. Then the next month - back to month one and it's an easy time again. I can gauge the period based on the headache I get the day before. Maybe she can't.

    Pay attention to your body. One or two days of eating something extra a month and not working out isn't going to sabotage your whole life. Try to do something extra if you can - if not - do extra on the days before or after. To each their own, everyone's body is different and each has a different tolerance level. Pay attention, learn your body and adjust accordingly.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Aw man, was the other period thread deleted?

    Bumping this one to read and laugh later.

    I expect a lot of arguing and hair pulling.

    Some people have bad cramps, some people don't. STFU ladies.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to address this post. For SOME, their cycle does require them to eat more in order to complete and start a new cycle. For example, women who are anaemic..

    What about anemia would require eating more?

    Do you know what Anemia is?
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    When I've had almost nothing to eat all day, I tend to binge on whatever I can find too...

    ...and that's true whether or not I'm on my period.

    True story.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm so hungry becuase of my period that I just ate a bowl of raisins and granola. For dinner all I had was some chicken, a small salad with light ranch dressing and water. I've barely eaten much but cereal bars today so will this set me back? I've been doing so well I just get so hungry when I'm on it. PLEASE HELP IM GOING CRAZY

    What? In what way is this ruining your progress? Just how many effin' raisins did you eat? 200 grams or something?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to address this post. For SOME, their cycle does require them to eat more in order to complete and start a new cycle. For example, women who are anaemic..

    What about anemia would require eating more?

    iron rich foods, for example
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    your hunger is a mental game - there is nothing about your period that requires you to eat more. Just buckle down and power through it - dont eat out of boredom or becase your hormones are going nuts - YOU ARE IN CONTROL

    I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to address this post. For SOME, their cycle does require them to eat more in order to complete and start a new cycle. For example, women who are anaemic..

    I think it's perfectly OK to overeat and give in so as long as you are making healthy choices. Or one could not and that's their business. But please don't say there is no medical reason for women to eat more during the onset of their cycle. It's already been proven medically that this happens. The choices one makes during this time is theirs and the consequences are theirs alone.

    When I was logging regularly, I found that I always ate 200-300 more calories during my period. It never stopped my losses.
  • Greytfish
    That's not going to require eating more, that will require adjusting macros and micros and if actually anemic, supplementation.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Aw man, was the other period thread deleted?

    Bumping this one to read and laugh later.

    I expect a lot of arguing and hair pulling.

    Some people have bad cramps, some people don't. STFU ladies.


    This thread is the reason I have more guy friends ....
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    This is why women shouldn't be in the military!!!!

    Now that is a low blow. I'm a 2 time combat veteran. You haven't lived until you have changed a tampon on the side of the road at night in full battle gear while someone in a Humvee covers you. I do agree if you are big whiney baby, male or female, the military is NOT the place for you. My period has never affected my service. If anything it helps, as I'm more hostile than the majority of my male teammates.

    ROFLMAO Oh I love this! You are my hero! :bigsmile:

    Lol! I've always compared it to taking a crap, something both male and females do. Something that needs to be done on a regular basis, involves dropping your pants and wiping. I've had to cover many a man taking a dump, just like they covered me while addressing my period. Plus tampons are awesome for plugging bullet holes. Who's the favorite medic? This girl :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That's not going to require eating more, that will require adjusting macros and micros and if actually anemic, supplementation.

    Like I said, I always eat more during my period. Research has shown that women typically burn extra calories, in some cases as much as 300 extra per day, during menstruation.