How do you reward yourself?



  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I find that losing weight is its own reward. I guess I reward myself by breathing deeply and looking better in my clothes.
  • leew88
    leew88 Posts: 62 Member
    The feeling of confidence when topless is the reward I guess
  • I bought two chocolate bars from Full Circle Exchange and I will reward myself with a piece of chocolate (not the whole bar) every 10 pounds I lose.

    Oh. And I just bought myself a fancy elliptical, so I guess that would be a reward too!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I don't. I guess just knowing I look better is enough for me. :smile:
  • Lifts4IceCream
    Lifts4IceCream Posts: 77 Member
    My reward is to look in the mirror and see all the gains. Also have the satisfaction of knowing my hours lifting and logging is paying off.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    It has been lots of rewards for me along the way. Mostly learning to accept compliments from others about how nice I'm looking. Next , there has been some jewelry, lots of new clothes, new hair cut & style, best of all way getting a tummy tuck to remove 25 lbs od hanging fat. ( I know it's gross to me too ) but now I have a totally flat tummy!!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    At the end of every week, if I've met all my exercise goals, I do a at-home spa day. I turn on some relaxing music on Pandora, epilate and wax, take a hot salt and milk bath, do a deep conditioning treatment on my hair, and a mud mask on my face and body, trim my hair if needed, and give myself a mani/pedi. I feel like a million bucks afterwards, but I make all my own things, it's really cheap. Definitely a reward that leaves me ready for the next week of working out!
  • I'm buying a new bikini from VS today. I am so excited to spend this summer feeling confident instead of trying to cover something up.

    New clothes, pedicures, massages are my favorite rewards

    I try not to do food rewards but every so often I give myself a treat after an INTENSE workout. ;)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There is no reward... I kind of don't' understand this concept to be perfectly honest.

    I don't deny myself when I'm doing things- the only time I go nuts is at the end of a heavy cut/prep phase- but it's not a reward to me for doing a good job. It's just "jesus I'm finally done with that- now I can go eat!!!"

    If I need new stuff or see stuff I like it- then I buy it.

    I don't reward myself for being me- that just... I dunno. doesn't make sense.
  • A new tattoo :) haha
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I do the same, I have a scale:
    10lbs: hairdresser appt
    15 lbs: mani-pedi
    20 lbs: facial
    25 lbs: massage

    I love love love this idea! I am so close to a massage i can taste it! haha :)
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    New workout clothes, always form-fitting so I don't let myself wear something baggy (which would essentially mean I could slack -- gotta stay trim for my workout gear), new summer clothes once we get closer.... daily dark chocolate or other chocolate. TEA. :smile: I stress the importance of not totally depriving.
  • seglass1
    seglass1 Posts: 15 Member

    I go to my weight watchers meeting on a Saturday morning and if I have lost a pound or more that week then i head straight to wholefoods (next door) and buy myself a fresh bunch of flowers!
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    For milestones, I treat myself to something adorable (and not too expensive!) on etsy. Like handmade jewelry, a framed print, or a scarf. I try to pick something that carries a little secret inspirational or "victory" message to myself. The last reward was a little bronze kit (a young fox) pendant because I was feeling a little foxy... (totally cheesy, I know...) but it makes me smile every time I wear it.
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    At first I didn't believe in rewarding myself for doing what I should: Eat healthy. But....this has really been a struggle for me. So I thought maybe a reward list would possibly help me stay motivated...Here's my list:

    Subway Gift Card
    Hair cut
    new swim suit
    hair color
    new shoes
    new work out clothes
    new wedding ring (I'm already wearing it on my middle finger so I don't lose it)

    I thought that every 10 lbs seemed reasonable. Then I thought I shouldn't do all that for myself, so I gave my list to my readily agreed to this list. I was shocked. He asks me every morning what my weight was (if I don't tell him first). So I guess I don't really reward myself...but
  • divvyh
    divvyh Posts: 32 Member
    A second glass of wine. New running shoes.
  • Makeup
    Hula Hoops and other props
    Allow myself to go to the fabric store and make something awesome for myself. When i reach goal weight i already have a pattern and fabric picked out for a pinup style dress
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    At ten pounds lost I bought new workout clothes - more form fitting. Keeps me motivated, haha. I guess when they begin to loosen I'll do the same. Years ago I lost about 40 pounds and I put aside $10 for every pound. When I reached my goal I went shopping and didn't need to worry about where the money would come from. That was nice.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    At ten pounds lost I bought new workout clothes - more form fitting. Keeps me motivated, haha. I guess when they begin to loosen I'll do the same. Years ago I lost about 40 pounds and I put aside $10 for every pound. When I reached my goal I went shopping and didn't need to worry about where the money would come from. That was nice.

    That's a great idea.... as long as you can stick with it.

    But that's definitely a great plan. I didn't realize with what happened to me how expensive re-shopping would be!! it's definitely a pain.
  • CardiacLioness
    CardiacLioness Posts: 26 Member
    Knowing I look/feel better. I also reward myself with piercings & tattoos since I love them a lot