Losing weight on 2,800 calories a day... what is this?!



  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member

    An easy ( but gross ) and healthy way to add alot of calories is to throw in some olive oil. It's a super healthy fat and it's very calorie dense. 2 tbs is 240 calories. A shot of olive oil is probably around 400 calories. Add a table spoon first thing in the morning and one before bed. That is an easy way to add another 240 to what you are already eating.

    OR instead of a shot you could get a nice loaf of bread and dip a hunk in the olive oil and maybe a little balsamic.....

    I agree with some others about wishing I had that problem. But that's like wishing my hair would grow 2 feet. Pointless.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Currently trying to gain weight by bulking... I'm eating 2,800 calories a day, and yet somehow I'm still losing weight... down almost 3kg in 2 weeks. What even!?!?! 2,800 is already so much food, I don't know if I can eat any more :(

    It may be shocking, but the amount you can eat when you're active and lifting weights (particularly in your early 20s) is enormous. Try drinking more calories (protein shakes, milk, even just sugary coffee drinks) or adding in more snacks. Your stomach does get used to the extra food in time.

    By the way, feel free to add me as it's good to have other girls bulking around... there are so many stresses that you never think about until you try!

    I agree with this completely. I'm 23, 5'-10" 145lbs. I take in on average 4000 calories a day and have actually been loosing weight and need to consume more. It's also not just about how active you are, it's also how fast your body's metabolism is. I work in an office and spend the majority of the day sitting in front of a computer, so I'm not that active, but I have an extremely high metabolic rate. But you also can't just take in garbage to up your caloric intake, you need to make sure they're healthy foods, some junk stuff is okay here and there, but you want high calories and high protein. So lots of chicken and red meats.

    Once you get 1g/LBM of protein your body actually can't use more. Once you get your minimums of carbs (1g/lb?), protein (.8g/lb) and fat (.6g/lb), why would it matter what else fills the rest of your calories? On a cut, this means you have to pretty careful to balance your day, but when you are bulking there are a lot of "extra" calories after those minimums are met. Can you point to any study that says that the rest can't come from "junk" food? There is only so much in the way of vitamins/minerals/other micros that your body can use either. Besides, what constitutes "junk"?

    Yeah, I was going to say: "PLEASE! Don't eat garbage, people! It's full of germs!" :laugh:

    Food is good though. There's no such thing as "junk" food. All foods contain macronutrients, some contain more micros than others. People need to get out of the mindset that eating a particular food item is "bad."
  • Sagarys
    Sagarys Posts: 2
    You don't have to eat more, just eat more high calories food! Peanut butter, avocado, pasta, bread, nuts, olive oil, butter, pizza! And opening your diary would help as well.

    ^ This. And try increasing the amount of simple carbs you consume in your big post-workout meal. The insulin boost will help deliver those calories to your muscles.

    For example, a big, high-protein burrito from Chipotle (or a similar place) is about 1300 calories. Try washing it down with a full sugar beverage like a big Gatorade.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    An easy ( but gross ) and healthy way to add alot of calories is to throw in some olive oil. It's a super healthy fat and it's very calorie dense. 2 tbs is 240 calories. A shot of olive oil is probably around 400 calories. Add a table spoon first thing in the morning and one before bed. That is an easy way to add another 240 to what you are already eating.

    OR instead of a shot you could get a nice loaf of bread and dip a hunk in the olive oil and maybe a little balsamic.....

    I agree with some others about wishing I had that problem. But that's like wishing my hair would grow 2 feet. Pointless.

    The bread is going to leave you feeling full, though.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    OR instead of a shot you could get a nice loaf of bread and dip a hunk in the olive oil and maybe a little balsamic.....

    I agree with some others about wishing I had that problem. But that's like wishing my hair would grow 2 feet. Pointless.

    that's a lot of shampoo to go through!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    First, JEALOUS.

    Second, carbs + fats are the bestest combo in the world.

    Toast with a whole avocado is an easy 400. Yippeeeee!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Currently trying to gain weight by bulking... I'm eating 2,800 calories a day, and yet somehow I'm still losing weight... down almost 3kg in 2 weeks. What even!?!?! 2,800 is already so much food, I don't know if I can eat any more :(

    If you are working out hard, you probably are still burnign more calories than you are eating. Ramp up to 3000 for a week and see what happens. If you are still losing, 3200 the next week. At some point you will have to gain weight.

    I wish I had this problem, that's for sure :)