Todays my first day BUT....



  • Can you donate the junk food to a food pantry or just unload it on a friend who would take it?
  • that's amazing.....good for you for wanting to stop the of luck.....feel free to add me.....:)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    get rid of all the junk if u are serious about this. I designate Saturday as a junk day. I just limit my intake to 2000 calories one day a week. Monday-Friday, I hit the gym for 90 minute sessions.:flowerforyou:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    What are foods that I could put on my next shopping list?
    maybe quick meals i can make for the month?
    i heard nuts, lean meats (chicken, fish, Turkey etc)..

    I bought a good amount of chocolate pudding, yogurts and stuff of that nature.
    So should I just eat half of 1 a day. ? thanks so much for everyones support

    Definitely go for foods that are high in protein. Protein is like the food of the Gods for people, lol.
    You can still eat a full serving cup of pudding/yogurt/whatever. Just make sure to log it and keep it within your calorie goal. You don't have to restrict any kinds of foods. Heck, you can still have McDonald's or Wendy's or whatever, but, as I said, you have to fit it into your calorie goal. Moderation is the key to this. So, for example, you go to McDonald's, instead of getting a super-sized Big Mac meal, get a double cheeseburger and a fruit parfait. It's all about the choices.
    Since you already have this month's foods, just eat them. Take note of the things you truly enjoy eating, the foods that make you feel full, etc and work around that.

    There's definitely alot of GREAT advice already in this thread. I highly recommend that you read the sexypants thread that has already been linked.

    Keep going! Yes, it's going to be a long road, BUT it's a very nice road to be on. Give it time, have patience, and ask questions! :)
    Good luck!
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    Great decision! And like everyone else has already said, you can eat the foods you like just in moderation. Take this month to get into the habit of logging everything you eat and drink and getting the correct portion sizes down. Make changes, but don't try and overhaul your diet all at once. Read the message boards, get more ideas, next month for shopping maybe get some of your favorite foods, and also more fruits, veggies, whole grains. There are a lot of high calorie foods that I used to love, that I figured out how to make healthier versions of them at home also. I still eat my fair share of junk, it's just all about balance and moderation.

    As for exercise, just start with what you can do. Go for a walk everyday, find some videos you like on youtube, dance to some music, just find some things you like to do to get moving. My health and how I felt was my main motivator, now I love seeing how strong I can be. Just start, keep logging, and have patience, this is a lifetime of health we're talking about after all. Best of luck in your journey!
  • Hi Sweety, today is also my first day! I am 56 yrs old and I weigh 266 lbs. I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as high cholesterol, fatty liver, thyroid problems, high blood pressure and asthma! Yah imagine all that! And most of it is from being overweight and not doing any kind of exercise! If I can do this then you can do it! My advice is for you to basically clean your house of all the fatty foods and don't bring anything that isn't fat free or low fat or sugar free or all natural into your house! I have a tread mill that I will start out with 10 min. three times a day GOD willing I can handle that much exercise! I hope you will be successful with your healthier lifestyle !

    Desert connector :flowerforyou:
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    How many calories does MFP tell you to eat?

    All of the food you have should have labels, right? So log the food you eat, but stay below the calorie goal that you've set. If you eat at a deficit, you'll start to lose. No matter what food it is.

    Good luck!

    ^^^This. Then when you next grocery shop, you can add healthier food.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Since you only shop once per month I would say:

    frozen veg and fruit
    lean meats
    eggs (a good option are the cartons of egg whites they have a longer expiry date on them and good protein source and typically I eat 1/4 cup of these every morning) the carton lasts over a week.
    instead of regular bacon or sausage opt for turkey bacon and sausage (I typically precook the entire package then I can just grab one portion in the morning)
    rice (opt for brown if you want but white rice is okay just watch your portion sizes as with anything)
    pastas (I buy whole wheat or multi grain)
    whole wheat or multi grain breads or buns (you can freeze this and just grab a slice or two as you need it and toast it)
    beans or lentils

    Fruit and veg I find that have a "longer shelf life" are:
    root veg (potatoes, turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots)

    If you have a blender smoothies are a great way to use your frozen fruit and you can add spinach or kale (which you could wash and prepare and freeze if necessary)

    As you get used to logging you will learn the calorie values of foods and what works for you.

    I recommend doing things like homemade soups - you can get a lot of nutrients with the mixture of veggies and add a lean protein

    try to opt for low sodium when buying pre packaged things

    good luck OP!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Hi Sweety, today is also my first day! I am 56 yrs old and I weigh 266 lbs. I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as high cholesterol, fatty liver, thyroid problems, high blood pressure and asthma! Yah imagine all that! And most of it is from being overweight and not doing any kind of exercise! If I can do this then you can do it! My advice is for you to basically clean your house of all the fatty foods and don't bring anything that isn't fat free or low fat or sugar free or all natural into your house! I have a tread mill that I will start out with 10 min. three times a day GOD willing I can handle that much exercise! I hope you will be successful with your healthier lifestyle !

    Desert connector :flowerforyou:

    If you can't do that much, do what you can because it's still more than doing nothing. Better to start very slowly and increase gradually than hurt yourself or get discouraged and quit. You'll get there! :flowerforyou:
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Also sorry I forgot to add - you can eat what you currently have just use moderation and careful logging

    You can prepare any meals you like just figure out the portion sizes and calories - if you can just portion it out into proper sized meals and put the containers in the fridge or freezer for future use
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    Best of luck with your journey! You can enjoy all the foods you have, but in smaller quantities as many have advised!
    For me a big turning point was when my dad bought me some kitchen scales! I have never looked back! Portion control is the key!
    I found this particularly true of my favourite comfort food, pasta! Also using the app to log everything honestly, its so worth it :)
    Really really good luck, I'm sure you will succeed :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hi Sweety, today is also my first day! I am 56 yrs old and I weigh 266 lbs. I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as high cholesterol, fatty liver, thyroid problems, high blood pressure and asthma! Yah imagine all that! And most of it is from being overweight and not doing any kind of exercise! If I can do this then you can do it! My advice is for you to basically clean your house of all the fatty foods and don't bring anything that isn't fat free or low fat or sugar free or all natural into your house! I have a tread mill that I will start out with 10 min. three times a day GOD willing I can handle that much exercise! I hope you will be successful with your healthier lifestyle !

    Desert connector :flowerforyou:

    There is nothing wrong with fat. The body needs fat, and things like cheese, avocado, salmon, full fat yoghurt and nuts, are all high in fat, yet very nourishing and satiating. Low fat products are almost always full of sugar or artificial sweeteners, and thus, not natural.
    If anything, it is over processed foods that are high in both sugar and fat, that need to be reduced and limited to treat status.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    You sound like a perfect candidate for Adopt-a-Noob. Check this thread....

    Many very experienced MFP's are willing to mentor noobies... just because they know what it was like when they first got here.

    Read the first post in the thread. There are quite a few mentors who have offered services, fairly recently, so you could start from the last page of the thread, if you wanted, to find someone who might be suitable for you. It's your obligation to find possible mentors from the thread.... ( there's also an updated list in the first post ) and PM them. Don't just post in the thread that you'd like a mentor. That's not how it works.

    And, just for emphasis..... I know it's already posted in this thread... but this..... Down-Arrow.png

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Welcome! You're getting some excellent advice here, so I'm going to try not to repeat what other people have said. I do want to just encourage you to move away from thinking of foods as good or bad. Food is just food, and food is good for you. You need protein, fat and carbs -- your body needs all of them to function. You shouldn't try to severely limit any of them.

    Also, weight loss isn't punishment and it shouldn't make you feel deprived/starving/etc. When you find the combination of nutrition and exercise that works best for your body, you should feel better than you did before. If you're taking it to a place where you're not eating the things you enjoy and you're killing yourself with exercise you hate, you're doing it wrong.

    I think you said MFP gave you somewhere around 2600, and that's not too high at all. I think a lot of people don't like what MFP gives them, so they decide to drop way below the recommendation and then they wonder why the site doesn't work. Take the next month and follow what MFP says exactly. See what happens in that month. You can make small changes later, but do what the site tells you to do first and see how you respond. I'd bet money you'll get good results!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Congratulations on this new life journey!

    It's already been said and I'll reiterate. Eat what you have, but log everything and make it fit into your goals for the day.

    I would like to suggest a few things I have found that help me feel really successful and not at all deprived: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and fudge bars; Skinny Pop Popcorn (4 cups of yummy popcorn worth about 50 calories); Lean Cuisine Pizzas; Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt (Apple Pie is best); Diamond Cocoa covered almonds in 100-calorie packs; and Diet Dr. Pepper.

    Also, I watch my sodium intake because I'm very sensitive to water retention, so I skip all lunch meats (packaged and deli) and buy chicken tenderloins to bake with Mrs. Dash. They are easy to add to just about everything from salad to mac and cheese.

    If you go low fat, you'll find artificial sweeteners and carbs added in which can mess with blood sugar if you have issues, so it's better to have less of full fat things, in my humble opinion.

    Don't shy away from food, just shy away from huge portions. Get a food scale and weigh everything. Take measurements now and before pictures. Re-take them all every 30 days. You'll be really surprised at the changes!

    Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions and don't ever give up!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to make a change!

    So I wont give much diet advice because I personally have a very specialized diet, and it's not very popular on MFP, but so far everyone has given you some good material to work with.

    Something I would suggest is that shopping once a month arrangement. I understand why you're doing it, my paycheck at the end of the month is my biggie too. Maybe instead of doing one big trip though, you take half of your shopping money and put it aside so that you can do a trip mid month too.
    Shopping once a month tells me that you probably arent getting enough fresh produce because it would never survive the whole month, and fresh is always the best option if you can swing it.
    Also I personally dont suggest eating a lot of processed snacks if you can help it.... Just a personal motto of mine, if I cant pronounce it why would I feed it to myself?
  • Congratulations on making a big change in your life!

    I didn't get a chance to read all the replies because there are so many but I can offer a little bit of advice! First my suggestion would be to just use what food you have now and try to stick within the calorie goal that MFP gives you and just begin planning ahead of time.

    If you do your shopping only once a month it will be tough for you in regards to getting your fruits and veggies so if you can, can you try and budget so that you have money to be able to split up your shopping so that you can get some fresh produce once a week or once every 2 weeks? Eating clean doesn't have to break the bank, we are a family of 4 on 1 income and with some planning ahead I can usually keep things very reasonable. The one thing I do is I avoid a lot of pre packaged food. I purchase brown rice, Quinoa and Oats in bulk, I buy my chicken or lean meat in the larger portions, you can even buy big boxes of frozen chicken breasts, the only reason I don't is that I don't care for the texture of them, but my husband says there is no difference ;) Then once a week I purchase my produce, eggs, dairy and I prepare my food for the week ahead. I try to shop the outside of the grocery store, not the aisles. try and live by the 80/20 rule. I try and keep things clean and healthy 80% of the time, so when I do slip up or have a special occasion it's not so bad. Yes, calories are calories, but 1500 calories of clean healthy food, is far more beneficial than 1500 calories of packaged and processed food. So each little step you make in that direction will make a big difference to you! Not just your weight, but your heart, blood sugar, cholesterol etc.

    As for working out, if it is new for you, just take it easy, start slow and work your way up. Even a 30 min walk every day helps! Each week you will get stronger, feel great and you will want more!

    Monitor your progress with measurements and photos, look at them and be proud at how far you have come, share it with friends and family, get that support and encouragement!

    Any lifestyle change takes time, if we overload ourselves at the start it can be hard to stay on target, so just take it each day at a time and things will begin to unfold for you! Good luck to you!
  • It's my first day toooo! Way to start! I think it's about portion control. Even plates are huge today, our minds are totally tricked. I would probably eliminate the cookies and temptations unless you are good at saying, one cookie and that's it! I can't do that so I had to eliminate the devil in Pepperidge farm form. Smh Good luck and by all means add me for support. We all need cheerleaders! I'm here.
  • Fearcher
    Fearcher Posts: 2 Member
    I hope you succeed. I decided enough was enough about a year ago and for my first two weeks I simply made it a habit to track everything I ate or drank with the MFP app on my phone. I didn't even moderate anything, I just made it a habit to track everything. I was blown away with how many calories I was taking in.
    Then I started using MFP and my doctors advice about intake per day and 74 pounds and 10 months later it's still a struggle but it's not impossible. Time will pass not matter what. One day's indulgence doesn't make you a failure, it's what you do over time that counts.
  • SunnyDee712
    SunnyDee712 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! Everyone on here has given some great advice! The only thing I will add is that it helps me to log BEFORE I eat, that way I know exactly what my intake will be for the day. Everyone is different, however. Once you make changes and stick with them, they will become habits. I have a sweet tooth, but now that I have backed off, I find that when I DO indulge, the treats taste TOO sweet.

    Good luck to you on your journey. YOU GOT THIS!!