Why in the hell am I stuck at this weight?!

Hey all!

So, I'm just returning to myfitnesspal. I've been using another app called LoseIt! With that and exercising, I dropped about 33 lbs in all of 2 months.( WHICH is normal for ME. I have always lost in 4 lbs a week, I could change nothing about my diet and just walk a mile in the morning for 5 days and #BAM I'm down 4lbs. I know, it's weird).

I recall being 180 lbs...which was 10 lbs UP from my "normal" weight of 170 lbs (this is without working out and eating everthing desired lol). I've always been a bit overweight; however, due to genetics it was a healthy weight for me. Long story short, I got on birth control in 2010...shot up to 215 lbs and got off of birth control (due to the inability to lose weight AND the harsh effects it had on my body) in November of 2013. I have dropped down to 182/183. CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHY I'M STUCK AT THIS WEIGHT???

I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING....and I MEAN EVERYTHING to get out of this seemingly "plateau." BUT NOTHING to break a plateau is working. I am VERY meticulous about counting my calories (ingredients in meals/snacks/particular brands, etc)... so I know I'm not "calorie creeping." I've recalculated my BMR/TDEE as I've lost weight so I'm good on that. I've done the "trick your metabolism" crap with increasing and decreasing my calories over certain amounts of time (From 1000-3000 for a couple days). I've switched from brisk walking to the elliptical to running (of course I do weightlifting). I've switched up the types of things that I eat (I'm very routine), for example having carbs (fruits/veggies/dairy) during the day and protein at night...Normally, I have my protein in the morning and my carbs at night. I've also switched the intensity of my workouts, HIIT vs manual... I've also increased the time....and I have switched the time (morning vs evening). Still after doing all this for 6 weeks....NOTHING. NO, I didn't do it all at once...I switched it up after every couple weeks. I don't drink carbonated drinks or alcohol. I only eat chicken and turkey (red meat has never been apart of my diet and I dislike seafood (picky, I know)).

Is there anything I've missed? If so, let me know. Any reason why my body would be stuck at this weight? Insulin resistance that most overweight people suffer from? I have no issues with my thyroid. But for whatever reason, my body won't budge.

Here are my stats in case you have a magic calculator or if you just want to know for sh*ts and giggles!

Height- 5'5
Age-27 Female
Workouts (all combined)- 30-45 mins (15 cardio/15 weights or 25/20). 5-6 days a week. (Calories burned depend on intensity so about 350-550)
TDEE-2384 but I consume anywhere from 1600-1800.

Any HELP would be very much appreciated. If you only have ignorance as a response, find someone else. Anyway, thanks in advance for any assistance!


  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories? The goals given on MFP do not include exercise calories so you need to eat them back and have zero remaining at the end of the day. It's no good eating 1600, then exercising off 400 as this is the equivalent of only eating 1200.

    You only have about 10lbs to lose, so set MFP to lose 1/2lb a week and eat your exercise calories back. Also ensure you are weighing your food on a scale, not just estimating or using cups. Try it for 8 weeks at least before giving up on it though.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    GIVE YOURSELF TIME..... fatloss takes time... you didnt gain all the weight overnight did you... plus if you can take body measurements, weight scale is not always a good measure for progress... gaining strength, gaining stamina, a little muscle gain, 2 reps extra from last week, etc. are all also progress.... do you know where im coming from... AGAIN... keep at it and GIVE YOURSELF TIME..... goodluck
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    If you open up your food diary we'll all be able to give you better advice on this subject.

    Food diary link here


    Scroll down


    (click) PUBLIC (click public) & we'll be able to see what you're eating and help you further. :flowerforyou:
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    d3mon4ngel : No, I don't necessarily eat all my calories back. If I burn 400 calories in the gym; then I'll eat about 1700-1750 calories a day. I was thinking about taking the military bootcamp (Navy here) route. Where you eat at least 3-4,000 a day and only burn about 1500-2000. Also, I think YOU have a VERY good point. :wink: I've gotta EAT MORE....which seems like an oxymoron when it comes to weight loss. UGH!

    I'm almost ready to stop calorie counting because it gets confusing. I have a digital scale AND measuring cups though...again, I'm very meticulous LOL. I am thinking it might have something to do with my protein intake...which I get through just a protein shake a day...or chicken/turkey when I actually eat it.

    Joan23_us: I will not lie, it's been 6 weeks... I've grown impatient and VERY annoyed. I possibly won't be on here if something doesn't happen in another 4 weeks. Not saying that I'll become careless...but, what's the point in "eating less and moving more" if you don't get the expected results with calorie counting? I can keep going up in reps...and get stronger and better...but if I stay at this weight OR gain...I'll become a flaming basket case. :noway:

    Janesmith1: I don't have my diary open because I've seen some of the threads on here. People start to pick and probe...which is totally ok. Then you get those "muscleheads" that will literally flip out on someone over something like a graham cracker. However, I still bounce between here and LoseIt...so there's only like 3 days worth of logging. AND I was doing everything to break the stall. I don't want anyone freaking out because they see I dropped to 1100 calories with a 150 calorie workout. You know? But, depending on how this thread continues...I might open it since I've explained myself. Thanks telling me HOW to open it though...I didn't actually set it to private lol. :tongue:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I was thinking about taking the military bootcamp (Navy here) route. Where you eat at least 3-4,000 a day and only burn about 1500-2000

    is that the wrong way round ?
  • TheNoWhere
    TheNoWhere Posts: 2 Member
    My experience is not too different-

    I started out last Oct doing a low carb diet (extremely rigid and with very detailed recordings) which during the first months took away about 500g of weight per week; plan was to begin with some months of fat reduction (from 15% to <10% body fat) and then follow up with muscle building-

    During this time I kept intake at about 500kCals below my TDEE (about 2100 kCals), coming from a starting weight of 73.6kg a low carb (Ketosis) calculator projected a weight curve converging to 63kg after 6-9 months when keeping to this diet-

    what I actually saw was a much steeper decline during the first 8-10 weeks and a smooth convergence into 68kg, at that level my body wouldn't loose weight any more and that was not a plateau obviously but a steady state-

    after that I loosened the low carb constraint and started very intense workouts (1.5hrs / 6 days a week), by that lifting the TDEE to about 2'800 kCals but still keeping the daily intake at about 500kCals below TDEE...

    Immediate result to eating Carbs again was weight gain, meanwhile 2-3 kg are back on; some of it are muscles, my waist and hip measures have remained almost constant since I was down to 68kg;

    however, since early Jan I have now been seeing my weight in between 71-72kg and the body fat stays at about 10-12%, although I am constantly keeping my intake at 500kCals below TDEE;

    can't explain that either and it gives me the impression that after having started out the low carb diet my body has really changed its reaction to intake so that I might permanently have to stay 500kCals below TDEE to not gain weight any more....
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    Well, when you hear things like "burn more than you eat to lose weight" or "calories in, calories out"...I'd think so. LOL. Hence, were you can sense my confusion! :noway:

    Sooooooooooo, is it the wrong way or is it not? Do I need to just eat like 2000 calories a day when exercising or no?
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    Upping my calories to see if it will help. I've been at 550-1000 NET cals this whole time. My BMR is 1625. TDEE 2377-2541. So, I'll up my intake to 1900-2050. I've been consistently eating less than 1500 for about 3 months although I'll burn 500+-1000. SMH.

    I've been researching, so hopefully upping it with a net of no less than 1500-1630 will let my body know it's "safe." Is this a good plan?

    This weight loss chaos is REAL.

    THANKS to all who have and will respond.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    What are you doing at the gym? Because 30-45 minutes burning 500 calories seems really high. Maybe only eat back 50%, unless you're doing something REALLY high intensity.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    What are your macros?

    Have you had your glucose and insulin levels checked? I ask because that was a problem I had (and a thyroid issue as well). I ended up having insulin resistance and I literally ate at an average of 700 daily calorie deficit over 3 months and lost less than 3 lbs (according to that deficit, should have been 15-18 lbs). I suspected the thyroid issue, but the insulin resistance was a surprise. And for insulin resistance, usually low carb diets are recommended to help get the body back on track (and sometimes medication as well).

    So, you may have a sensitivity to carbs that you didn't know about. And literally for years I was given the whole "eat less move more" "calories in, calories out" rhetoric. And that may work for a lot of people, but it doesn't for some and it can be very hard to get the help you need in that regard. I went through a couple docs before I got to the right diagnosis and many were very, very resistant to believing my experience since my weight wasn't too high (only 30 lbs or so overweight).
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    LTKeegan: Hi! I run and do the elliptical. The elliptical alone for 45 mins and I burn 510-530 cals. Running depends on how fast I go. Sometimes I'll even do a 4 mile walk and burn 580. My weight allows me to burn more (bigger you are the more you burn). I also do weight lifting sometimes.

    Lindsey1979: Well, I'm down from 214.6 (November 2013) and have been stalled for a while...so why would thyroid/insulin resistance issues derail me now? How would I know if I'm insulin resistant? How long would it take to "fix" it? I researched that a few months ago but can't remember lol.

    Long story short...right now, I think my body was stubborn due to not netting enough. We'll see where I am in 2 weeks or so. NORMALLY my plateaus break pretty quickly. But, I'm working on patience lol.
  • steph6467
    steph6467 Posts: 54 Member
    I think you are overestimating how many calories you are burning at the gym. The machine's estimates are notorious for being inaccurate. And even at 180 lbs, I think 580 is a very high estimate for a 4 mile walk.

    I think you might find your answer here:

  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    I've been working out for a VERY long time. I put my information in ALL equipment and phone apps. Not saying that it is TOTALLY accurate... but, I'm pretty sure it's more than 530. Not trying to be a jerk, but, I'd rather believe what a machine/app tells me than getting lost in all these website recommendations. The app tracks my pace and my pauses (if any) and so on...

    Thanks for your opinion though.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You say you have done EVERYTHING, but no individual is a special case, including yourself.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating at a calorie deficit. Simple.

    Try underestimating your exercise calories.
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    Eldamiano... don't post on this thread and be a jerk. It will NOT be tolerated.

    Just so you know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs thus far. I measure and weigh EVERY lick, taste, bite and even sniff if I think it's worth calories. Again, I've done everything (NO app calculates correctly, so I have a monitor to tell me know how much I burn a day WITH and WITHOUT exercise). I am looking into a few hormonal issues that could be impairing the process.

    And just so you know... THERE ARE SPECIAL CASES with some people. Not saying I'm one of them; because I have yet to have my labs done recently. BUT, I'd suggest you'd look into it before commenting on another post. (See, hyper/hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and estrogen dominance just to name a FEW.)

    ***********JUST TO CLARIFY***********

    If you post on ANY thread of mine, you will get what is received. No need to post on here and be IGNORANT. We're ALL on here trying to lose or maintain...hell, some even are here to gain. The point of this site, I believe, is to encourage and educate. In short, keep it respectful and no belittling, disrespect, nor any other ignorance will be tolerated on MY posts.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Eldamiano... don't post on this thread and be a jerk. It will NOT be tolerated.

    Just so you know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs thus far. I measure and weigh EVERY lick, taste, bite and even sniff if I think it's worth calories. Again, I've done everything (NO app calculates correctly, so I have a monitor to tell me know how much I burn a day WITH and WITHOUT exercise). I am looking into a few hormonal issues that could be impairing the process.

    And just so you know... THERE ARE SPECIAL CASES with some people. Not saying I'm one of them; because I have yet to have my labs done recently. BUT, I'd suggest you'd look into it before commenting on another post. (See, hyper/hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and estrogen dominance just to name a FEW.)

    ***********JUST TO CLARIFY***********

    If you post on ANY thread of mine, you will get what is received. No need to post on here and be IGNORANT. We're ALL on here trying to lose or maintain...hell, some even are here to gain. The point of this site, I believe, is to encourage and educate. In short, keep it respectful and no belittling, disrespect, nor any other ignorance will be tolerated on MY posts.

    Calm down, dear. Are you just completely in denial then, not liking what you heard?

    It is a free forum. I can say what I like within reason. Please dont talk to me as if I am the naughty schoolchild threatened to be expelled if you dont like it. Under no part do I have to fit in with your artificial criteria just because you dont agree with it.

    You call me ignorant but I was telling you quite bluntly but fairly. I say the same thing to quite a few people on here that think they are just incapable of losing weight despite doing EVERYTHING possible. Just because you have lost some weight prior, that does not entitle you to 'know' everything. You talk about being a potential special case - 'hyper/hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and estrogen dominance' and all that... so how have you, as you mentioned, lost 40lb so far? Its probably a more fundamental reason.

    Weight loss is all about home truths and being tough with yourself. If you cant handle potential criticism, then dont comment on a public forum.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    I've been working out for a VERY long time. I put my information in ALL equipment and phone apps. Not saying that it is TOTALLY accurate... but, I'm pretty sure it's more than 530. Not trying to be a jerk, but, I'd rather believe what a machine/app tells me than getting lost in all these website recommendations. The app tracks my pace and my pauses (if any) and so on...

    Thanks for your opinion though.

    But you really can't trust the machines. Time and time again a HRM will show you a large difference between what a piece of gym equipment or a smartphone app will say you burnt. A good HRM's are more accurate of showing calories burnt walking, jogging, running, swimming than anything else out there. Case in point, the MyWalking app said I burnt over 750 calories on a 4 mile walk while my HRM said 500. Guess which one I wen with?
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    Eldamiano.... Haaaa! Nice comeback. However, if you choose to go toe to toe...we can! I can definitely take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I just get REALLY annoyed by people like YOU who think THEY KNOW IT ALL have a very rude way of trying to convince others of such.

    First and foremost, I lost the weight by doing as I will continue to do....eating better and exercising. However, I've been doing it for about 18 months now.... yet, I've only lost the weight STARTING November 2013. Know why? Because of the issues of estrogen dominance and a weak thyroid. Caused by birth control.... don't believe me, go research it.

    Seeing how you are posting on this thread, I can already tell you won't do it. And since you're a male, you won't believe it. However, you probably won't believe that I've stooped as low as 569 calories and STILL exercised...limited and lightheaded but it was done...burning 613 calories on the treadmill. So, when I say I am VERY meticulous about my calorie intake....I am.
    Three weeks ago, I dropped as low as 994 calories and as high as 1127 calories....did it for a week. Two week, I did 1300-1450 while working out..Last week I tried 1250 with just walking a mile everyday.....still no loss. Now, I know my body and can see a loss within DAYS. BUT, I was patient...and waited three weeks...I lost nothing.

    Thanks to research and other forums on here.... I encounter 'eat more lose more'....netting only 500-1000 or hell, even only eating 1450 calories with NO exercise, there should still be some weight loss.

    Considering that type 2 diabetes runs in my family and that I've had elevated glucose levels in the past at 214.6....I'm thinking I may have insulin resistance...at WORST. I am going to have my labs drawn just to eliminate that possibility/excuse as you'd call it.

    The reason, I'm freaking out...is because I've been stuck here before. I went from a 167-172 weight when doing nothing and eating everything...to 180. I am the type that I can walk 1 mile a day for 5 days and drop 4 lbs in a week....doesn't make any sense and it's weird...but hey, that's just how my body does it. But, I shot up to 180, before birth control, and couldn't lose it. I only lost it when I was still eating what I desired and doing run intervals for 36 mins/3x a week....

    NOW, I do them everyday....I count calories...and I even eat better.

    So again, I've done it all.....except continue to increase my calories. LOL. SO, if that doesn't work and my blood levels are cool...then I wouldn't mind listening to more of your snide remarks.
  • BayVay
    BayVay Posts: 24
    Hi BigTireFlippe! I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. Which is why I DON'T include my walking in calories burned. This is primarily because I've been walking for years and actually LIKE doing it. Same reason why I don't count house cleaning,etc because I enjoy it.

    If you'd refer back to my first post, I said I burn 350-500 calories a day in 30-45 minutes. This is primarily from running and/or elliptical with weight lifting. 20 minutes running I burn about 200-260 calories...give or take according to MFP, the elliptical is about the same depending on my pace. If I do less than 20 mins of weight lifting I don't count them. Sometimes I actually forget to count them because I've been so wiped out.

    In short, I count what I see has my heart rate at 140-200. My resting heart rate is actually low...about 57 on average so I get excited seeing it so high. My heart rate will only get up to the 130s when walking....I walk at about a 3.9-4.3 pace.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Eldamiano.... Haaaa! Nice comeback. However, if you choose to go toe to toe...we can! I can definitely take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I just get REALLY annoyed by people like YOU who think THEY KNOW IT ALL have a very rude way of trying to convince others of such.

    First and foremost, I lost the weight by doing as I will continue to do....eating better and exercising. However, I've been doing it for about 18 months now.... yet, I've only lost the weight STARTING November 2013. Know why? Because of the issues of estrogen dominance and a weak thyroid. Caused by birth control.... don't believe me, go research it.

    Seeing how you are posting on this thread, I can already tell you won't do it. And since you're a male, you won't believe it. However, you probably won't believe that I've stooped as low as 569 calories and STILL exercised...limited and lightheaded but it was done...burning 613 calories on the treadmill. So, when I say I am VERY meticulous about my calorie intake....I am.
    Three weeks ago, I dropped as low as 994 calories and as high as 1127 calories....did it for a week. Two week, I did 1300-1450 while working out..Last week I tried 1250 with just walking a mile everyday.....still no loss. Now, I know my body and can see a loss within DAYS. BUT, I was patient...and waited three weeks...I lost nothing.

    Thanks to research and other forums on here.... I encounter 'eat more lose more'....netting only 500-1000 or hell, even only eating 1450 calories with NO exercise, there should still be some weight loss.

    Considering that type 2 diabetes runs in my family and that I've had elevated glucose levels in the past at 214.6....I'm thinking I may have insulin resistance...at WORST. I am going to have my labs drawn just to eliminate that possibility/excuse as you'd call it.

    The reason, I'm freaking out...is because I've been stuck here before. I went from a 167-172 weight when doing nothing and eating everything...to 180. I am the type that I can walk 1 mile a day for 5 days and drop 4 lbs in a week....doesn't make any sense and it's weird...but hey, that's just how my body does it. But, I shot up to 180, before birth control, and couldn't lose it. I only lost it when I was still eating what I desired and doing run intervals for 36 mins/3x a week....

    NOW, I do them everyday....I count calories...and I even eat better.

    So again, I've done it all.....except continue to increase my calories. LOL. SO, if that doesn't work and my blood levels are cool...then I wouldn't mind listening to more of your snide remarks.

    Since I am a male? Ok. Its because I am a male that I dont believe it. Does that satisfy your chipped shoulder?

    You cited opinion. However, you seem to know SO much more about possible conditions, etc. for anybody to comment on it so what's the point in a fair argument then? I, however, dont claim to know an awful lot, just that for pretty much everybody on here who has lost weight, they eat at a calorie deficit. For many others, they are wrong about how much they eat and/or burned off.

    You eat at a calorie deficit, you lose weight. The fact that you only started to lose weight in November potentially means sod all really. The argument about not eating at a calorie deficit when actually you think you are still stands. The possible conditions that you blame seemed to prevent you from losing weight for about 15 months, and then you have suddenly lost 40lb since November. Three weeks ago, you dropped to 994 calories? And how about the other day when you think you did and maybe actually didnt. Work that one out....