protein problems!!!!



  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Depends on what your eat...
    I can easily get passed 120 calories of protein daily.

    Just by having meat with every meal (lunch, dinner) and an yoghurt at breakfast. Cottage cheese has proteins and it's just a great snack. Eggs... again... source of protein.
    Beans and lentils have good proteins. There are so many types of beans... and imagine them combined with meat. You can easily get 50 grams of protein with one meal.
    In the end it just adds up.

    The simplest way of getting protein is just eating bigger portions of meat. 400 g of chicken breast (raw) have 90 grams of protein. Eat 200 grams for dinner, 200 grams for lunch, put 2 eggs at breakfast or an yoghurt and you get your limit. And you can switch up the meat... there is beef, pork, turkey, many types of fish.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Insanitysh, you still havent asnwered the question about where you got your goal of 108g from? It's not the MFP default so you must have selected it somehow.

    What will happen if you dont meet it - depends on what your goals are. Lots of protein is good for keeping you feeling full, and for building muscle (or preventing muscle loss). But your bdoy does not NEED lots and lots of protein to survive.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    Insanitysh, you still havent asnwered the question about where you got your goal of 108g from? It's not the MFP default so you must have selected it somehow.

    What will happen if you dont meet it - depends on what your goals are. Lots of protein is good for keeping you feeling full, and for building muscle (or preventing muscle loss). But your bdoy does not NEED lots and lots of protein to survive.

    My goal is to tone up :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What exactly do you mean by that? And where does the 108g come from?
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    If you dont want to drink a protein shake in front of your parents, I make up a shake and use it instead of milk on my cereal in the mornings, I also mix a scoop of protein powder with greek yogurt as a desert if my protein is low for the day, its great if you have a sweet tooth and like a desert.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    What exactly do you mean by that? And where does the 108g come from?

    when i register here MFP suggested me to eat 108 g a day
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I find that very strange - are you sure you gave it the right stats - using pounds not kg etc?

    Your current weight is 116 pounds, yes? The rough guide for protein intake is 1g per pound of lean body mass. I'd guess your lbm is not more than 100.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    I find that very strange - are you sure you gave it the right stats - using pounds not kg etc?

    Your current weight is 116 pounds, yes? The rough guide for protein intake is 1g per pound of lean body mass. I'd guess your lbm is not more than 100.

    an you help me to calculate how many proteins should i eat ?? i m still confused =(

    weight in pounds is 117
    height is 66 inches
    age : 18
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

    You say you plugged in those stats, and MFP told you to get 108g protein per day.

    The vast majority of people find that MFPs default targets are really low on protein, so I'm asking what should always be the first question - how reliable is my measuring device?

    I'd have expected it to give you a target of about 50g per day.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

    You say you plugged in those stats, and MFP told you to get 108g protein per day.

    The vast majority of people find that MFPs default targets are really low on protein, so I'm asking what should always be the first question - how reliable is my measuring device?

    I'd have expected it to give you a target of about 50g per day.
    So i have to eat 50 g of proteins per day ??:)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

    You say you plugged in those stats, and MFP told you to get 108g protein per day.

    The vast majority of people find that MFPs default targets are really low on protein, so I'm asking what should always be the first question - how reliable is my measuring device?

    I'd have expected it to give you a target of about 50g per day.
    So i have to eat 50 g of proteins per day ??:)

    No, 50g of protein is too low.

    I eat over 100g of protein every day with no trouble.

    Breakfast - The milk I use on my porridge and coffee is 14g. Or I might have a home made scotch egg which is 26g

    Lunch - Chicken breast or salmon fillet, with salad or cous cous, 33g.

    Dinner - Some form of lean meat; chicken, pork, beef, mince, turkey etc, at least 35g

    Snacks - Greek yogurt - 13g. Mini babybel x 2 - 9g. Almonds - 6g

    Total - 100 - 122g protein.

    By the way, you are 18, you are more than entitled to buy your own protein powder if that's what you want.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

    You say you plugged in those stats, and MFP told you to get 108g protein per day.

    The vast majority of people find that MFPs default targets are really low on protein, so I'm asking what should always be the first question - how reliable is my measuring device?

    I'd have expected it to give you a target of about 50g per day.
    So i have to eat 50 g of proteins per day ??:)

    No, 50g of protein is too low.

    I eat over 100g of protein every day with no trouble.

    Breakfast - The milk I use on my porridge and coffee is 14g. Or I might have a home made scotch egg which is 26g

    Lunch - Chicken breast or salmon fillet, with salad or cous cous, 33g.

    Dinner - Some form of lean meat; chicken, pork, beef, mince, turkey etc, at least 35g

    Snacks - Greek yogurt - 13g. Mini babybel x 2 - 9g. Almonds - 6g

    Total - 100 - 122g protein.

    By the way, you are 18, you are more than entitled to buy your own protein powder if that's what you want.

    My problem is that i cant drink milk because it makes me acne and my parent dont want me to drink protein powder beause they think that it is bad for my health.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    Dude, you're 18. You can buy protein powder yourself. There's nothing your parents can say against you buying it.

    Seriously... It's not just a question of your majority, but a question of responsibility. You want more protein in your diet? Then get more protein, that's all!
  • keithemp
    keithemp Posts: 71
    If you're working out, and trying to build muscle, you should eat at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein powder is a useful alternative to meat, but is not necessary.

    It's not hard to get over 100g of protein each day, just cut out some carbs and fat and eat more meat. Meat free alternatives include cheese, milk, peanut butter, dark chocolate over 70% (in moderation, has a lot of fats as well), lentils, beans, almonds all have protein as well, it just takes a bit of planning on your part.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    If you're working out, and trying to build muscle, you should eat at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein powder is a useful alternative to meat, but is not necessary.

    It's not hard to get over 100g of protein each day, just cut out some carbs and fat and eat more meat. Meat free alternatives include cheese, milk, peanut butter, dark chocolate over 70% (in moderation, has a lot of fats as well), lentils, beans, almonds all have protein as well, it just takes a bit of planning on your part.

    Thanks a lot for your reply :) can you tell me if the protein bar is good ??=) (the ingredient are write in my first post)
  • keithemp
    keithemp Posts: 71
    Thanks a lot for your reply :) can you tell me if the protein bar is good ??=) (the ingredient are write in my first post)

    I don't think it's that healthy. It has glucose, cocoa powder, caramel, lots of unnecessary ingredients. Go to a nutrition store and see what types of protein bars they sell.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks a lot for your reply :) can you tell me if the protein bar is good ??=) (the ingredient are write in my first post)

    I don't think it's that healthy. It has glucose, cocoa powder, caramel, lots of unnecessary ingredients. Go to a nutrition store and see what types of protein bars they sell.

    I'm searching for high protein snack :)
  • keithemp
    keithemp Posts: 71
    I gave you ideas for snacks in my previous post. Protein bars almost always have added sugar to make them taste good. I would suggest getting your snacks from natural foods. Peanut butter on a spoon, a couple handfuls of almonds...
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    I gave you ideas for snacks in my previous post. Protein bars almost always have added sugar to make them taste good. I would suggest getting your snacks from natural foods. Peanut butter on a spoon, a couple handfuls of almonds...

    Can i eat this protein bar for breckfast since it has got more carbs than proteins ??=)

    there is my problem :

    i cant drink too much milk because it makes me acne and my parents dont want me to buy and drink powder drink . how can i reach my daily proteins ?? =(

    i cant eat meat and eggs all the time :(
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Whats the difference between a protein bar and a protein shake? Why is one acceptable to your parents and the other one not?

    I'm still not clear why your protein goal is 108 - I do not believe that MFP set that as your target, so you must have used custom settings. If you are aiming for 1g per pound of lean body mass, I also do not believe that your lbm is as much as that.

    So I think you've overset your protein target. And stressing out over whether a particular bar is good or not is missing the bigger picture.

    If your parents are doing most of the cooking for you, and can see every single thing you eat and drink each day, then you need them onside to help you achive your goals.