I don't over-eat too much and I workout..



  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    Ah **** it. I'll just go back to eating 1000 calories.

    Please don't do this. What are you gonna do when you hit a plateau, drop more calories, maybe do more cardio? You're gonna feel awful. Find maintenance calorie and drop 500 calories, you'll start to lose each week. When you stop losing weight drop 50-100 cal. and go from there. You can't just drastically drop that many calories and expect to maintain consistent weight loss for a long time.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    As I said, I *rarely* go over 2000, so it's not enough to make me not lose weight. I am somewhat active and I always log EXACTLY what I eat.

    Well your diary is closed so there is no way of really telling what you're eating, if you eating the right macros, drinking enough water, etc.

    You really need to be more accurate and conistant in all your logging.
    Measure your food, preferably with a scale; and use measuring cups and measuring spoons when not available..
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So you are having problems following a 1500 calorie goal diet well.

    And you are going to set your goal to 1260?

    And this is going to help to adhere to the goal how exactly?

    Be realistic with yourself. Are you just hoping that will allow you to eat up to 1500 when you go over? But won't you still feel bad about doing that?

    If you really weren't aware of what everyone seems to be finding for your eating level, and you aren't exercising 500 calories of that back off (2000 would be correct if 1500 net goal and exercise 500) - then you are eating more than you think.

    Don't over-react emotionally - that obviously doesn't help.

    Keep the 1500 goal and try to hit it.

    If that is really a 500 cal deficit from your non-exercise maintenance as MFP does it, then correctly log your exercise and eat back 80% of those calories too.

    But log food honestly. Now that you know measuring food, when calories is based on weight, is not accurate, gotta stop doing it.

    Even the packaged stuff, even healthy packaged stuff - at the very least compare divide the weight of the package by the weight of the serving - because about 2 servings can be as bad off as 2.7 real servings by weight.
    And then you go and weigh that package and discover it actually weighs more than they said, meaning 3 actual servings per package.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member

    That was one of the fastest self-destructs I've seen on MFP in a long, long time.

    So you are having problems following a 1500 calorie goal diet well.

    And you are going to set your goal to 1260?

    I'll echo that - as a plan it makes no sense at all.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    If I may suggest - make sure you log your exercise as well, just for a week.
    Then have a good look at the numbers - you'll have all your incoming and outgoing calories in one place, and if you're still stumped be brave and ask again for someone to look at it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Deactivated already, after having that account since 2012. Must have never been realistic with herself or goals and was always failing - or bad life stuff came up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And rage quit.

    She's been on since Oct 2012 and decides to rage quit because people pointed out that her inaccuracies/overages were more than she was admitting to...in other words pointing out was was really the problem?

    Okay then.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I went back five days in your diary and saw a lot of Doritos and some icing and cake. There's nothing wrong with that except that you were also over you calories on those days. At least I think you were since you are not logging exercise regularly. I would try to find vegetarian alternatives for protein because I think it's a little low. As soon as you can afford a scale buy one, measuring cups and spoons are not accurate for solids, there are video examples on YouTube. Also, you want to find the most accurate entries in the database, I saw a few generic and quick add calories, just be very cautious when doing this.

    There is nothing wrong with treats or beer but you need to learn how to fit them into your day. That is what makes this so hard. You don't need to eat 1000 calories either, why go from one extreme to another? You really just need to tweak what you are doing. Food scales are not expensive and really are necessary to accurately track your food.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    All you MFP bullies.......I'm just shaking my head. Quit giving such good advice!! It's upsetting people.
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    LOL she deactivated her account?

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    All you MFP bullies.......I'm just shaking my head. Quit giving such good advice!! It's upsetting people.

    Ya, trying to help by opening eyes, good grief.

    Well, now that OP is gone, it can turn in to one of those fun topics when a person has left the room.

    Or you volunteer that person for a bunch of stuff they can't say no to. I guess that doesn't work in this case though.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    And rage quit.

    She's been on since Oct 2012 and decides to rage quit because people pointed out that her inaccuracies/overages were more than she was admitting to...in other words pointing out was was really the problem?

    Okay then.

    Meanie. :tongue:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    All you MFP bullies.......I'm just shaking my head. Quit giving such good advice!! It's upsetting people.

    I resent being called a bully.

    I'm a meanie, thank you very much!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    Oh FFS, already rage-quit.:grumble:
  • Erinelda
    Erinelda Posts: 96
    This forum post is the reason why most of us got fat in the first place. Wanting to eat what we wanted, lying to ourselves about calories and then wanting the problem to go away on it's own. Even getting stressed or angry when someone suggests change.

    I am SO glad I am over that. I was like that inside for years.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I always log EXACTLY what I eat.

    If you're not using a scale, you CAN'T log exactly what you are eating. Two different cups of flour can have 50 cals difference between the two - or more.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    All you MFP bullies.......I'm just shaking my head. Quit giving such good advice!! It's upsetting people.

    I resent being called a bully.

    I'm a meanie, thank you very much!

    My bad!! You don't have to be rude about it though....
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
  • Erinelda
    Erinelda Posts: 96
    I didn't see anyone here as being rude. One person seemed annoyed that she knocked people who eat french fries while she eats 6tbs of frosting and well that WAS pretty ridiculous lol. On my first thread someone accused me of saying I got fat on 1200 calories when I was saying that 1200 was adding up to quickly for me and it was panicking me.
    And he added that I was made up of so much fat I should probably eat less than 1200 lol.. Now that was rude.

    Edit: grammar