is my diet good enough?

Hi guys well I will tell my whole story from start

I was a Hugh fat dude about 6months ago in august...

I decided that I have to change and eventually lost 17kgs in 4months roughly...assuming my current BF that time I was 42%

And now I am 98.5kgs, yesterday I did my body composition test and the result were 35%bf
Fat free mass - 64.8kg
Water - 47.5kg
SMM - 36.7kg
Body fat - 35kg
Protein - 12.8kg
Mineral 4.51kg
Bmi - 31.5
Body fat - 35.1
WHR - 1.02
BMR - 1770 (considering my height and weight it is waaay low maybe due to the past 4weeks where I havnt attended gym due to personal issue although now I have continued)

They said that I have to lose 23.6kg of fat to be like in 10% bf

My problem is I don't get it...I lost 18kgs but only 7% BF whereas I should have lost almost 10-15%

Am doing diet

Which consist of

Chicken Masala or egg nasals or fish curry (homemade)
120-150gm of wheat roti (homemade)

In afternoon and night both times same
And occasionally I eat digestive biscuit of ragi or oats about 100cals....

This is my latest diet oatern...should I keep following it?

And what should I focus on?? Losing weight and then fat or strength training?

I want to be around 80-85kgs and 10% bf....pls help...


  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I've had a look at your food Diary I would change a few things personally

    * eat breakfast
    *eat way more veggies and fruit
    * drink more water

    *cut back on processed food
    *cut back on bread ideas

    do some more exercise,walk in your lunch time or after school or work, if you cant find the time, you can do little things like park the car farther away, take the stair, get off the bus one stop earlier, start out small even if you choose to do 10mins 5 times a week. when you go to the bathroom take the long way there and back

    I hope this helps
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    I don't eat processed food or breads

    I eat food at noon. should I also eat breakfast?as my life is sedentary
    I drink water enough too

    Goota start veggies
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well to start with you eat less than I do which is an issue. I am a woman and are a young 18 year old more food.

    To hit your goals you need to eat more protien and start lifting now.

    The reason you haven't lost what you feel you should have in BF% is because you are losing muscle mass...

    weigh your food, do resistence training and get at least 1800 calories a day net and at least 130g of protien a day.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Well to start with you eat less than I do which is an issue. I am a woman and are a young 18 year old more food.

    To hit your goals you need to eat more protien and start lifting now.

    The reason you haven't lost what you feel you should have in BF% is because you are losing muscle mass...

    weigh your food, do resistence training and get at least 1800 calories a day net and at least 130g of protien a day.

    ^^THIS..Stef knows her stuff..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I've had a look at your food Diary I would change a few things personally

    * eat breakfast
    *eat way more veggies and fruit
    * drink more water

    *cut back on processed food
    *cut back on bread ideas

    do some more exercise,walk in your lunch time or after school or work, if you cant find the time, you can do little things like park the car farther away, take the stair, get off the bus one stop earlier, start out small even if you choose to do 10mins 5 times a week. when you go to the bathroom take the long way there and back

    I hope this helps

    why cut back on bread? If OP eats in a deficit he will keep losing..and he is already losing AND eating bread ….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - what is your work out program like? As you drop more body fat, your body is going to fight harder to keep if on ….I have gotten down to 12% body fat and am trying to get to 10% which has been a major pain…..
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    It's impossible to tell if specific foods are good for the individual person.

    Drive protein as high as you can.
    Slightly lower carbs.
    Eat essential fats.
    Lift weights.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Well my BMR is 1770...wich is low...

    i go on by 1300-1500 diet

    though i m considering to go for 1800cal diet and do strenght i dont think that losin weight is more important than losing fat..

    though i dont want that hulky bulky muscular body...

    wat shud i do?? shud i stick to my current diet or go for tht?

    and yes i do lift weights and strength traing thrice a week..

    Monday - Legs
    Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - Cardio & Cross Training
    Wednesday - Upper Body
    Friday - Full Body

    This is my gym schedule..

    i want a lean not so bulky body... but with 10% BF..

    i know it is hard..but not impossible...pls tell me :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    BMR 1700 is actually pretty high.
    Multiply that by 1.6 and you will get mathematically close to TDEE (no taking into account sleep, hormonal profile, vitamin D, blood magnesium levels etc etc....)

    IMO you'd probably be well off to start at 2000 a day.
    Ad 20-50 cals per day till you maintain weight then slowly gain.
    Dial back carbs, increase protein.

    Just to give you a good idea of how vastly different caloric intakes can be.
    I'm 5'6" 140lbs and I maintain my current weight at 2600calories.
    Jfrankic is 168lbs and maintains at 2900calories.
    TheDean1td1 is 530lbs and maintains at 3600calories.

    dial in your personal numbers by starting at a moderate deficit from calculated TDEE and slowly work your way up.
    Train 3-4x a week with weights.
    When you start gaining scale weight, measure fat and composition and adjust from that point.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    I dont want to increase my weight..i want to decrease it...and even want to decrease my BF....
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I understand that, but if you want to lose and keep fat off you'll need a way to increase metabolic rate.
    In order to increase metabolic rate you'll need to make changes to your body so that it burns more calories at the end of the day.

    Okay so i'll say it like this:
    I have women who are older than you, stronger than you, started out worse off than you, eat more than you, lift only 2-4x a week, and lose fat. Little to zero cardio too.

    Once you break free from the idea that scale weight is a marker for health, you'll continue to think that calories matter.

    AND you're 18 meaning you have the most abundant anabolic hormones.

    You could shred out pretty quick if you weren't scared of eating the proper macronutrients and putting a little elbow grease on the barbells.
    Hell, even bodyweight exercises would do!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I understand that, but if you want to lose and keep fat off you'll need a way to increase metabolic rate.
    In order to increase metabolic rate you'll need to make changes to your body so that it burns more calories at the end of the day.

    Okay so i'll say it like this:
    I have women who are older than you, stronger than you, started out worse off than you, eat more than you, lift only 2-4x a week, and lose fat. Little to zero cardio too.

    Once you break free from the idea that scale weight is a marker for health, you'll continue to think that calories matter.

    AND you're 18 meaning you have the most abundant anabolic hormones.

    You could shred out pretty quick if you weren't scared of eating the proper macronutrients and putting a little elbow grease on the barbells.
    Hell, even bodyweight exercises would do!

    this guy knows his stuff. if i was you i'd take his advice on board!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Well my BMR is 1770...wich is low...

    i go on by 1300-1500 diet

    though i m considering to go for 1800cal diet and do strenght i dont think that losin weight is more important than losing fat..

    though i dont want that hulky bulky muscular body...

    wat shud i do?? shud i stick to my current diet or go for tht?

    and yes i do lift weights and strength traing thrice a week..

    Monday - Legs
    Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - Cardio & Cross Training
    Wednesday - Upper Body
    Friday - Full Body

    This is my gym schedule..

    i want a lean not so bulky body... but with 10% BF..

    i know it is hard..but not impossible...pls tell me :)

    listen to Dan and I would suggest an alternate lifting schedule..

    Monday - chest/arms
    tuesday - cardio
    wens - legs
    thurs - cardio/whatever
    friday - back/shoulders
    sat/sunday - whatever you want...
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Well the thing is that i am in Golds Gym -'s_Gym

    They make my schedule for gyming as per my body composition, i dont think they will leme alter

    but still

    its like almost same as ndj1979 recommed

    @DAN well i do know that weight is nothin but just a number

    but am more afraid of gettin hugh chest and lookin hugh, this todd-duffee-never-back-down-2-1.jpg from never back down...

    So i thought it wud b great to lose weight and then going for that...wt say?

    and plus i dont understand how much should i eat cal, carbs, protiens & fats..
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    And What would be my TDEE??

    Monday - Legs
    Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - Cardio & Cross Training
    Wednesday - Upper Body
    Friday - Full Body

    That is my schedule and my BMR is 1770
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do you know what BMR means? It is Basal Metabolic Rate.

    This is the amount of calories they would feed you if you were in a coma, just for operation of your brain, heart, lungs, breathing, and other organ functions to keep you alive.

    Once you get out of bed, you are burning more than that. All together, what you burn just living and everything else you do in a day is TDEE.

    Eat above BMR but below TDEE to lose weight.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    thats y m askin wat is my TDEE
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Well the thing is that i am in Golds Gym -'s_Gym

    They make my schedule for gyming as per my body composition, i dont think they will leme alter

    but still

    its like almost same as ndj1979 recommed

    @DAN well i do know that weight is nothin but just a number

    but am more afraid of gettin hugh chest and lookin hugh, this todd-duffee-never-back-down-2-1.jpg from never back down...

    So i thought it wud b great to lose weight and then going for that...wt say?

    and plus i dont understand how much should i eat cal, carbs, protiens & fats..

    This guy in the picture got that way by training in very specific rep ranges.
    Your goal is called myofibrilar hypertrophy.
    The program setup by njd1979 is perfect for you with this programming:

    Week 1

    (Lighter lifting)
    Rest 1.5-3 mins between sets

    Monday - chest/arms 5x5 (bench press or DB pullovers, chin ups)
    tuesday - cardio HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    wens - legs 5x5 (Squats only day) you can add bodyweight squats as a finisher. shoot for 100 reps.
    thurs - cardio/whatever HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    friday - back/shoulders 5x5 (Deadlift, Overhead press or barbell jammer press)
    sat/sunday - whatever you want... Rest day!

    Week 2

    (Heavier weight)
    Rest 3-5 mins per set

    Monday - chest/arms 5x3
    tuesday - cardio HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    wens - legs 5x3 (Squats only day) you can add bodyweight squats as a finisher. shoot for 100 reps.
    thurs - cardio/whatever HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    friday - back/shoulders 5x3 (Deadlift, Overhead press or barbell jammer press)
    sat/sunday - whatever you want... Rest day!

    Week 3

    (Max weight)
    Rest 7 mins per set

    Monday - chest/arms 3x1
    tuesday - cardio HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    wens - legs 3x1 (Squats only day) you can add bodyweight squats as a finisher. shoot for 100 reps.
    thurs - cardio/whatever HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    friday - back/shoulders 3x1 (Deadlift, Overhead press or barbell jammer press)
    sat/sunday - whatever you want... Rest day!

    Week 4

    (Deload at 30-50% max 1RM)
    Rest 30seconds-60seconds per set and have a trashcan ready incase you puke!

    Monday - chest/arms 10x10
    tuesday - cardio HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    wens - legs 10x10 (Squats only day) you can add bodyweight squats as a finisher. shoot for 100 reps.
    thurs - cardio/whatever HIIT 10 mins: 30sec sprints with 90sec cool downs.
    friday - back/shoulders 10x10 (Deadlift, Overhead press or barbell jammer press)
    sat/sunday - whatever you want... Rest day!

    Week 5 is week 1.

    With this type of programming you'll be working the central nervous system to give higher strength output.
    You aren't going for reps!
    You're going for strength!
    As the weeks progress, you add weight so you can just squeak out the last rep without sacrificing form.
    If you have bad form, you'll pay for it at some point with an injury or worn out joints.
    Week 4 is the deload week and you'll work on lactic acid threshold, speed, sticking point, etc...
    You can see where having a good trainer would come in handy?
    Even if they simply teach you the moves with perfect form so you can do the program on your own?

    At your age you should be able to get the unneeded fat off and build some dense muscle!
    Think Bruce Lee and not the guy you posted.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Here is my weekly workout sheet....wat say?? @Dan
