Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

Needs to be something that I will want to keep doing - I get un-motivated quickly if things are too difficult.


  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Weight loss comes through calorie deficit. E.g.: 1. eat less, 2. do more to increase the calorie deficit (cardio), or 3. both. For what it's worth, I lost the first 30 lbs. without exercising, at all. I just practiced portion control.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Why no cardio? What do you mean by that.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    What types of things do you like to do? You say no cardio, but does that include walking, swimming, hiking? Do you want to do weight training? You can start with some body weight exercises and move up from there. There are tons of different options to try, just test out different stuff until you find something you like. Do you want to workout at home or go to a gym?
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    I hate walking (inside or inside), jogging, elypticals, etc - it's sooo boring and I can't stick with it. I like to hike but can only do that when it's warm (not right now). No swimming near me.

    I have a gym membership which I never use. I know circuit training is great since it's high intensity (better than cardio I heard).

    But not sure routine or exercises I should be doing. Don't want to wander around gym trying things out and looking like a dummy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

    Needs to be something that I will want to keep doing - I get un-motivated quickly if things are too difficult.

    well give up now.

    since you already admit you don't want to do anything "to" hard.

    ... because guess what'- it's hard. There will be more days than not that it's easier to NOT do the thing. If it was easy- we would all look like the fitness models off the Shape and Men's Health Magazines- but that's just no the way it works.

    Successful people are the ones who are not motivated by emotions but the ones that keep doing it day in and day out despite the fact they are no longer having fun. I'ts not about "FUN" i'ts about doing the task- the end goal is more important than doing the more "FUN" thing right here right now.

    So either decide you are going to have to be uncomfortable- and be okay with it... or just don't bother since you aren't committed enough to be uncomfortable to change.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I hate walking (inside or inside), jogging, elypticals, etc - it's sooo boring and I can't stick with it. I like to hike but can only do that when it's warm (not right now). No swimming near me.

    I have a gym membership which I never use. I know circuit training is great since it's high intensity (better than cardio I heard).

    But not sure routine or exercises I should be doing. Don't want to wander around gym trying things out and looking like a dummy.

    Use your gym membership. Maybe hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to get you going on a routine.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    I hate walking (inside or inside), jogging, elypticals, etc - it's sooo boring and I can't stick with it. I like to hike but can only do that when it's warm (not right now). No swimming near me.

    I have a gym membership which I never use. I know circuit training is great since it's high intensity (better than cardio I heard).

    But not sure routine or exercises I should be doing. Don't want to wander around gym trying things out and looking like a dummy.

    Your not always going to like the workout you are doing, your not always going to want to do them. I used to hate running!!! Now I have been running for 3 years. Yes in general I love running now, however I have my days/weeks/ even a month or so that I cant stand running but guess what? I suck it up and just do it. Your not gonna have a workout that you always want to do but you suck it up and just do it! Just saying....
  • mnxl
    mnxl Posts: 48 Member
    portion control is a good start to weight loss.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

    Needs to be something that I will want to keep doing - I get un-motivated quickly if things are too difficult.

    well give up now.

    since you already admit you don't want to do anything "to" hard.

    ... because guess what'- it's hard. There will be more days than not that it's easier to NOT do the thing. If it was easy- we would all look like the fitness models off the Shape and Men's Health Magazines- but that's just no the way it works.

    Successful people are the ones who are not motivated by emotions but the ones that keep doing it day in and day out despite the fact they are no longer having fun. I'ts not about "FUN" i'ts about doing the task- the end goal is more important than doing the more "FUN" thing right here right now.

    So either decide you are going to have to be uncomfortable- and be okay with it... or just don't bother since you aren't committed enough to be uncomfortable to change.

    ^^Lol! Yes, it's harsh, but it's true.

    OP, you're in a place where even little changes can produce lasting results. Start with something you can do without/cut back on (food-wise) and something you can add in (exercise-wise, recreationally). When you've mastered that and quit seeing results from it, move on to the next addition/subtraction...and keep building on that.
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.
  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member
    In all honestly, with that approach, things are always going to be difficult. Even after years and years of doing it. Being challenging is what makes it worthwhile. If you aren’t tested you are never going to get anywhere. It is what you make it, if you say it boring it's because you are making it that way. Grab a companion, listen to some music, incorporate weights.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    Weight loss happens slowly, if it's going to be sustainable.
    Eat at a deficit.

    If you want to exercise but don't like hamster-wheel cardio, lift weights. Just lift weights. Do it every other day if you're doing full-body lifting, do it every day with an upper/lower body split if you prefer. Lift, and lose.
  • Meg5880
    Meg5880 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, dont worry about cardio until you are ready, build your energy up and want to do it. I love yoga..they have some awesome DVDs on eBay..might want to look at power yoga. It will take some time to build your strength and breath up but I LOVE yoga..if I had the time I would yoga 3 hours a day :tongue:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you don't start slow, you're asking for burnout or injury. If you want a gym workout, look up Starting Strength or Strong Lifts or New Rules of Lifting. If you want a machine circuit, look at, the have tons of different workouts. Bodyweight is a great place to start, too.
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    do you have a dog? take it for a walk,,dont have one,borrow one from a friend or neighbor or maybe the local shelter will let you walk this point ANYTHING to get you moving will help,and USUALLY a persons attitude gets better with exercise so maybe you will learn that you actually DO LIKE CARDIO! I LOVE cardio! I actually have to force myself to do lifting,not that I dont like it,I just like cardio a lot more.
  • michael300891
    Basically you don't want to 'work'. Fair enough least your honest with yourself.

    Just change what you perceive as work. You wont mind doing cardio if your not realising your doing it.

    Get into a fun sport, maybe tennis with some friends, perhaps go for a walk with your family.

    Also change your lifestyle, take the stairs instead of escalator, get off a stop early on the bus etc.

    Not gonna turn you into a lean mean fighting machine but the more exercise your doing the better.

    The exercise your doing without realising throughout the day is equally (arguable more) important to that of planned exercise times (the one your trying to avoid).
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    If you get really bored doing strictly cardio by walking, elliptical etc. why not try watching a show while you are moving? It may keep your mind focused enough to get in a 30min program.

    As someone suggested hiring a personal trainer to give you an introduction on the equipment would be a great idea.

    Does your gym have any classes? If so, look into those.

    There are ton of videos online and programs you can follow.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I feel you. Cardio sucks.

    You could do HIIT. It hurts, and it sucks, and you don't want to do it, but it's over in ten minutes and is extremely efficient at burning calories.

    If your deficit isn't too high (losing at a rate of 1lb/week or less) you should really try strength training or weight lifting in one of its many forms. It doesn't burn tons of calories all at once like cardio does, but it burns more afterwards. And it's way more fun. You go up in weights and feel stronger, which in turn makes you more confident in your body, which is an attitude that does wonders for weight loss :)

    Good luck finding an exercise that will work for you!
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    umm i guess you can lift weights quickly?
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Yeah, if you don't want cardio, then you're gonna have to go to the gym and lift weights. Or try the Shovelglove workout: