Who plans their day out?



  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    Alright, alright, alright I have never been much of a planner when it comes to food but this is really interesting. I'm out of town 3 days next week so I think I may plan a couple of things I like for dinners next week when I am in town and log them in advance. Then go from there. Hmmm, maybe there should be a meal planning challenge.

    Planning ALS sounds like a better way for me to try new recipes.
    Thanks for the insights.
  • xoxMelissa
    I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?

    I'm a university student - so I'm strapped for cash and time!
    What I do is set my alarm ten minutes before I need to get up & use the time to put into MFP what I intend on eating through the day ... as the day goes along I change when necessary.
    I do find setting aside 30 minutes on a Sunday evening to check what food I've got in, write a shopping list, and roughly plan the weeks meals really helps!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I log my food the night before... I've tried doing it a week ahead of time but it's just not for me. I do like to do it the night before because I want to get as close to hitting my macros as I can and that takes planning.
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    I log my food the night before... I've tried doing it a week ahead of time but it's just not for me. I do like to do it the night before because I want to get as close to hitting my macros as I can and that takes planning.

    This. I make changes during the day often but I also adjust other things with those changes to stay close to the planned macros.
    If I end up really off for whatever reason, I stick more closely to plan the next couple of days and it evens out.

    Also, planning is especially useful the more pressed for cash and time you are (my case) because you can get maximum bang for your buck and having snacks with you, or at least knowing what snacks to buy, lessens the chance of accidental overeating. Also, this way I've never been left hungry and without options.

    Another thing I did was scout out the campus neighborhood to find out the best options - restaurants and their menus, the isles of drugstores and supermarkets... I know exactly where to go and what things I can get in emergency. That is also a kind of planning.
  • elkhunter7x6
    elkhunter7x6 Posts: 88 Member
    I am such a novice at dieting that I have to plan my day out ahead of time.
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If I think I'm going to be eating out or indulging in some way, I try to plan out the rest of the day to minimize the impact. And sometimes I'll plug in various combinations to see what they add up to. I don't always stick to what I list in the morning, but I do go back and correct it if I eat something different.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    the other benefit to me when I plan it out (or even just log it before I eat it) is that I know I can eat all of what I have with out any second thoughts. It is very freeing for me to not have to think twice if I can have another piece or another bite. Less stress.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I do although not as much as I should. I find it helps me stay on track better and I feel less hungry. I also have been making meals a day or 2 ahead so they are ready or if I am running around I have something healthy and prelogged to grab. I also have stared packing a minit cooler for my car full of waters some fruit and nuts.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    FITNESS - To maintain accountability and consistency, I planned my workout schedule for the month.

    FOOD - There isn't a huge need for me to plan out breakfast or lunch because I normally rotate the same meals (e.g., eggs or cereal and salads or leftovers). Even dinners don't fluctuate much unless I am cooking a specific recipe. I wonder if the lack of planning, is the reason why I tend to fall off the wagon so frequently. I think planning would probably help in consistency and reduced the last-minute take-out meal decision.

    I chose to log fitness and food daily (as they occur).